Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1280: Prince, was assassinated!

After that day, I was seriously ill.

Speaking by myself, when Nangong Lizhu fell ill a few days ago, I also felt like I was as strong as a cow, and I had a sense of superiority to be proud of the heroes, but I did not expect that after a few days, I would be the original .

I was lying in bed, and the whole person burned into a piece of red charcoal.

The poor doctors of the poor hospitals, the concubine ’s affairs have just stopped for two days, and they were taken to Yihua Palace, kneeling in rows in front of my bed. Pei Yuanzhang Tieqing listened with a face As they endorsed the medical book, they finally kicked over a super doctor: "What do you want you to do!"

The prince was kicked to the ground and did not dare to hum. He hurriedly got up and knelt on the ground: "The emperor forgive me!"

"Forgiveness? Lightness and a fever, you can't even cure this disease. Believe it or not, and destroy your nine families!"

"The emperor spares his life!"

"The Emperor forgive me!"

Listening to their roar, the sound of begging for mercy sounded, I frowned and twisted again, and finally couldn't hold my mouth open: "Don't ... noise."

Although my voice was as small as a mosquito, in the snoring of such a group of people, he was accurately captured. Pei Yuanzhang hurriedly turned around and saw my hot eyelids opened, and the corners of my eyes were filled with tears. Hurrying back to the bed again, holding my hand: "Lightness!"


"What do you want, tell me!"

I didn't have the strength to pull my hand back, I could only whisper weakly: "I want you out!"

He froze, and the surrounding doctors looked up, staring at me in astonishment.

"You guys ... too noisy."

As soon as he heard it, he turned back and pointed at those people and scolded, "Who made you quarrel here!"

The few doctors closed their mouths immediately.

Yihua Palace also quieted down, but this quietness came so suddenly, even what he felt in the quietness that suddenly came down, and suddenly his face twitched a little, but he turned his head and looked at it immediately Me: "Are you still upset?"

I closed my eyes and it took a while before I had a little energy.

"I want to rest."

"Okay, you rest, I'm here with you."

"Do not……"

Having no strength to finish the last words, he heard him turn around and point to the doctors: "If you don't hear her, don't bother her here, get out of here!"

Those great doctors, like amnesty, ran out and crawled out, but just heard them stepping out of the door, Pei Yuanzhang also commanded: "Let them all wait outside. If there is any change in the light condition, they Come in immediately! "

As soon as the father-in-law listened, he went out to talk.

I couldn't help sighing.

Actually, what disease can I have?

I have just understood that those doctors who have been memorizing for a long time have learned that this disease came suddenly, weird, without rain, without cold, and it became feverish for no reason, and for three days, it seemed to treat everyone It ’s the same as the toast is dried. The Taiyi ca n’t prescribe the right medicine and can only keep cooling me. It ’s no wonder that it ’s futile.

I know that it is not the external cause that made me sick, but my heart is always burning a karma.

In other words, it is heartbreaking.

I couldn't find an exit, and I couldn't escape the birth. This illness just came.

I closed my eyes, and my hot eyelids were hot and my tears were constantly flowing. The corners of my eyes were moist at any time. Every breath made me slightly suffocated. Even the next moment, I was worried that my body would spit out. The fire came, and just then, a cold parchment was applied to the forehead.

I didn't open my eyes, just listening to the heavy breath above my head, and knew it was him.

These days, he hasn't left my bed.

I could n’t open my mouth, and I knew I could n’t drive him away, so I watched him stay by my side. After a few days, people were a little bit boiled, and my eye sockets were deeply sunken, but the strength of cursing did not decrease .

The ice-soaked parchment became warm after a while on the forehead. The parchment was removed by that hand. After a while, the other corner of the room sounded water.

"Get some more ice cubes," he said.

"The emperor, let these slaves do it. Emperor, your hands are frozen."

"Less nonsense!"


I heard a rattling noise, and the ice cube was dropped into the water basin. After a while, a moist ice pad was put on my forehead again.

The temperature was a little lower this time, and I was stunned for a moment, and opened my eyes. Pei Yuanzhang hurriedly came over and looked at me with a little hope: "What's wrong?"


"What do you want, tell me."


"Want to eat? Drink water?"


"Still want to do something for you?"

I looked at him for a long time, and finally got a little strength. His lips were slightly opened. He hurriedly brought his ears together and heard my whisper-like sound--

"Protect Master."

He stared for a moment.

After saying those four words, I was a bit paralyzed, but long explorations and unknowns have given me more strength. When I opened my lips, my dry lips cracked and had a salty taste. The blooming on the tip of my tongue made me tremble a little: "Your Majesty promised a civilian girl before you can see the protector."

He frowned, and said, "Aren't you still sick now? I'll wait until you get better ..."

Before he finished speaking, he looked at my gaze, and it seemed like he couldn't keep talking.

He was silent for a while before he said: "I won't lie to you, I promised you something, and I will definitely do it. Mage protector ... I know you have always wanted to see her, and I will let you see her."

After a long silence, I said, "At this moment, I don't know what's next."


"Today, I don't know what tomorrow is."


"The daughter wants to see her."

My voice was getting lower and lower. When it finally seemed like a cat was sobbing, he thought I was about to cry, hurriedly leaned down, and stretched out his hands to caress my cheek: "Okay, don't rush. It's already midnight. The palace is too late, I will arrange it for you tomorrow! "


"I said so."

Probably he hasn't been doubted in this life, and he has to be assured of it. In the end, his face has become a bit hard to look, but the hand that touched my cheek is still gentle as before, even like a coward. The child coaxed me likewise, and I finally knew that it turned out to be midnight.

The doctors outside are pitiful.

