I suddenly widened my eyes and stared at the window, and saw the dark shadow stopped for a while, as if observing something, and then came over slowly, and soon to the window closest to us Already.

My breath stopped.

That's—Mage Protector? !!

I almost wanted to roll over and get out of bed, but when I moved, I felt the hand that was pressed on my body, heavy, I do n’t know if he slept too much, almost half the weight of his body I didn't say I couldn't get rid of it, and if I woke him up and saw the figure outside the window, it wouldn't be easy.

But even if I do n’t struggle and do n’t move, if someone outside does something, it will still wake him up!

I was so anxious that my sweat was coming out and my heart was thundering.

Seeing the shadow of the figure approaching this window little by little, suddenly, just in the blink of an eye, it disappeared in a moment.

Suddenly my eyes widened—what happened?

Was he gone, or was it just because I was wrong, that the mottled tree shadow outside the window was a human figure.

Just when I was shocked, there was a sound of footsteps outside. Several figures who looked like guards were reflected on the window paper far away and approached this side. One of them stood at the window and looked around. Eyes, whispered: "What's going on? I just saw that there was--"

At this time, the person next to him smiled and said, "You're wrong."

"how is this possible?"

"Most of the night, who will come here? Besides, where is the emperor?"

"Fuck! It's the emperor in there, let's be more careful."

In the end, this person obviously shocked everyone else. No one spoke for a while, and then he said, "Everything should give me some energy. If something goes wrong, see if the emperor wants your head!"

Just then, there was a sound of wind in the distance. They seemed to be shocked again and hurried away.

I was lying on the bed, and the cold sweat almost drenched my clothes until I saw them all spread out. Then I finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

But-what about that figure?

Where did he go again? In Jingren Palace, especially around my courtyard, he was almost fortified. Will he not be caught?

Thinking of this, my heart couldn't help raising it again. I glanced back. Pei Yuanzhang was still asleep, and he snored softly, then gently grasped the hand that he put on me. Want to move him away.

But just when I pushed his hand away a little, suddenly, there was a cry in the quiet night.

"Wow ..."

I was startled by this cry, and before I could react, Pei Yuanzhang behind him suddenly sat up.

The cold sweat in my whole body was scared back, and I didn't dare to move. He was awake quickly, looked at the veil above his head, and immediately looked back to God, and then turned to look at me: Who? Are they crying? "


It was the cry of wonderful words that came from the inner room.

"Come, go and see."

As he said, he was about to turn over and get out of bed, but when he moved, he felt his hand was grasped, and looked down, as if he had seen something heavenly, and he took an air of disbelief, Then look at me.

I was scared too stupid, only to see that I was still holding his hand, and immediately throw it away like a hot coal fire: "I, I am going to see it!"

After speaking, he didn't have to look at his sudden softening eyes, hurriedly turned to get out of bed, even had no time to put a piece of clothing on his body, stepped on his shoes, picked up a candlestick from the bed and ran to the inner room.

He behind him immediately followed.

I ran into the inner room and immediately saw Miaoyan sitting on her cot with tears on her face and a look of fear in her big eyes. When I saw the two of us ran in, the drowning man caught the life-saving straw. Similarly, as soon as I walked to the bed, she bumped into my arms: "Mother!"

"Well, mother is here. What's wrong? Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

"I, I dreamed of a ghost ..."

She said, her voice was shaking, and the little body in my arms was shaking. I was holding the candlestick in one hand and holding her back in one hand, stroking her gently to help her smooth , Softly said: "It's all right, just dreaming, don't be afraid of wonderful words."

"Yeah, good words." Pei Yuanzhang also sat by the bed, stroking her back in the same way as I did, giving her gas: "Dad is here, and ghosts dare not come."

It seemed that he heard the voice of Pei Yuanzhang's man, which gave a little comfort to Miaoyan. She sobbed, slowly raised her head from my arms, cried completely, and there were tears on her lashes: " Really, really? "

"Of course, Dad will protect you."


Mou Yan blinked and looked at him. After a while, she lowered her hands from my neck and fished his neck again. Pei Yuanzhang immediately held her in her arms, like a kitten.

I sat by the candlestick, looked at them, and looked around.

