Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1934: Underground ancient city 1

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

At the end of the road is a cliff.

Below the cliff is a magnificent ancient city.

Watermelon fell off the cliff with Feng Xingying and Ye Xiaonian. For the people there, it seemed more like falling from the sky.

Only after this landing, Feng Xingying felt that he had gone abroad.

The people in this ancient city look very different from the people outside. They are huge, dark-skinned, ugly, human-shaped but do not want to be human, and even some guys, but also the bodies of lions and tigers.


Feng Xingying has long heard of the Yunxi continent in ancient times, before the rule of the Protoss, and even the territory of the orcs.

Because the entire continent was ruled by the orcs at that time, the orcs had absolute dominance, and the powerful orc leaders found that human blood was very special, and children born with humans had stronger talents and command.

At the time, humans were relatively weak, and a large number of humans were captured by the orcs, giving birth to children, and giving birth to a large number of half-orcs.

The half-orcs are divided into two extremes. One is the ultimate garbage. In the cruel orc territory, it quickly becomes the food of others.

Another half-orc became a fine product. Their most powerful feature is that they can not only inherit the power of the blood of the orcs, but also control the various magical skills that humans can play.

Afterwards, the orcs became more powerful, defeated the leaders of the traditional orcs, and became the new masters of this continent.

I do n’t know that it was a history of tens of thousands of years ago. As long as it was a half-orc, walking in the street was a nobleman. The Yunxi continent at that time was a half-orc continent.

Unfortunately, a group of protoss who did not know where they came from, with their powerful divine power, quickly occupied the entire Yunxi continent.

Those protoss can tolerate humans as their servants, and can tolerate the orcs as their tools, but they alone think that the half-orcs are a dirty existence, leading the humans, and constantly destroy the half-orcs.

Pure humans are also ashamed of the half-orcs. After being supported by the protoss, they have **** revenge and snow shame, and they can't wait to kill the half-orcs.

For this reason, the history of the half-orcs in the Yunxi continent has ended.

After that, the orcs disappeared forever on this continent.

Some people say that each race will have its own way of survival, and will do everything to save the last hope of the race.

Since the Orcs were once glorious and possessed wisdom comparable to that of humans, they must have their secret lairs.

It's a pity that the powerful Protoss kept searching and found no base for the Orcs, only when they were really completely extinct.

Feng Xingying remembered this history, and suddenly there was a kind of enlightenment. She found the base of the half-orc by accident.

This ancient city is made of special metal. All the orcs are wearing shiny armor and holding weapons. Their lives seem no worse than humans.

Seeing the sudden appearance of two humans and several spirit beasts, the camp of the half-orcs was a mess.

"She, mine." One of the tall half-orcs, half-humans and half-lions, pointed at Feng Xingying, and then reached out to catch Feng Xingying.

Under his grasp, not only was he very powerful, but he also had strong spiritual fluctuations.

Lingzun! peak!

No, it seems to have broken the Spirit.

Feng Xingying didn't dare to bump into people, and shook her hand. She and Ye Xiaonian and three spirit beasts returned to the space of Lijiang Sword.

No matter how strong you are, will your sister not play with you?

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