Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 875: Admission Test 4: Shuttle Trip

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Tao Xingzhou was afraid that Feng Xingying would speak again and quickly set the details:

"The gate of the demon realm is on Hankong Island. If your journey is smooth, you can enter the nearest school after you have broken through the gate of the demon realm. Let ’s prepare for two days.

Two days later, I will take you to Hankong Island.

At that time, my brother Jin Feng and senior Jiu Jianzong will accompany you to go through the training and give you some common sense guidance. But if one of you asks for help, even if the drill fails. "

"I'm okay watching it by the side?" Feng Xingying said impassively.

"Of course." Tao Xingzhou was obviously a careful person. He had expected Feng Xingying to have this response and prepared a reply for her: "But once you take the shot, you can lose."

"Got it."

Feng Xingying was too lazy to talk to him, but he silently uttered in his heart: it was unreasonable! If you don't make sense, I will play secretly!

Half a day later, everyone in the Star Shadow Legion again found Tao Xingzhou:

"We are ready, and if we can, we hope to go now."

At this speed, Feng Xingying was satisfied.

They knew that Feng Xingying would do what he said, and since they said they would take them away from Tianyu, they would definitely do it. Not a spiritual college, it could be something else.

They can't refuse Feng Xingying's intentions, but they can only do their best and not hinder Feng Xingying.

So when Feng Xingying stabilized his state two days ago, they had already done the preparations and said goodbye to their families.

No need to prepare now.

Tao Xingzhou took out a small boat with a slap, and was motivated by spiritual power. The boat became bigger and bigger, and finally became a large boat that could hold hundreds of people.

"Let's get on board. On board, I can also tell you about Han Kong Island."

After everyone got on board, the spacecraft automatically opened a layer of translucent cover to close all the space. It's more like an airplane.

Such a big artifact, these people, including Feng Xingying, first met!

"This is called a shuttle. It comes in different sizes and needs to consume the Lingjing flight. From the Refiner Sect, it can travel hundreds of thousands of miles a day. Even if it is far from Hankong Island, it only takes a few hours.

But you just have to look at it. Don't think about this shuttle. Like Doulingtai, this kind of thing is a big family who eats Lingjing. Only strong martial arts can raise it.

Even our spiritual colleges are mostly small shuttles. There are only four such large ones. "

The crowd watched the sea of ​​clouds flow from under the shuttle like a tide, and the red sun hanging from the sky became clearer. The hearts really had the feeling that things were different and people started a new life.

The shuttle speed is extremely fast, but the people inside just feel a little excited, as long as they can run through the spirit to overcome it.

However, there are always one or two wonders that are not adapted.

For example, spirit beast.

Sesame is not accustomed to such high speeds, and is about to faint. The little guy lies on Feng Xingying's chest, dragging Feng Xingying's arm alive and unwilling.

What most frustrated Feng Xingying was that the shuttle was flying too fast and her space could only be kept closed, not even throwing sesame into the space.

Watermelon is much better than it. Under the influence of Feng Xingying's advanced spirit king, watermelon has been left in the space of Wuhuang sword and has not come out.

At this point, save ugly.

The spirit beasts of other people are basically included in the space of spirit beasts, and this is the only one.

Since Feng Xingying's advanced spirit king, Sesame refused to leave her for a moment, for fear that Feng Xingying would not fulfill her promise and forgot to contract it.

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