Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1243: "Mystery" on yellow paper

My breath tightened a bit, and almost I couldn't help but wanted to reach out to get it, but my right hand was clasped by Pei Yuanzhang and couldn't move at all.

There was a small fire burning in my heart. I looked at the man with closed eyes and a light snoring, and felt his hands clasped my fingers, and my palms were sweating. At last, he couldn't hold back, and took a subconscious out.

Almost immediately, his hand tightened and he held my hand firmly.

"Don't go away ..."

He murmured and frowned, I suddenly held my breath, looked at him nervously, but saw him finish the two sentences, fanned his nose again, and then continued to snoring.


This time, the cold sweat of the whole body was scared, and I really didn't dare to move that hand.

However, if the left hand is to be taken, I am afraid they will wake them all up.

After lingering for a long time, I can only give up.

Anyway, things are on Miaoyan's neck. When Pei Yuanzhang leaves, I can see it anytime. If I am in a hurry now, it will be bad. Although the letter may not have been written to me, there is one sentence that is true—don't take things too fast.

Thinking of this, I finally gave up my efforts tonight, slowly laid flat, and also slowed down my breathing.

Maybe it was because the spirit just was too tense, and because I had been nervous about this for the past two days. Suddenly there was an end, and my mind was greatly relieved, and I soon became tired, like a tide. I usually beat my brain in waves, watching the mottled tree shadows outside the window and listening to the wind in the distance, I slowly closed my eyes.

Early the next morning, I was awakened by a grinning laugh in my ear.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw that the candlestick near the bed had burned to the last point. I looked at it like a gust of wind that just touched the heart of the candlestick and drowned in wax oil. The flame went out and a faint light The green smoke rose and hit a spin in the air.

Then I turned my head and saw two children, one big, one small, and two in bed, hugging each other.


Miao Yan lay on Pei Yuanzhang's body. Pei Yuanzhang supported her stomach with her two legs up and held her hands with two hands to keep her balance. She lifted her up high. , Excited, sullen, laughter, and shouted, "Daddy, don't don't, don't throw me!"

"No, there is a father."

"Wow ha ha ha ha."

"Will you be taller?"

"Don't ... need!"

Pei Yuanzhang laughed, and his legs slowly stretched out-his strength is really strong, he can lift a girl with such a big word with two legs, and it ’s really not that big for someone else Capable, but Miao Yan was scared and shook left and right. Pei Yuanzhang just shouted "Be careful", she already screamed and rolled down from above.

I hurriedly reached out and caught her in my arms.

The wonderful words fell into my arms, laughing and making a noise, looking up at me: "Mother!"

Pei Yuanzhang smiled and turned to look at me, her eyes bent: "You're awake."

It's so noisy that I don't want to wake up.

I didn't bother to say anything to him, just holding on to the wonderful words: "What happened? Did you fall?"


"Girls, don't be so wild. Be nice!"


She said this, but her eyes were still looking at Pei Yuanzhang. The two men frowned and kept laughing. I looked at them and knew they were difficult to persuade, so I said nothing and got up and put on clothes before I saw Looking out the window, the morning light was slightly exposed, and it was still early, but there were already some little court ladies and eunuchs running around busy.

Behind him, he asked, "When is it?"

As soon as I looked back, I saw that Pei Yuanzhang was still leaning on the bedside, and I was frowning a little because of the shabby clothes, so I didn't look at him, I just looked out the window: "It's been about three minutes."


He said, slowly rising from the bed, sitting on the edge of the bed and stretched out: "I should get up."

I was relieved immediately.

I'm really afraid he's addicted to play here. If everyone gets up, find the emperor, and find that he is still in my house, I'm afraid things will get bigger; come again, only when he is gone, can I Looking at the magic charm hanging on Miaoyan's neck, what message did the protector leave for me.

At this moment, the wonderful words that had been lying on the bed suddenly knelt beside him, and said, "Daddy, wonderful words dress father!"

Pei Yuanzhang looked back at her, looking surprised, and then said, "OK."

The wonderful words jumped off the bed, stood in front of him to tidy his clothes, fasten his buttons, and helped him put heavy boots on his feet. He was so sweaty that I looked around, my heart was straight. Sigh, want to say silly girl, how can he still wear this body today, naturally to go back to change, but Pei Yuanzhang did not say, just smiled and watched her look busy.

Finally, all his clothes were put on.

Outside, the morning light is getting brighter and brighter, and the sound of patrolling teams can be heard.

