Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Li's ruthless complexion was even more ugly: "But I didn't know her then."

"What do you do with me?" Feng Xingying laughed out loud. "You didn't have a baby."

"..." Li has been ruthless for a long time and hasn't met a woman who dares to be so arrogant against him.

"It just took you a thousand spirits. I'm sorry, by the way, I made an identification for you. You should still be a virgin." Feng Xingying shrugged.

Virgin ...

Fortunately, there are only Feng Yuexian, Feng Xingying, and Li ruthless in the sleepy past, otherwise Li ruthless face does not know where to put it!

"Are you sure? Can this really be diagnosed?" Li mercilessly a little unbelieving.

"If you don't believe it, the best way to verify it is to find experienced women in the green house, and they will give you the answer." Feng Xingying should not continue to discuss with him what virginity is.

Li stared ruthlessly at Feng Yuexian, with a dark face.

"Another way is to wait for the child to be born, and you can test the blood. It's such a simple matter, why ask me?

You talk slowly, I'll go first and say goodbye. Feng Xingying waved his hand.

She didn't want to stay with Li mercilessly for a moment.

Li ruthless, this person is moody. Before, she was still useful to him. Now God knows if he will suddenly kill her.

"Not allowed to go!" Li relentlessly shot suddenly, and a fire spirit wrapped around Feng Xingying, trapping her.

"What do you mean?" There was a hint of coldness in Feng Xingying's eyes.

"I believe you." Li nodded ruthlessly.


"marry me."

"Sick?" This was Feng Xingying's most insincere proposal, because Li was ruthless to her, and he had no affection for men and women: "Are you stupid or am I stupid?"

"It's because of fate." Li's ruthless complexion was even more gloomy. "I'm afraid you don't know the situation here. This is the legacy left by the crazy couple Heisha and Hehuan at that time.

So I want to inherit, unless it is a couple. "

"You have Fengyuexian. Come on, good luck." Feng Xingying said he was leaving.

Li understood ruthlessly, but she didn't want to.

"Don't go!" Li's heart was so ruthless that he pinched around Feng Yuexian's neck.

Feng Yuexian woke up with pain, staring ruthlessly.

"Brother Li?" Feng Yuexian was afraid, and the coldness in Li's relentless pupil made her fear: "Brother Li, I have your child in my stomach."

"When do you want to lie to me?" Li's heartless expression grew colder.

"Don't listen to Feng Xingying's nonsense. When I was in Dali, although I was in contact with Nangong Chu, I was not pregnant. Feng Xingying intentionally hurt me because of jealousy. Don't believe her." Already.

"She didn't say anything." Li's relentless expression was even colder, and Feng Yuexian's panic had explained everything.

In fact, how is his own body, why doesn't he know?

It's just that illusion.

It's time to wake up.

Li ruthlessly pinched Feng Yuexian's neck, his face was cold like the king of **** in hell:

"Whether the child in your stomach is mine or not, I don't plan to ask for it anymore. I have lost interest in you. The person I want to marry is her."

Feng Yuexian looked at Feng Xingying, her eyes filled with hatred, but she had no energy to hate.

Her body got colder and choked a little.

A little bit experiencing the terrible feeling of death.

The man who once spoiled her and gave her all the glory is now replacing the **** of death and sending her out of this world.

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