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Feng Xingying shrugged helplessly. In order to survive, does she care about any sign technique? After being dismantled, she could not return to Ji Jue.

These are the issues to be considered in the future. As long as she is alive now, to survive from the hands of five stronger spiritual masters than her is victory.

At this time, Feng Yuexian woke up, but found that the man she relied on was talking with Feng Xingying in great detail.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo From now, an old brother Li." Feng Yuexian lied in her ruthless arms, crying with tears: "She bullied me."

The original Yuexian crying with pear rain is also very beautiful, but she is now burned, her skin is uneven, and she is wearing a bald head. Where is the slightest image? It would be a bit scary to have pear blossoms in this way.

Li relentlessly and unconsciously stepped back two steps, but then Feng Yuexian would lean on her.

Li is ruthless and helpless, but suddenly took out a storage bag and handed it to Feng Xingying: "Here is a thousand spirit crystals, please ask the doctor to help Neizi."

"One thousand Lingjing?" Feng Xingying laughed out loud: "Ten thousand, one point less."

"The girl is going up too fast, right?" Li's heartless expression turned black.

"When I was a thousand spirits, I was Ye Xing, and I had no injustice with her. Now I am Feng Xingying, and she always wants to kill me. Why should I treat her?

Give you a thousand spirits, will you see the enemy? Feng Xingying whitened him at a glance.

"Don't say it so nicely, I didn't hurt you so much, Brother Li, you killed her for me. As long as she dies, I don't want her to heal."

"Shut up!" Li relentlessly glanced at Feng Yuexian: "I shouldn't have taken you out of Ali."

Under harsh pressure, Feng Yuexian obediently shut up.

Feng Xingying glanced at them with a playful glance, and was basically sure that Li would not do anything to her.

"Well, ten thousand is ten thousand!" Li ruthlessly gritted his teeth: "Be sure to keep my son."

"No problem." Feng Xingying reached out to take over the Lingjing relentlessly handed over.

Can she still live with money?

Feng Yuexian was afraid that Feng Xingying would break her pregnancy time, and she did not dare to let Feng Xingying diagnose and treat her.

Who knew that Feng Xingying threw out three silver needles easily and rudely.

Feng Yuexian, who was crying, noisy and awkward, was quietly like a puppet doll in Feng Xingying's hands.

Well, the whole world is much cleaner.

Li relentlessly does not act is acquiescence.

Feng Xingying was also not arrogant, and it was fair to collect money for the treatment of others, which was fair. People who she hated collected more, but it did not affect her level of treatment.

Feng Yuexian also felt that a turbulent aura in her body was gradually resolved in Feng Xingying's silver needles, and her stomach was calmed down, at least she no longer felt chest tightness, shortness of breath, and irritability. Get a good night's sleep.

She did fall asleep beside Li mercilessly.

Li mercilessly asked again: "When should the inner child conceive according to the judgment of the divine doctor?"

Feng Xingying reached out again.

Li relentlessly blank.

"One thousand spirits." Feng Xingying responded coldly.

"Okay." Li mercilessly took another storage bag and put it in Feng Xingying's hand.

Who knew Feng Xingying took the storage bag, and took the opportunity to flip his wrist, and put his fingers on his ruthless arm, and couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Li's ruthless face was ugly.

"Mrs. Zun's pregnancy time, I have already said, so I won't repeat it twice. As to whether you believe it or not, what's the matter with me?" Feng Xingying stunned the storage bag in his hand.

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