Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1211: Tonight you stay here

Susu, they haven't responded yet. I rushed forward in three steps and two steps, and opened the door.

The father-in-law was standing outside the door, and probably didn't expect that I would move so loudly, taking a step back in fright, almost falling down the back steps, and I hurriedly reached out and grabbed him: "Father-in-law!"

He froze to stand still, reaching out and covering his chest: "Scared me!"

I'm also sorry in my heart. If the father-in-law of Yu Jade pulls the ground, if I am scared and fall down, I'm afraid the old arm and the old leg can't be saved.

He looked back at me before he looked at me, crying and laughing: "Girl, this is the life of a slave!"

"Sorry," I said again and again, grabbing his arm and looking up and down: "Is father-in-law all right? Are you not stomping?"

The father-in-law looked at me eagerly and couldn't help laughing: "It's all right."

Then I let down my heart and looked at him again: "Father-in-law, wonderful words about her-"

He laughed: "Girl, this is the news that has been waiting for Her Royal Highness, wait until now?"

I nodded hurriedly and asked, "Father, is the princess back?"

"is back."

"where is it?"

As I asked, I looked behind him. There were no other people except the two eunuchs who followed him. Even Pei Yuanzhang's figure was not seen. The father-in-law saw me in a hurry and said with a smile: "Girls don't want Anxious. The emperor took her Royal Highness back to the palace directly, knowing that the girl must be anxious, so he sent an old slave to invite the girl. "

"Back to the palace? His palace?"


"Where did you go?"

"This, the specific old slave did not know, but the emperor ordered it so."


The father-in-law said: "If the girl wants to see His Royal Highness, please hurry up with the slave."


From the bottom of my heart, I still hesitate.

Pei Yuanzhang's palace cannot be said to be a good place. In my current capacity, I definitely should not go to that place-but now, there is no room for me to argue this matter, and after all, today is a coquettish acceptance In the days of enchantment, of course, I had to see her quickly, knowing if she was cured, and it was only good to see her without any problems, so I nodded: "Okay."

As soon as I agreed, Su Su hurriedly put on a heavy coat for me. Wu Zheng was still hesitant and asked if he would serve with someone in the back. The father-in-law Yu said with a smile: Are you afraid that no one will serve? "

Wu Yan had nothing to say.

I followed the Jade Father out of Jingren Palace. I didn't know whether Chang Qing had seen it on the way, but I looked far away, and there seemed to be candlelight swaying in her room. As soon as I left the palace door, the wind and snow kept blowing, and I felt like a stabbing pain on my face, but I didn't care, and hurried to Pei Yuanzhang's palace.

This road is not strange to me.

In the past, when I was a talented person, I didn't take this route a lot. Even if I didn't become a talented person later, which way up and down in this palace can be unfamiliar?

However, although it is also the evening, although I went to the same place, now I am on this road, but my mood is completely different from the past.

Soon after, he was outside the gate of his palace.

The inside was brightly lit, and the whole hall emited orange-red, warm light in the snow. I do n’t know why it felt this way, but when I walked up the stairs and touched the cold door frame, the whole People are shaking.

Shuaiyan, is Shuya's disease okay?

Maybe that's the case. I feel timid when I feel close to home. I reach out and touch the door frame. The truth is only one door away from me. I'm at a loss.

Fingertips stiffened where they touched the door.

Just then, with a squeak, the door was opened from the inside.

Pei Yuanzhang stood at the door, two hands spread out the door frames on both sides, and looked at me calmly.

"You came."

I also looked at him, seemingly sloppy: "Wonderful words ..."

"You come in."

As he spoke, he took a step back, and I took a step forward.

His dormitory is very large, and because the devices inside are relatively large, plus two thick pillars standing on both sides of the center of the house, it is like walking into an empty world when I walk in. When he was a talent, he had been sleeping in his dormitory several times, and every time he couldn't fall asleep late at night. When he opened his eyes and looked at the high roof, he felt such a real, curtain-like feeling Gushing like a tide.

After so many years, stepping in again made me feel a little intimidated.

He immediately felt something and turned to look at me.

I hurriedly asked, "What about the wonderful words?"

The voice couldn't help lowering involuntarily, he glanced at me again before pointing at it.

