Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2043: To the spirit world

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

The world is vast, the spirit is infinite, and a sea of ​​stars composed of countless small planets has become the spirit world.

The spirit world is divided into ten parties, and each party is under the jurisdiction of a hegemon. Each side of the world also has countless small planet planes.

The Yunxi continent is just an inconspicuous one of these little planets.

When the spacecraft carried them out of the dungeon cage and into the vast spiritual realm, they only knew how big the outside world was.


With a loud noise, the spacecraft finally stopped in a huge square.

Before Feng Xingying and others came back, they saw a group of soldiers with lightsabers. They rushed over and said nothing, and unloaded their outer shell.

"Welcome to the 3715 Army of Luofutian. Let's keep up with what you are doing. You are new people. Before you awaken the power of the stars, you must work at the Army Farm." The dwarfed man sternly ordered, apparently treating these people as his servants.

"Why?" Feng Xingying raised an eyebrow.

The fat executive shook his head: "Ah, it seems that you have to order Mawei for you. Those who come up below have a common problem, they just don't know the current affairs. Let's do it."

Wherever I go, I have great strength.

Only by fighting can we solve all problems.

And this one-sided battle is indeed, as the fat supervisor said, a dismissal.

Almost everyone of these soldiers will use Star Force, and they will be assisted by powerful Star Force weapons.

Feng Xingying's spiritual power was simply unbeatable in front of the Star Weapon.

The overwhelming battle really took only three minutes, and each of them had extra handcuffs on them to block their spiritual power, making them no different from ordinary people.

The fat director came here with a smile:

"Introduce yourself, my name is Liu Fat, and I will be your boss in the future. You can call me a fat brother. If you do n’t understand anything, just ask me.

I'm sorry about what happened just now. There is really no way. Every time a small planet comes to the spirit world, we have to repeat it. The fat brother is not targeting you and dare not really offend you.

I am just like you, and I am an ordinary person who does not awaken the star power. You will surely have at least one tenth of the people in the future who can awaken the star power and become a glorious warrior. Much stronger.

I'm locked for you, and for your good. If you want to mingle in the spirit world, you must awaken Xingli. If you want to awaken Xingli, we must first get rid of the ill treatment of spiritual power on you.

OK, go with me to the farm first and talk as you walk. "

Therefore, they are just being caught as coolies!

Feng Xingying, An Rushan, Ye Jingning, Zhuo Ziyan, and Ye Xiaonian are all stars, but apart from Feng Xingying, others are not very good at it.

Feng Xingying did not choose to be exposed, and several of them followed the pace of Feng Xingying.

In a new place, it is Feng Xingying's habit to learn to keep a low profile and observe the environment before getting enough information to make a decision. This habit, she also told her three apprentices,

Since everyone can farm, she can also try.

Fortunately, Liu Fat didn't really lie to them. Although they would be required to farm, they could be treated in various ways.

In the words of Liu Fat, "If you, a person who is not capable, would be eaten immediately if you were not accepted by the Legion. Especially the young girls and girls who look so beautiful and are robbed are deserved. . "

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