Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1212: Tonight, I'm not sorry for you

I do n’t know if it ’s because of the irritation that I ’ve burned my original reason. After hearing this sentence, I did n’t respond for a long time. I just held my hand in my chest and opened my eyes so stupid Watching him.

He also looked at me.

Outside, the wind is blowing and the snow is falling.

I did not know how long it took before I "ha" made a sound.

He still looked at me, but he was not neglected and perfunctory, but his eyes were very gentle, and the hand supporting the edge of the bed was slightly hard, and the whole person stood upright and looked at me calmly.

With that gentle gaze, I finally smiled.

"Is your emperor joking with the daughter?"

"You know He isn't."

"Since it's not a joke, how could your emperor say such funny things?"

"Because I'm serious," he said, and even took another step towards me: "I asked you to stay and sleep here tonight."

My face slowly sank, as if seeing a splendid landscape, and also seeing a beast that came slowly from far to near in the landscape, it would swallow me at any time, and my breathing was tight. Stretching up, he said, "What does Your Majesty think of your dragon couch?"

"Whatever it is, He allows you to come and go as you please."


My face sank a bit more.

But there was a hot sensation that spread from the back of the neck and crawled all the way to my face—on his dragon couch, allowing me to come and go freely, what is this?

what is this? !!

The shock just now, the anger now, seems to be a fire burning from the bottom of my heart, although I did not move, I rushed out in front of him fiercely, threw the heavy door, and it was already in me I have repeated it hundreds of times in my mind.

It's just—I heard the breath of calm words.

It ’s like extinguishing the karmic fire in my heart. Her breath fell together, and it even coincided with my heavy breathing. Little by little, it smoothed my anger and my inner turbulence, but my heart Can't stop the blaze of karma, burning the calmness brought by that breath bit by bit.

I seemed to be suffering from the pinch of ice and fire. It was unthinkable, and I finally sneered, "coming and going freely?"

When Pei Yuanzhang heard me say these four words, he stunned himself and said immediately, "Lightness!"

"Did the Emperor make a mistake?"


"The folk girl is not the maid of any house here ..."

His gaze flickered as I finished saying this, as if he had been shot with a needle, and his breathing was tight.

After a moment, he said hoarsely, "I know you are not."

I sneered.

The next moment, he said, "But someday-"

He didn't finish speaking, I couldn't listen anymore, turned around and walked to the bed next to him, reaching for the wonderful words of pulling a bed!


He yelled hurriedly behind me. Before my hand touched the words, I was held by the other hand that stretched out faster, and I took the opportunity to pull. The whole person was suddenly pulled down on his back. On the bed.

The next moment, he weighed heavily on me.

I was snorted and Venus flew into my eyes, but the next moment, I felt that his hot body temperature was stained on my body through layers of clothing, and opened my eyes wide, and saw the face close at hand. , And his breath, blowing on my face.

If it was just said that he touched his hand like it was burnt a bit, then I am no different from being in the sea of ​​fire.

My voice changed, and it was extremely hoarse when I exported: "You--"

A hand stretched out quickly and covered my mouth: "Shh!"

I widened my eyes, both hands desperately pushed him against his solid chest, and even kicked his feet with his feet, but he didn't feel like it was, and his heavy body was already pressing on me, and that hand was even more It was Yan Si's tightly covering my mouth that made me unable to make a sound.

His eyes were crooked, and just as close as I could see, my pale and startled face: "Speak quietly."


"The caster said, don't wake up the good words."


"Otherwise, you may have lost all your former achievements."

I believe you have ghosts!

If that's the case, you would have sent someone to surround your dormitory rigorously, and not even a snowflake would fall on the eaves. Would you let me come in and say this? !!

The anger and shame overwhelmed me for a moment, and I couldn't even think of being speechless at all, only struggling in his palms and struggling constantly.

I don't know why, my embarrassing look made him even happier. His face was already an undisguised smile, and even the corners of his eyes were bent, no matter how I struggled, I couldn't shake him for a minute, but I listened attentively to the whimper of my little animal, and the weak struggle.

I don't know how long I've been struggling like this, and I'm finally tired.

Lying there panting, tears came out, and his mouth was close to the back of his hand, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted. At this time he said gently, "No motion?"


"Then you listen to me."

He raised his body slightly, but did not leave my body completely. When his chin rested on the back of his hand, every breath was completely blown on my face without any omission. The temperature almost burns me. He slowly said, "You should know what He wants to do to you, you knew from the beginning-just, He doesn't do it now."


In my shudder, he looked into my eyes deeply: "Although, I want to."


"But you're right, you are not a concubine concubine, not any maid in this harem."


"So, tonight, I won't embarrass you."

I do n’t know if it ’s because of fear, or fear, or anger, or shame. My tears have been flowing in the eye sockets, slipping from the corners of the eyes with the trembling of the body, and his face is also little by little. The blurred vision became clear, and his eyes could be clearly seen, as dark as every time in the past, as if a pair of hands would stick out of it, grab me in, and be imprisoned forever.

No, it's just that he doesn't do it.

In my trembling, the hand covering my mouth slowly released.

He put his hands on the sides of my body, supported him, and looked down at me.

"Today, I want you to stay here, just to accompany the good words, because I know that you must also want to be with her tonight."


"You have to leave, and He never stops."

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