Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1558: Not afraid of any provocation

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"Whoever does it, I don't need to check it, and I'm too lazy to check it, it will be counted on your Yunxi continent.

Since there are so many people who want to rob and take advantage of the fire, it seems that our **** Phoenix Island is too kind and should not train any strong men for you.

I announce that starting today, the cooperation between Shenhuang Island and Yunxi Continent has ended.

As for whether you want to listen to Yun Yuntian's coming to look for Shenhuang Island, our million spirits of Shenhuang Island are not afraid of any provocation! "Her voice was calm, but it could spread throughout Kowloon City and beyond.

Although Feng Xingying's choice will make Qin Molin difficult to do, she must do so.

Because it is not one or two schools that want to play the idea of ​​Shenhuangdao, but most people.

But after Millionaire said, Feng Xingying suddenly felt a little ridiculous.

Yes, there are millions of spirits in Shenhuang Realm. This is Feng Xingying's greatest heritage. What else is terrible?

What's more, in the dimension space of Shenhuang Island, in addition to the channel of communication with the outside world, only the awakening person of the Shenhuang tribe can open the door to enter, that is, only her Fengxing Ying and Ye Nian can.

And as goddesses of Shenhuang Island, they can not only open the passage, but also close the passage.

Feng Xingying returned this time. As long as the channel is closed, no matter what Yuntian or others, he can no longer find Shenhuang Island.

It's just that she and Qin Molin are probably separated for a while.

The mainland is troubled, and Qin Molin cannot follow her.

"Feng Lingzun, aren't you doing this absolutely?" Someone in the crowd suddenly said, Qiu Yujian, the head of Lingjian Gate, who has recently risen.

Feng Xingying smiled and looked at Qiu Yujian: "I feel that I am very kind. If I really do it, then it is time to destroy your gate of the Spirit Sword. Why is that assassin who uses the sword array just now, Qiu's head is Don't plan to admit it?

Or did Qiu's head think that in my time formation of Feng Xingying, after fattening your soul sword gate, you can start to do something ingratitude to me? "

Since someone is shameless, Feng Xingying doesn't mind tearing his face.

"Seal the head, you need evidence to do things. Don't mess around." Qiu Yujian's head was a little panicked, and their Lingshan Sword faction lost a group of experts. Now if they are attacked by Feng Xingying, they can't stand it.

Furthermore, as a small martial art that has risen in the past decade or so, it is an opportunity given by Shenhuang Realm, allowing the Lingshan sword faction to rise from the third-rate martial arts to the first-class martial arts. Because the sword intention of the Lingshan Sword School is the most time-consuming to settle.

This is not to say that the practice method of the Lingshan Sword School is not good, but it is too wasteful of time. Therefore, the Lingshan Sword School has always been difficult to recruit, cultivate, and master.

The day-to-year experience in Feng Xingying ’s space allows the disciples of the Lingshan Sword School to have enough time to practice sword and aura at the same time. The method of using the aura to control the sword has finally been realized and proved that this method is more powerful than simply using aura .

Therefore, the Lingshan Sword School has gained a lot of fame and promotion in recent years. Feng Xingying also knows the characteristics of the Lingshan Sword School, specially supports this school, and secretly increases their places.

After all, if this cultivation method can be popularized, it will be good for the entire Yunxi continent.

Who would have thought that the human heart has always been insatiable, and then heard that Shenhuangyu has a year-round pure land, the Lingshan Sword School has become greedy and wants to occupy that territory.

This kind of thing, the Lingshan sword school thought that secretly doing, Feng Xingying could not do nothing without evidence.

The Piansheng Lingshan Sword School has special skills. At first glance, you can see that this kind of shyness cannot be covered, in the final analysis, it is just trying to test the bottom line of Feng Xingying.

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