Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 876: Admission Test 5: Hankong Island

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Tao Xingzhou had kindly reminded him when he was on the shuttle, but Sesame just refused to listen, and he refused to let go of Fengxing.

Alright now, faint.

The symptom of sesame is worse than severe motion sickness. It has been fainted, and even vomiting is saved.

They all fainted like this. Sesame didn't forget to clasp Feng Xingying's arm tightly, for fear that Feng Xingying would faint and not want it.

Feng Xingying uses psychic power to help sesame clear the veins, but the effect is very small.

Along the way, I heard sesame keep talking nonsense.

"I am the bloodline of the beast. As long as I eat and sleep well, I can successfully transform. When I transform, I want to marry my master."

"But it takes me tens of thousands of years to transform myself. Will the master become an old woman? It's all right, don't be afraid of the master. I don't think you're old."

"Well, that wicked Qin, I will leave the master to you for safekeeping. I will take it back later."

"The owner is mine."

"After I am transformed, I must be more handsome than Qin Molin. Master, wait for me."

"Don't be afraid of the master. Whoever bullies you, tell me, I scold him."


The nonsense nature of sesame has instead become a flavoring agent for everyone flying all the way.

After all, there is this cold face of Qin Molin, and everyone wants to chat casually, and there are some scruples.

In order to prevent Feng Xingying from being embarrassed, Tao Xingzhou talked about the Hankong Island thoughtfully first.

Hankong Island was originally not an island, but a battlefield between the Yunxi continent and the demons.

At that time, the demons were strong, and the only remaining protoss on the Yunxi continent were afraid that the demons would capture the Yunxi continent, and they forcibly separated this battlefield from the mainland with a powerful divine power. They set a prohibition to prevent the demons from entering the cloud. The hinterland of Xi mainland affects ordinary people.

After ten years of fierce fighting on Hankong Island, it was the worst year in the history of the entire Yunxi continent.

At that time, the most powerful protoss sacrificed almost all in this decade, but finally won the battle.

Ten years later, several powers of the blood of the Protoss sacrificed all of their own divine power, purifying the entire Hankong Island, and narrowing the entrance of the Demon to the gate of the Demon Realm.

After that, although the blood of the Protoss was dying, the Demon could not break through the prohibition of the gate of the Demon Realm.

The simplest analogy is that the gates of the Demon Realm reduced the battlefield of the Demon Clan, allowing them to send up to a hundred people at a time.

On the human side, they can stay at the door with ease and come out to kill one. Even if the strength is not good, they can always win by quantity.

After that, the gate of the demon world became the first fortress of Yunxi continent. The spiritual college is also designed to guard the portal.

The power of the Spiritual Academy is growing, and the crisis of the Demon Gate is getting smaller and smaller, but there are often some daily commotions, which are insignificant compared to the war of the year.

The gate of the demon world has also become the daily experience of the students above the spirit king of the spiritual college.

Although Hankong Island is an island, the area of ​​this island is no less than that of a medium-sized country.

The battle traces of that year have long disappeared on Hankong Island. Now there is no country on the island. The Spiritual Academy is the master of Hankong Island. Other services and facilities on Hankong Island are also available. Faculty and students mainly.

There are restrictions on enrollment in Xiu Ling College and restrictions on entry, but Hankong Island does not.

"Even if you can't join our spiritual college, you can still live in Hankong Island for training tasks, so you will still be with Fengshimei." Tao Xingzhou introduced the situation of Hankong Island, said.

"No, we will succeed."

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