Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

The camp led by Luo Lie are all pragmatic guys.

After a night of trimming, the next morning, under the leadership of Luo Chang, he searched for the training goal.

Feng Xingying thought that this team should be led by Luo Lie, and later learned that the real leader was Luo Lie's sister, Luo Chang.

Not that Luo Chang has a higher status, but her ability-investigation!

Luo Chang's investigative ability is far beyond ordinary people. I don't know whether it depends on hearing, sight or smell. In short, he can feel the existence of Warcraft or the enemy far away.

Luo Chang led the team and quickly found the goal:

"A group of one-star magic ants in front of them, about one hundred, everyone lined up and went together."

When the war really started, it was Luo Lie's command again. Wherever each team stood, Luo Lie had long been in the woods, and the arrangement was very casual.

Feng Xingying listened roughly to Luolie's arrangement, and couldn't help nodding.

This time, the level of the magic ants is too low, and those elite groups will not participate. They will only support them in the rear. If there is an emergency, they will come up to help.

This time is mainly to give one-to-three star warriors the training opportunity. Strong teams will be arranged in the middle and weaker teams will be arranged on both sides.

Feng Xingying and their team, only Feng Xingying has a Samsung, Ye Jingning they are only two stars, and there is a hindered Ye Xiaonian one star. Be regarded as the middle and lower level, and the newly joined team is arranged behind the right side.

Feng Xingying glanced at the back. Their team was particularly close to the elite group led by Luo Chang. In other words, if they encountered danger, Luo Chang would rescue at any time.

Don't forget Feng Xingying and Ye Xiaonian, but the doctors Luo Lie spent a thousand stars to buy, where can they be in danger so early.

Feng Xingying has a few in his heart, but instead of telling his teammates, he reminds him coldly:

"Now that the training opportunity is coming, everyone will release the Star Armor. Don't keep your hands and try your best to fight. Don't save the idea of ​​hiding strength. The camp will fight together. The strength will know sooner or later."

"Um." Ye Jingning nodded.

Luo Chang was also silently observing Feng Xingying. She found that although Ye Jingning and Zhuo Ziyu were the captain and deputy captains in the team, the person with the biggest voice was the peach-eyed leafy man.

Feng Xingying felt that Luo Chang was looking at her, and also gave Luo Chang a playful wink.

Luo Chang's face immediately cooled down and whispered two words:


Feng Xingying blinked and blinked again.

She actually did it on purpose!

Because she knew that Luo Chang had the pride of a royal lady, she certainly didn't like being molested. He teases Luo Chang so much because she is accurate. If she plays Luo Shang, Luo Chang will take revenge on him, Ye Ying.

Today, the only chance that Luo Chang can retaliate against her is to deliberately delay the rescue time to make her suffer.

But Luo Chang is a very principled and proportionate person, and will not really watch them die.

Feng Xingying wanted this result. If they were rescued before the adventure, their training purpose could not be achieved at all, and their potential could not be reached.

"You're very lucky, a queen queen is coming over." Before she started the confrontation, Luo Chang suddenly sneered and reminded loudly.

Everyone is struggling, I heard that the queen is a small BOSS, and generally has the strength of Samsung, or even higher.

And the queen queen is full of treasures. Even if everyone kills them together, they can sell a lot of star stones. One person can divide at least one or two.

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