Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1557: Killed or disabled

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Ashamed, flashed across their faces, but there was a hint of confusion and helplessness. They didn't feel that there was anything wrong with them, but Feng Xingying also made sense.

Feng Xingying nodded: "Very well, you don't kill the enemy, but let the enemy deal with me and all of you? Then tell me, what do I want you to do? What qualifications do you have to protect me?"

The more dangerous times, the more problems that often erupt.

Feng Xingying originally only brought the newcomers to be brave, insightful, and shock the enemy by the way. She was so crowded to scare her enemies. She didn't intend to really use the young people of Shenhuangyu as the main force.

Today, the situation is completely different. According to estimates, at least ten factions want to fight their ideas, especially after one has been caught alive, the secret of Shenhuang Realm is really impossible to keep.

Feng Xingying's face was not good-looking at this time, and Yun Yuntian was really disgusting, but the fierce selfishness of the various factions in the Yunxi continent reminded Feng Xingying that she was working with wolves instead of raising domestic cats.

No wonder the ancestor Ye Lingxin chose to close Shenhuang Realm even if he knew it was not well closed.

Fortunately, young people are very malleable. They heard Feng Xingying's words and knew how to reflect. They may be kind-hearted and simple, unwilling to really kill the enemy, even at the cost of their lives.

But if this price is replaced by the life of the maiden Feng Xingying, then they cannot bear it! The deep-rooted thought of the Divine Phoenix Realm-the maiden is above all else.

For this reason, in order to seal Xingying, they also know what to do and how to overcome the layer of defense at the bottom of their hearts.

"If there are more enemies, I will personally direct them. If anyone can't do it, don't come out with me later. I'll seal Xingying, no coward!"

While talking, Feng Xingying felt a dangerous breath again.

"Very good. In the face of the enemy, no matter who he is, we must kill them, kill them, and dare not be dared to be stabbed by us! Do you dare?"

"Dare!" Hong Liang's voice sounded all around.

The ten teams that were already ready to operate at the same time, temporarily three hidden but did not send out, and finally became seven teams, each three hundred or five hundred elites, and attacked Fengxing at the same time in different directions.

"Yellow team, dirt!"

"Left, frozen!"


Feng Xingying's voice was clear and orderly.

"Ready to fire!"


The sky and sea of ​​fire broke out without warning at the gate of Kowloon City from the team brought by Feng Xingying.

Two thousand fire department spirit masters use the fire department big move at the same time, among them there are dozens of **** phoenix one department nirvana fire.

Such a mighty power is really terrible. The six teams that originally had a hard time fighting with them but refused to retreat totaled more than 2,000 people. All of them were burned to ashes, and no one was spared!

And one of the teams fled away and ran out of the city.

"Tianluodi net array!" The cold voice came, Qin Molin arrived.

Qin Molin has the most experience in dealing with people on the mainland of Yunxi. In his Tongtian Pavilion and Xiuling Academy, there are two elite regiments who only listen to his orders.

At this time, it comes in handy.

The team of three hundred people lost half of them at the cost of escape from Feng Xingying, but they couldn't escape Qin Molin's Tianluodi net array.

Qin Molin simply tied the person to a rope and threw it to Feng Xingying.

Feng Xingying looked up and looked at Qin Molin with a smile, with an apology in his eyes.

Qin Molin nodded, and the communication between the two was silent.

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