Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2150: With peach blossom

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Feng Xingying left wisely after eating. Everyone is not familiar with it, so there is no need to say too much.

When Feng Xingying left, Luo Lie asked the others: "What do you think of Ye Gongzi?"

Everyone shook his head subconsciously.

They are all focusing on observing this Ye Yingzi, but they only have one feeling-see through!

It is said that the gap between the three-star fighters and the five-star and six-star fighters is quite wide. If the general three-star fighters are in front of them, I am afraid they are scared.

But Ye Yezi, just seeing through it, has neither Weinuo nor bravado or pride, which is a very natural state.

He frowned when the barbecue was not tasty, and made tea himself when he wanted to drink tea, as if everything was casual.

It is this kind of randomness, but it is even more invisible.

"His origin, I am afraid it is not that simple. Fortunately, he should not have joined Lingshu Medical Island." Luo Chang, a woman in red who had mentioned Lingshu Medical Island, summed up, and frowned, adding:

"It's this leaf-lady who has a peach blossom and looks too frivolous."

Luo Lie shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Sister doesn't need to pay too much attention, but everyone who has some skills has his own temper. I think Ye Gongzi is very good, smart and principled, and is a friend worth making.

Seeing people's hearts for a long time, wait for the subsequent tasks to see his performance. "

"Your vision has always been good, and I'll watch it in the future." Luo Chang nodded, his character was quite steady.

On the other side, Feng Xingying and others also discussed in their big tent.

In particular, Ye Xiaonian, tearfully blaming Feng Xingying: "Master, brother, do you really want to marry me? I want one that depends on you and Jingning brother."

"Stupid girl, can't you see if he's kidding me?" Ye Jingning reluctantly explained for Feng Xingying, knocking on the head of silly teacher everyday by the way.

At first hearing Feng Xingying was joking, Ye Xiaonian finally felt more comfortable.

Feng Xingying also said: "As a person, I have always advocated freedom of love. I will control your practice and character. I will never control who you fall in love with.

Of course, except for scum, if you find a scum like Luo Yue, I will destroy him the first time. "

"Brother, I know." Ye Xiaonian vomited her tongue and was shocked by Feng Xingying's domineering. She almost said that she was a disciple.

"Ye Jingning, if you try harder, she is a mantra." Feng Xingying was reluctant to punish Ye Xiaonian, so he could only find Ye Jingning responsible.

"Okay." Ye Jingning nodded, pulling Ye Xiaonian aside and starting to learn.

Regarding other matters, Feng Xingying didn't want to inquire more, but just expressed a position:

"Since the group is organized, we must abide by the rules of the camp. We ca n’t shrink back when we should, and never rush when we shouldn't.

In addition, Ye Jingning's medical technique should not be exposed. Our two doctors are almost the same. It is easy to be suspicious, and your surname is Ye. "

Feng Xingying now has a little regret. Why did n’t women call Qin Ying when they were dressed as men, why they called Ye Ying, and their team has so many surnames Ye, which is naturally associated with Lingshu Medical Island, even if she denies others Ken believes it.

However, I also thank Ye Ying for her name, so she knew the existence of Lingshu Medical Island. Master, no matter where she went, she was alive and well.

Feng Xingying can't wait to find a master now at Lingshu Medical Island. Considering that Lingshu Medical Island is not open on weekdays, it seems that he can only wait for four months.

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