Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 877: Admissions Test 6

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Viewed from a high altitude, Hankong Island is like a big gourd lying on the sea.

Hukou's evil spirit spread, don't think about it, there must be the legendary gate of the demon world.

Shuttle didn't stop at Xiuling Academy and sent people directly to the gate of the demon world.

Feng Xingying got off the shuttle, and he could feel the abundant spiritual power in the air. He almost poured it into his body, and felt very comfortable.

The speed of cultivation here is estimated to be no worse than taking edible pills every day.

The first thing Tao Xingzhou did was to send everyone a pingping jade.

"The concentration of spiritual power is too high here. When practicing, you must not be greedy for power and feel indigestible. Immediately use Pingling Yupei to isolate the body from the spiritual power of the outside world." Tao Xingzhou reminded with a serious face.

"No matter how strong the spiritual power is, we are not empty spirits after all. We have to adjust according to our own conditions, remember to keep in mind, otherwise it may become a wasteful person at any time."

Ethereal constitution ...

Everyone's eyes fell on Feng Xingying.

Feng Xingying is an ethereal body! After being smashed by Yu Wenxi the last time, she has been sent to Secret Secret, which has become a secret that everyone knows.

"Feng Shimei's physique is very suitable for cultivation on the island. The teacher has prepared an excellent cultivation sacred place for you. Why don't I find someone to bring my sister in the past?" Tao Xingzhou didn't even send Yu Ping to Feng Xingying.

Feng Xingying shook his head: "Thank you, no need."

This world is deeper than a routine.

If Feng Xingying cannot resist the temptation to accept the cultivation place arranged by the dean, it is tantamount to joining the Xiuling Academy by default! Never run away again.

She hasn't figured it out yet. Although Xiao Jiu and others have promised to go to the gates of the demon world, this test is too cruel, and Feng Xingying does not guarantee that they will play to the end.

If not, she plans to take her own person to another school. How can it be quilted?

"I have broken through the second-order spirit king. My master said that the biggest problem in my practice is that it is too fast. I always scold me for making me slow. I still don't waste your college resources."

"It's up to you, but this time, Mr. Qin should not go together."

"Why ?!" Sesame had just regained his spirits, and when he heard this sentence, he counted the matter of Halo Shuttle on Tao Xingzhou:

"You guys are bad and bad, you must be afraid that Leng Wang is too powerful, then you will not be able to bully my master.

Hum, the demon gate you said is so terrible that you can't let the thugs go? "

Sesame's character has never been covered, Tao Xingzhou reluctantly explained:

"It's not that I won't let him go, but for the tranquility of the Demon Gate.

Qin Molin successfully killed the first young master of the demons and became a figure on the demons blacklist when the elites of the demons and demons met two years ago.

As long as Mr. Qin reaches the sensing range of the gate of the Demon Realm, it will surely attract the crazy impact of the demons.

It happened once last year. "

"What then?" Someone asked.

Qin Molin shrugged helplessly: "Killed up."


Very good Qin Molin!

However, it is really impossible to bring Qin Molin as a big killer this time. If he goes on to trigger a wave of elite wars, how will they experience this army?

"Wait for me." Feng Xingying pinched Qin Molin's somewhat impetuous palm.

Qin Molin looked at her and nodded solemnly.

I missed her and left.

But Qin Molin knew that Feng Xingying didn't like being a bird in a cage, and he didn't like being imprisoned and distrustful.

Then let her fly.

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