Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2042: Borrow a spaceship

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Feng Xingying also found the problem, Huang Duola took a sip of Ye Jingning, and frantic about the name.

"you like him?"

"Ah? No, no! I am an orc, we orcs cannot marry humans and orcs, so I don't like humans."

"Oh." Feng Xingying didn't poke, but glanced at Huang Dora with a profound look.

When he arrived at the palace, Huang Doula gave Feng Xingying a standard knight ceremony: "Queen, my father and several uncles and uncles are waiting to worship you in the palace."

"Okay." Feng Xingying nodded, strode forward, and walked into the palace.

The king's palace, the leaders of the half-orc race are waiting for this star shadow.


The neat salute surprised Feng Xingying. These guys only listened to Qin Molin? Now that Qin Molin is dead, they are still willing to salute her?

"The queen is the heroine of our orc race." It was Huang Shi who solved the puzzle for Feng Xingying. The orc worshipped the hero. Feng Xingying's determination to fight the final battle also infected them.

"Can I still do something for you?"

"Will serve you, my queen."

"I want to go to the spirit world. I heard that you have a spaceship." Feng Xingying went straight into the subject.

Several leaders of the orcs were hesitant.

"Queen, you know that the spaceship is the last refuge for our orc family. If human beings don't allow us, we can only return to the spaceship."

"Can't go back." Feng Xingying shook his head: "Have seen the blue sea and blue sky, your descendants can no longer live a life that is not as good as a mouse. Otherwise, when the demons dominate, why don't you hide back, but Choose to fight? "

Feng Xingying said, they also understand that their descendants can no longer go back. Unless it is time for life or death, they are unwilling to go back.

Besides, the refuge provided by Feng Xingying to their descendants was better than their spacecraft.

Feng Xingying watched them move, and threw a blockbuster: "As far as I know, your orc tribe controls the population all year round in order to survive.

Now there is Mid-level Island, and there is the Forest of Warcraft in front of you. Will you let your people control the birth?

If you wait a few hundred years, your orc population will be at least three times what it is now. Who are you going to sacrifice when you go back? "

"..." They thought about it.

"Lend me the spaceship, and I can promise to take a hundred and a half orcs." Feng Xingying looked at Master Huang:

"Your daughter is in love with a human man. Yunxi mainland will never tolerate such things. But the spirit world can."

"Okay! We'll lend it to you. You'll want your disciples and cronies to work hard to maintain a balance between humans and orcs."

"This is something that no one else can help. I'll teach you." Feng Xingying brushed and wrote a line of words:

"It is forbidden for orcs or orcs to combine with humans."

"Humans care about pure blood. If you violate this bottom line, you will certainly be intolerable by the world."

"We remember." After Huang Shi and others saluted Feng Xingying, they set out to organize their counterparts.

Feng Xingying's trip to the spirit world this time is also an opportunity for the orc tribe to develop in many ways. I heard that the ancestors of the Orc tribe had built more than a dozen spaceships, and some of them went to the spiritual realm.

It is rumored that the orc hero Aguqi is still a hegemon in the spirit world, but I don't know why the aguchi hegemon seems to have forgotten these people in the Yunxi continent.

Feng Xingying is a person who pays attention to efficiency. Once he decides, he will set off in seven days.

As for the accompanying people, it is not a concern for Feng Xingying to have time to prepare.

Feng Xingying only cared. After seven days, the spacecraft set off and went to the spirit world.

Yunxi Continent, for her, is no longer half nostalgic.

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