Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1213: A night in the palace

His words were quite polite. As his emperor, listeners should be grateful to Dade no matter who they are.

However, I heard another meaning from his words.

He won't allow me to take the wonderful words out of his dormitory tonight, to stay free, only myself.

I couldn't help but gritted his teeth and stared hard at him, but the distance between me and him was too close, so close to me, I could almost see my own shadow from his eyes, and it was still profitable The staring tearful eyes had no power at all.

I gritted my teeth and said, "What about your Majesty?"


"The daughter is here to accompany the wonderful words, where is your Majesty going?"

"I won't go anywhere," when he said this, the smile at the corner of his mouth could not hide, and slowly leaned down, ironing my body little by little, he said slowly: "Hey right here."

When he said the last sentence, he had covered my body again, his hot lips pressed against my ears, and said, "He is right next to you."

My body was stiff as if not even blood was flowing.

With two eyes staring straight at the roof, I said coldly, "I'm afraid that's not right. After all, the daughter is not in this harem."


He hesitated for a moment, before waiting for him to speak, I continued: "And the maidens of Her Majesty's Harem, there are probably waiting for me to leave."

He originally squinted his eyes at me, his eyes flashing with a completely joke smile, but when he heard me say that, the smile disappeared immediately, and his face sank suddenly.

"What did you say? Are you driving away?"

"Don't. The daughter is just asking."

"Ask? Then if I say, I stay here tonight?"

I wasn't afraid of his abrupt complexion, so I looked at the eyes as if to spit fire, and said calmly, "Fortunately, Your Majesty has just said, the folk girls still come and go freely."


"His lower body is the supreme five-year supreme.


His expression seemed to choke suddenly.

Originally, he was fighting with him and fell on this dragon couch, and he was pressed under him in such a posture. Such two people, even if they don't need to be seen by others, know that they are very embarrassing, very ambiguous, especially The sound of sleeping is all around me. I have lost all the opportunities, and I can even feel that he is about to move, but I stirred up his anger and burned out all the lingering atmosphere.

His breathing became heavy, and it hit my face again and again, making my cheeks hot.

Slowly, the body that pressed on me became a bit stiff, and the original stupidity was suppressed in his deep breath again and again, I do n’t know how long, he held up his body a bit, He looked down at me conscientiously, one hand slowly stretched over, pinching my chin.

Suddenly, I was like he was captured by the whole person.

His fingers were slightly firm, and he held my chin sorely, and said slowly, "Yan Qingying, have you thought about it, one day, I won't bear you anymore."

"On that day, what guilt should be brought, the daughter will come to collect it."


The corners of his eyes were twitching, making the expression on that face a little hesitant. The hand that supported the body was slightly bent. He leaned down to look at me, and the hand that held my chin slowly. Moved up, my thumb with a thin cocoon reached my lips, and gently rubbed my lips.

"Do you know what the blame will be?"

"You don't kill people."


He looked at me silently, the corners of his eyes twitched even more, and after a long suffocation, he finally let go of my lips, let go of me, and turned over to the bed.

I just feel that my heart is about to come out of my mouth.

However, he finally avoided him.

Just now the whole body was too tight. Although he didn't press me anymore at this time, his limbs were numb and unable to move. I could only lie down there and felt a cold wind blowing.

He sat on the edge of the bed and said coldly without turning his head, "You stay here, and I won't leave."


I looked at him in amazement and said, "I will review the memorials outside."


"I've been too much all day today-I've been with Miao Yan, I've accumulated a lot of discounts, I'm afraid I can't finish it tonight. You are here with Miao Yan, and I'll criticize the discounts outside."


I was too rushed when I first came in. I was covered with new words all over my body. I didn't notice that there was still a table and a set of books outside his dormitory, but when I heard him say that, I finally let it go. Seeing his back, he said word by word, "Your word is over."

"of course."

"Thank you for your gift."


This time, he slowly turned his head back, his eyes could not tell whether it was cold or hot, but I realized that I had just been pressed under him like this, and had been fighting for a long time, lying undressed on his bed, A large piece of clavicle was exposed outside. At this time, I felt chilly, and reached out to cover it.