I closed my eyes slowly.

His breath finally calmed down, he looked at me quietly for a long time, and whispered, "Hungry or not, do you want to eat something?"


"Do you want to drink water?"


"Lightness ..."

His voice was getting lower and lower, as if he wanted to get my response, and as if he was afraid to wake me up, and I had no energy at all, just closed his eyes and did n’t make any response, let him think me Already asleep, he can't hear his voice.

He slowly quieted down.

The cold-tempered hand touched my cheek lightly, but it bounced off immediately.

I don't know how long it took before, I heard Soso's voice.

A gentle body got into the bed and gently crossed one hand, grabbing my waist.

His breath sounded cautiously above his head, as if afraid to wake me up. I could feel his gaze and watch me with a little care.

I don't know how long, I heard a tired long sigh, with a little nightmare chaos, murmured: "I give you everything, promise you everything ... as long as you ... stay with you ..."


In the night, I kept my eyes closed.


When I came the next day, there was no one around.

Only Susu stayed at the bedside, and when she saw me awake, she jumped in joy: "Miss, you are awake!"


I nodded, feeling that I had a little strength, and my head was still awake, but I could n’t get out of bed just with a move. After she and Wu Yan took care of me like a child, I took care of me and then lay on my back. Next, I lay for a few days, and my waist and back were very painful, and I would not lie in bed anymore. They took a pillow and put it on the head of the bed, and let me sit up.

Seeing that I was a little bit nervous, both of them were very happy, and they were going to call the Taiyi immediately. I hurriedly stopped them. In fact, I was the most aware of my illness and asked them to come over, but it scared them for nothing. ?

I looked around: "What about the wonderful words?"

"Sent to the Queen Mother."


"When she saw that the young lady was sick, she was so scared and cried that she refused to eat the meal. The emperor had been taking care of the young lady's illness. There was nothing she could do, so let the queen mother take care of her for two days. "


I remembered that Nangong Lizhu was seriously dying and gave a great excitement to her. She was always afraid that I would be sick like that. She had worried about me before. I had assured her that I would be fine. Yes, but I didn't expect that so soon, I hummed her and showed her.

I asked, "What about her now?"

"Miss, don't worry, the queen queen is good to her, and the queen queen brings Miss Sun to see it a few times to ensure that the queen is just a little weak, not really seriously ill, Miss Sun is much calmer now."

I'm relieved.

No matter what matters now, the matter of wonderful words is the biggest thing in my heart. As long as she is safe, it is better than anything.

Su Su already prepared rice soup for me. At this time, I was sitting next to the bed, feeding me a spoonful of spoonful, and I lay for a few days without eating anything. This time, I was really hungry. I took a few mouthfuls of rice soup. Even more, I felt hungry in my stomach, but it was not easy to eat when I woke up, and I could only drink rice soup to fill my hunger.

After a few sips, I suddenly remembered something.

"Well, what about His Majesty?"

Su Su shook her head and said she didn't know. Wu Zheng was packing her clothes there. Upon hearing this, she hurried to say: "The emperor left early in the morning and said that she was going to go out of the palace to do business, as if-for the girl's business. . But before he left, he told the slaves to take good care of the girl. "

As soon as I heard it, my heart suddenly jumped.

Yesterday I told him I wanted to see the protector. He will go out of the house today. It should be for this matter.

I felt a little bit sad or happy for a while, but in any case, seeing the protector of the country and being able to solve the doubts that have been entangled in my heart may help my future path.

If I could go on my own.

Wu Zheng also said, "Yes, several damsels in the palace came over to visit the girls, but they were stopped by the emperor."

"The emperor sent someone?"

"Well, stay around Yihua Palace and don't let idle people wait to come in and noisy the girl."

I lowered my eyes calmly.

Even if I ’m sick these days, I ca n’t go out, but I can also guess what ’s going on in the harem in these two days. I did n’t mean to entertain the damsels, but I did n’t want to offend them. Pei Yuanzhang did this, but it made me Save a lot of trouble.

However, I was afraid to stop some people I wanted to meet.

So I asked Susu to look outside. Anyone who came to see me made a sound back and forth.

But no one came.

I know Chang Qing is a bit scared to see me at this time, so she brought the wonderful words, but she never showed up when I was awake, only deducting them, they would come over to send medicine and soup, and they were kind Yes, I can't pull my face down, this matter has temporarily passed.

Ning Fei Yang Jinqiao, she did not come.

In the past, she walked closer to me. There are many things that I can talk to her, but this time, from the trouble of Nangong family and Chang family, she has always stood by and watched. It was also a foresight to come. The trouble in the court was like this, and the Yang family did not lose a bit; and in the past two days, my matter was in a rush in the harem. Instead, she discussed a purpose and went home to save the kiss.

This woman, as always, was sober.

However, they are not the ones I want to see the most, but the ones I want to see now are the kindest Liu Liu.

However, it was her who was most afraid of seeing her.

The thought of her being almost the same as that person, her cool eyes, looked at her as if she had been looked at by that person-he has not hurt me, but the greatest pain in my life, all thanks to him.

Like a demon.

Thinking of this, I slowly closed my eyes, and some of the hot eyelids shrank a little, and a tear fell down from the corner of my eyes.

But at this moment, there was a rush of footsteps from outside suddenly, and the door was slammed open. I opened my eyes in haste and saw Susu flew in from outside, with a look of panic expression.

I let her go out and see who came to me. Is she now looking like a ghost?

My brow frowned: "What's wrong?"

"Miss, something is wrong, something is wrong!"

I snapped: "What?"

She ran to me, and the whole person was unstable. She fell to the bed and said pantingly, "I heard the news just now, Prince, was assassinated!"

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