I hurried over.

Hearing behind him, he seemed to explain something low, and then the door was closed.

At this time I had no energy to pay attention to other people, other things, and hurriedly went in. His wide bed was located deep in the palace, and the middle layer of curtains and bead curtains made people feel like It ’s possible to be in the moon palace in a dream. It is also possible that these things are not set up for such beautiful and mysterious ideas. It is because he is an emperor that his palace cannot be too monotonous.

Opening the layers of curtains and bead curtains, I finally saw the small figure of Miaoyan lying on his bed, a soft quilt covering her body, and she fell asleep peacefully.

I held my breath, let go of my hands and feet step by step to the bed and looked at her.

It's almost the same as when I left.

Her face was still murky, her skin was as white as a peeled boiled egg, and only two beautiful blushes showed her health. She slept heavily, her mouth was slightly long, and she would spit out a little The two blisters burst with a snapping sound, and the mouth was humming with a small mouth.

I looked at her, and couldn't move my eyes. At this time, I heard light footsteps coming from behind me.

Pei Yuanzhang walked behind me.

I turned to look at him: "She--"

"She's like this after she's done the magic."

"Asleep? Or—fainted?"

"Asleep. I brought her all the way back without waking up."


My breathing became tighter, and my eyes blinked without looking at the atmosphere that was completely different from the two of us. I slept peacefully and said, "So, is everything going well?"

"It should be smooth."

"Should?" I looked back at him: "You don't know if it went well or not?"

"I didn't see it myself."


I hesitated for a moment, and before responding, he whispered again: "In these years, I haven't done anything to keep the star's life, and I haven't watched it myself."


I squinted at him and after a while I understood a little bit.

To put it simply, it is such a mystery that the person who casts it is not willing to let others see it; the other is that these techniques require a high degree of attention when they are performed, and they are very afraid of being disturbed. Maybe A trivial mistake is enough to cause irreparable regret.

My cold sweats all came back: "So when you call your soul, you are not there."



"When he sent the wonderful words out, the wonderful words were already asleep, saying it was to come back and let her have a good rest."

"..." I was silent for a while and whispered, "What else did he say?"

The distance between the two of them was really close. I could feel that Pei Yuanzhang's breathing stopped at this time, and then it seemed as if nothing had happened. He said calmly, "Others, there is nothing. . "

"Not even succeeding, not saying."


Pei Yuanzhang's thin lips closed tighter.

I also know that it is difficult for me to ask the second sentence again.

In that sentence, he was probably unconscious, and he mentioned "he" by the way. This "he" has no other imagination. It must be the person who enchants the soul for wonderful words and deeds, that is,-

My eyes flashed with hazy eyes.

After searching for so long, I even tried to find the Chongyun Pavilion in the western suburbs, but I still couldn't see the one who protected the country.

I do n’t know where others are now, but I also feel very clear. Pei Yuanzhang did not allow me to meet him, so the previous actions were blocked. He even closed the capital to the western suburbs for a long time. The way, and now, I am in the palace, living under his control even more, and today, even with the wonderful words to perform the method of soul-hunting, was strongly blocked by him.

Why doesn't Pei Yuanzhang let me see him?

It's just because I found the Living Note in the Library of Jixian Hall. Did I see some of the above records for Emperor Gao?

What secret is there in this country protector?

Thinking of this, I had a moment of loss of mind, and at this moment, I felt a warmth on the back of my hand.

Looking down, it was Pei Yuanzhang's hand covering the back of the hand that I supported on the edge of the bed.

"It's so cold."

All of a sudden, I stood upright, withdrew my hands back as if I had been burned, and stared at him with wide eyes.

His hand replaced my hand, propped up in the place just now, it seemed to make him a bit stiff, no movement, turned around for a long time, looked at me like a bow-struck bird, said calmly: "Don't you afraid."


"I won't touch you."


"I just feel the cold in your body. If I fall asleep, I will freeze the wonderful words."

I frowned-"if you fall asleep", what does it mean?

He said, "You don't want to sleep next to the coquettish words. When she opens her eyes, will you see you first?"

I stood there holding my hand and froze.

"You mean--"

"Tonight, you stay here."

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