Immediately, I saw a window on the side of the wall and opened a slit slightly ...

My heart seemed to be hit hard, but I said nothing, just looked at them again, and said softly, "Don't worry about the wonderful words, father and mother are here, go to sleep."

"I don't! I'm afraid!"

She said, holding Pei Yuanzhen's neck tighter.

Pei Yuanzhang probably never met such a person in his life. Not only was he not afraid of him, but he was so close to him. It seemed that it was difficult to resist the thin, thin arms. He looked up and looked He looked at me and said, "Otherwise, take her to the bed outside to sleep. Anyway, the bed is big."


I never thought that Pei Yuanzhang would talk to people in this negotiated tone.

After a few moments of silence, I glanced at the cracked window again with the corner of my eye, and the good words that had been buried in his arms turned back again, staring at me eagerly, and finally nodded gently: "Okay. "

As soon as I agreed, they both laughed with joy, especially with good words, tears hanging on their faces, but smiling like flowers, and Pei Yuanzhang wrapped her in a thin layer and hugged her directly. When we went out, just when we put her on the bed, there was a light knock on the door.

A guard whispered outside, "Emperor, Miss Yan, what happened?"

Pei Yuanzhang immediately said: "It's okay. Don't bother."

"Yes. Damn it!"

After speaking, he retreated.

Pei Yuanzhang smiled and held the wonderful words in her arms. The two rolled on the bed, as if they were one child, one child and two children. I looked at them with a candlestick and said nothing, and put the candlestick back to the bed. And then went to bed myself.

This time, it was much better.

He slept inside, I slept outside, and awesome words slept among us. In the end, there was a space between the two, and I was not as difficult as before, let alone be pressed on his body by one hand, all night. It was locked by a chain, and it couldn't move.

Thinking of this, I breathed a sigh of relief.

This slackness was a little sleepy.

However, the wonderful words that slept in our center seemed to be very fresh and probably very pleased. Looking up at Pei Yuanzhang and looking at me again, a pair of bright eyes smiled into a crescent moon and could see the waves of light inside. trough. Feeling her tossing around constantly, I gently put my hand on her, and also stopped her from rolling: "Well, don't always move around, go to bed."


She whispered.

At this time, a hand stretched over and covered my hand.

My palm was hot, and I felt a little hot, and hurriedly pulled my hand back, but he clasped a little without hesitation, immediately entangled my five fingers, and I looked up at him in astonishment. When he saw a smiling daughter, he also looked at me with a smile: "Yeah, I'm going to sleep."


Miaoyan muttered, without knowing anything about her. Pei Yuanzhang and I were in a lawsuit. They closed their eyes and fell asleep.

I tried to pull my hand back again, but he was clasped, and my strength was not loose, but it just kept me from breaking his palm.

Immediately impatient, my breathing tightened, and I looked at him through the wonderful words.



He made a small gesture to me, looked down at the good words, and then looked at me.

The child was lying among us, but soon fell asleep securely, and my hand was on her body. If I moved it harder, I would wake the child up.


I have nothing to say. Looking at him, he even laughed so that the glasses on both sides were bent into two slits, as if he was silently saying to me, isn't it the person who just grabbed his hand?

Where does he know, I grabbed his hand, just to—

To protect the country mage!

Thinking of this, his heart became more and more depressed, but he seemed to see through my impatience, only smiled at me, and then closed his eyes.

Although he closed his eyes, his hands did not relax at all. Not only did he not relax, he also tangled and rubbed with my five fingers slowly. Sometimes, he stroked my palm, sometimes Rubbing my fingertips, the crunchy feeling went straight from my fingers to my heart, tingling for a short period of time, and a chest pain.

If it were not for the good words ...

If it weren't for that protector ...

I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes without looking at him or paying attention to the tricks he was playing with. In the end, he might feel bored, because the night was too deep, and finally he didn't get my hands on.

I slowly opened my eyes, and closed his eyes as he watched. He breathed evenly and seemed to be asleep.

Then, I slowly looked down and looked at the chest of the coquettish words.

Due to the recent toss, her pajamas' collar pulled apart a bit, and I immediately saw the charm hanging around her neck--

There are signs of being disassembled.

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