Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1984: Black Lotus Pond 4

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

It is a pity that Ye Jingning's Jianguang still failed to hurt the old man with a thousand spiders, but just made this already unstable lake bottom even more messy.

The old man Qian Qian walked out of the darkness, dressed in strange animal skin, with a strange totem on his face, and a huge black crystal cup in his hand.

"Queen, not a few days, do you remember me?"

"Big shaman! I should have guessed you for a long time." Feng Xingying squinted his eyes and stared at the person in front of him.

She thought about the hidden identities of countless thousands of old spiders, but he didn't expect that he could reach the orcs with his hands and eyes, and became their supreme big shaman!

There are leftover civilizations in the hands of the half-orcs. Some things are incomprehensible to the humans in the Yunxi continent. However, Feng Xingying understands them as they pass through the crowd.

The glorious civilization of the half-orcs was more advanced than the era before Feng Xingying. Not only did they reach the supremacy of being more powerful than the prestige, they also held in their hands terrible spaceships, advanced civilizations, and various classics.

Feng Xingying spent a few days in the orc tribe. It took a lot of time just to read the classics, so that her medical skills also gained some new insights.

These things, if they were obtained and digested by the old man of the thousand spiders, would be even more terrible things.

Red Moon!

It is basically a large-area toxin created by the old man Qianqian, which is transmitted through moonlight.

And the old man holding a thousand spiders is the holy grail of the orc tribe.

"Queen, you have enjoyed the yellow holy grail, and you should know the magic of the holy grail. The yellow holy grail represents memory and hope.

And the black holy grail in my hand represents destruction and despair.

I am very happy to let the queen see the power to destroy the Holy Grail. "The old man Qian Qian showed a crazy look on his face.

"So what?" Feng Xingying gave him a mocking look: "If you want to fight, you will have no time to grind with you! Everyone listens to my command of God, array!"

Feng Xingying's consciousness instantly turned into more than two hundred gossamer, which was directed to everyone by the esoteric gossamer. Without opening her mouth, she could inform her teammates what to do.

"I've heard Feng Xingying is good at arrays, but the world doesn't know that I am better at breaking arrays."

阚 Secret? Isn't it Yun Yuntian?

Feng Xingying felt a little weird, but he didn't have time to ask. The most important thing now is the Holy Grail of Array War.

There was a strange smell in the old man of the thousand spiders. The black holy grail became bigger and bigger, and it turned out to be a huge net, blocking them all.

Even though each of them has a golden shield of God's light blessed by Feng Xingying, under the shroud of the black holy grail, they are all in a dark mist that may be demonized at any time.

Black holy grail, representing destruction and despair!

The essence of the half-orc civilization is really powerful.

In the presence of Qian Qian, there are so many elites that they gradually lose the power of parry. With the passage of time, her teammates will soon be demonized and become the enemy's puppet. This is the most terrible place of the Black Grail.

"Do you believe me, kill Wan Bi now!"

"It's not a chess piece as you please. The chess piece is used for sacrifice. Oh, by the way, my Holy Grail tells me that it wants to pollute your space. There will be a new continent where he lives."

Feng Xingyingqi's teeth were itchy, but she really couldn't bear to make her space polluted. If that was the case, she had no last hope.

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