His eyes suddenly became hot.

My subconscious screaming was not good, but I didn't have a quick response, his hand was stretched out.

Then, grabbed the quilt on one side and covered it gently on my body.

"It's cold, don't catch cold."

I was about to suffocate, and the quilt with my hand on me was pressed again, and then he got up and went out.

I was like a rat that escaped under a cat's paw. At this moment, I couldn't tell whether it was the joy of escape or the fear of dying. I was panting and gasping for a long time. It was the good words that were steady and steady that finally calmed down.

Maybe, I'm too nervous.

No matter what, he won't be in front of the child--

However, I can't stand any contact with him at all. If he really wants to do anything tonight, I'm afraid I won't be able to wake up.

Thinking of it, I am very grateful, but it is still sober. I will lift the quilt still stained with his breath, and slowly hold up my body and sit up. First, I will sort out the messy clothes on my body, and my head will be messy. Hair, then leaned against the bed.

Wonderful words, sleep beside me.

I do n’t know to what extent she recovered. I thought I could know after practicing the method of enchanting. I did n’t expect to wait for a while now, but I did n’t feel the pain when I looked at the child ’s quiet sleeping face. I just hope that her life can always be so peaceful.

I reached out my hand and managed a mess of hair on her face, rubbing her cheek gently.


Time, little by little.

I just leaned on the bed like this, listening to the even breathing of wonderful words, listening to the sound of rustling. Time should have passed a long time. Maybe it has been five days. I have n’t looked back. I have n’t seen how Pei Yuanzhang approves discounts. But the candlelight shines through the layers of curtains. .

In my ear, I heard the light footsteps of the father-in-law, as if opening the curtain probe to look at us, and then walked to the table outside, and said gently: "The emperor, it is not early, the emperor is also It's time to rest."

"No need to."

"Emperor, take care of the dragon."

"I said, no need."

His voice was unpleasant, but completely different from the anger just now. I subconsciously awoke from the drowsiness of sleep. When I looked back, I saw the layers of curtains outside, and he held his hands on the table case. On the face, there seemed to be some anger.

It seems that those discounts made him feel bad.

I can more or less guess what situation he is facing now, but I have done what I can do, and I have not forgotten what Huang Tianba said to me. If I participate too much in his affairs, I will It will be difficult to get out.

That, of course, is not the result I hope.

So I turned my head again and looked down at the wonderful words. She was still asleep. I do n’t know if she had experienced this and would be tired this day, or she was not tired, but appeared after the spell. This situation.

At this moment, my mind suddenly flashed a sentence that Pei Yuanzhang just said unconsciously-"Today is all day-all are accompanied by wonderful words". At that time, he came out of his mouth. However, I changed my mouth very quickly. At that time, I was only concerned with confrontation with him, and did not notice the short word that slipped away from his mouth.

But at this moment, my back suddenly felt numb.

What he didn't finish, it should be-Taimiao?

By the way, Taimiao!

Before that, he was there, asking the protector to pray for good words. I was there, and I glanced at the protector, but afterwards, no matter how hard I searched, I even found Chongyun Pavilion in the western suburbs. Way to see that person, without him in the palace, and without him in the western suburbs.

It turned out that he was in Taimiao!

There is also only the Taimiao, and there is only one wall separated from this palace, or in other words, it is in the palace, but Pei Yuanzhang must have taken precautions against me, so this news has been blocked for me.

Just now, it was his oversight that I spotted.

As soon as I thought about it, I immediately gave out a cold sweat and looked back again.

On the other side of the curtain, he was still at his desk, and there were a lot of bank notes on hand. The father-in-law held two hands beside him and looked at Pei Yuanzhang. He didn't plan to rest tonight. His face was Full of sadness.

My heart is still beating.

The protector is in Taimiao. Today it is he who gave magical words and deeds to the soul. Pei Yuanzhang has been guarding me from meeting that person. Once this is done, where will the protector be assigned by him ? Will it disappear forever in my sight.

In that case, I will never have a chance to find out what happened in that year.

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