Pei Yuanzhang stood up and shook his feet: "I should go."

I was standing by the door. I immediately turned over and made a respectful look at this time. He came over, just came to me, stopped and looked at me again, and said softly, "You still have two days. Stay here well. Don't run around. "

With so many people outside, how can I run around?

However, I nodded respectfully: "I see."

"Hey tonight--"

"...!" My heart murmured, was he coming over tonight?

"Just no more."


Sigh of relief immediately.

He looked at me, his eyes flickered slightly, as if he was about to say something. Suddenly his body shook a bit, and he looked down, but clever words hugged him from behind, his eyes blinked, Pei Yuanzhang's dark eyes Immediately, an unconcealable tenderness floated, and she reached out and stroked her head: "Well words, what's wrong?"

"Don't you come to see the good words?"

"I have been very busy these two days, and I have to fast. I can't come over."

"Why can't you come over fast?"

"Because-" He glanced at me intentionally or unintentionally, with a little smile, and said, "As soon as Dad sees your mother, he will break the ring."


I do n’t understand the wonderful words at all, and I have to ask again. I remember the things he did to me last night, and his face was flushed. , Said: "Your dad is busy, so many things, can not keep you every day. Miao Yan is a big girl, to be obedient!"


She had some grievances, but still nodded: "I know the wonderful words. Dad, I'm coming when I'm busy!"

Pei Yuanzhang smiled and squeezed her fluttering cheeks and looked at me again, smiling so deeply that I didn't dare to look at him, only lowered her head, and finally reached out and pushed open the door.

Outside, the father-in-law Yu had already led a few eunuchs waiting under the steps. At this time, he hurriedly bowed down and bowed down: "The emperor."

"Let's go back."


He lifted his feet and walked out, while Miao Yan and I stood in the room and kept watching him walk out of this small yard, I finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

Miaoyan looked up at me: "Mother, when will Dad be busy?"

I lowered my head, and met her with a few lonely eyes, and said gently, "Did you forget the wonderful words? Your father is the emperor, he is in charge of this huge world, billions of people, you think he has Is it busy? "

Chua Yan's face immediately disappointed.

"But," I said softly, "He will still come to see you. But he doesn't come, you don't want to force it."


She looked at me, thinking silently for a long time, and finally nodded gently: "I see."

I was relieved. At this time, Wu Yan and Susu also came out, watching the two guards coming out of the door, politely greeted me, and then closed the door, I then Give them the good words and let them take her to wash, but before they leave, I reach out and take the magic charm off her neck, saying, "Be careful not to get wet by the water."


Miaoyan glanced at the Fu, said nothing, and left Susu's hand.

As soon as they left, I hurried to the table and carefully opened the charm--

Just opening it for the first time, my heart sank.

That magic charm, right!

I thought to myself, but my men kept on, and they took apart the magic charm a few times, opened it up, and suddenly widened my eyes and looked straight.

The piece in your hand is not a magic charm at all, just a piece of yellow paper!

what happened? Before that, it was still a charm. The protector of the country wrote me a message on the back of the amulet, and I also returned to him. Why do I open it now, not only those words are gone, but also those painted in cinnabar on the front. The charms are gone!

what happened?

I was stunned, and hurriedly folded the piece of yellow paper back to the original mark, but my hands were not cluttered. I simply squeezed it and turned to the inner room. The room of the wonderful words went, and Su Su had already washed it. When she came out, Wu Yan was closing the window and murmured, "What's going on? I closed the window last night before leaving, who opened it?"

When she looked back at me, she immediately said, "Girl, what's wrong?"


I had a stomach problem to ask, but at this time I didn't know what to ask.

Wonderful words—she wo n’t know, no matter what happened last night, in her eyes, it ’s just a nightmare that saw a ghost. I dare not tell her easily about the protector of the country. She is very sticky now. Yuan Zhen, not very sensible, I was worried that she said something was missing.

Just as I was stunning, Wu Yan looked down at the Fu in my hand and said suddenly, "Oh, Fu is gone!"

I looked up at her, and before I came to speak in a hurry, I saw her smiling and clapping her hands: "This is all right, Her Royal Highness's illness is pretty good."


I was puzzled by her words and asked, "Well, what does this mean?"

"Girls don't know?" Wu Yan said with a smile: "There is such a saying, a good man uses yellow paper to draw a ghost to catch a ghost. If the charm is missing, only yellow paper is left, it means-ghost catch Living!"

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