Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"Master, it's too dark here, my light and spirit are getting weaker and weaker." Ye Xiaonian's voice was full of sorrow, she was the first one who couldn't stand it!

"Xiao Nian, don't give up." Feng Xingying just wanted to save Ye Xiaonian, and suddenly found that the black gas could not cover Ye Xiaonian at all.

Born in darkness and light in heart.

Ye Xiaonian has lived in a cursed land since she was a child, and has never been affected by the various dark breaths of the cursed land. This is the power of her bloodline!

"Xiao Nian, do you believe me?" Feng Xingying suddenly transmitted a message to Ye Xiaonian.

"I believe, as long as the master asked me to do it, even if it was sacrificing my life, I would be willing."

"Okay, now you close your eyes, take a drop of blood, and follow me through this spell."

Divine Awakening Curse!

Feng Xingying must take a gamble now, if at this time, the blood of the **** of light awakens, he can break through this darkness!

Feng Xingying is all about Ye Xiaonian's beliefs. She will not doubt or ask why, but just follow the spell that Feng Xingying teaches her and start turning her mind.

And in their clan, some people can not stand the influence of the Holy Grail and start to demonize.

"Kill!" Ye Jingning ordered coldly and resolved the students around him.

That student, a student of their Star Academy, looked at him from a naive boy, rejoicing to find that his qualifications were outstanding, and then he continued to improve in the college.

Unfortunately, he couldn't resist the magic of the Holy Grail, Ye Jingning could only kill him by himself.

The blood of the companion was abnormally hot, and it was a new source of pollution.

If Ye Jingning reacted quickly and kicked people out quickly after the killing, it is estimated that many people would suffer.

If it weren't for the golden light shield left by Feng Xingying, a large number of people would be infected.

If you die, there will be a second, a third ...

Looking at the companions, the atmosphere of the entire team changed, and the sadness filled the entire space.

"Little fan, we said that we must die together, sorry." Ji Miao Miao is also a protoss, and she will not be eroded by the Holy Grail.

An Rushan also used his blood shield of God. Unfortunately, his shield only has effect on physical damage. It is useless to this poison of erosion.

"Miao Miao, what are you doing?" For the first time, Le Tian was so fierce against Ji Miao Miao:

"Before the fan went crazy, he only said three words," Kill me ". If you replaced you, would you like to become a demon, or would you die clean?"


"Don't talk nonsense. Since we have taken on this task, we should know that there is danger to life. Miaomiao, I have liked you for a long time, so if I am demonized, you must kill me by hand, so that I can feel at ease.

"You, bastard!" Ji Miaomiao couldn't help crying.

After all, Ji Miaomiao has a fragile character, and she has hope, and her mood will be different.

And the others, almost didn't cry, they are just like Le Tian, ​​explain to the friends around them-kill me!

Ye Xiaoxi looked at Ye Jingning with a smile: "Dean, I also worship you for a long time, don't get me wrong, I just worship you, I don't love you. If I am demonized, please kill me."

Ye Jingning was not exempt, he focused on Feng Xingying: "Master, from the day I worshiped you as a teacher, I have imagined that everyone will face death. I can think of the happiest way of death is to die for the master Or died under the master's sword. "

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