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"..." She was not my daughter. Feng Xingying wanted to cry without tears.

"Cheat, she looks like you, why isn't it your daughter?"

Feng Xingying was speechless. How could she ask the stupid bunny who thought she was clever to communicate with her bloodline and daughter?

The most helpless thing is, Ye Xiaonian looked at Feng Xingying with foggy eyes, and asked with a throaty voice:

"Master, is it true? I haven't met my mother. I have heard everything."

"With such a big cheap daughter, I don't want nothing for nothing." Feng Xingying reluctantly had to comfort Ye Xiaonian:

"But if I take you away, your father will be sad.

Your father loves your mother very much. He also misses your mother because he misses your mother too much. You didn't see that this time he asked you first. "

Ye Xiaonian bowed her head in silence.

Feng Xingying was also bad enough this time. After coming to the cursed land, knowing that Wen Gongzi was here, he locked Ye Xiaonian in the space of Li Jian.

At that time, Wen Gongzi didn't see Ye Xiaonian, only saw the other members of the Huayu team, and was immediately anxious. He couldn't help asking Ye Xiaonian's whereabouts, and exposed his nervousness to Ye Xiaonian.

Unfortunately, after Ye Xiaonian came out, her father hid from her again.

This father and daughter is estimated to take a long time to reconcile.

"Sesame is stupid!" Hoe also followed to make fun.

After the steamed bun became smaller, it was still very cute and could not occupy the position in Feng Xingying's arms. He simply asked Ye Xiaonian a question:

"Little girl, what do you stare at me for? Do you think I look very beautiful, like me, and want to hug me and feed me?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Ye Xiaonian nodded again and again.

"Forget it, Ben Meow is soft-hearted, and hugs you when you hug." Then he scratched his head and relied on Ye Xiaonian.

Feng Xingying couldn't bear to tear through this rotten shameless beast, it must be Ye Xiaonian who said that it was beautiful, and poked at the good point of this product.

Feng Xingying was desperate to discover that her three spirit beasts, in addition to the watermelons that worked hard and resentment, were the other two are unreliable food!

"Got, please help me sense the breath of Qin Molin." Feng Xingying pleaded for the bun.

"No, he is the foe of my old master. I don't like him."

"This way, Qin Molin also promised me to meet me next time and make me grilled fish and fish soup, as if there is a sweet and sour fish and peanut fish."

"Stop!" The drooling spit was almost coming out, and he tried to sniff the surrounding air with his nose:

"Can't I help you? You remember to tell him I'm a hero and let him make me how delicious."

"And me, and me." Sesame followed quickly.

"Don't forget me." Even the watermelon turned back, and the two raised eyes on the watermelon's rounded head were weird.

Feng Xingying secretly assisted, and raised several food-eating beasts, and her master seemed to be responsible.

Ye Xiaonian was still a child, and was spoiled by several beasts. Hugging a **** and sneaking watermelons, he did not forget to secretly feed the two black fruit to the little black rabbit.

They also like Ye Xiaonian very much. She is the spiritual power of the light attribute, which is more attractive, not to mention her breath is similar to Feng Xingying.

With a **** again, he pointed the way. Although the passage was as numerous as the maze, Feng Xingying did not go wrong.

Feng Xingying marched all the way, and finally reached the end of the road.

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