Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1282: Come here, let me hug you

Yugong Gong helped me to go forward step by step. Those people had originally surrounded the entrance of the Royal Study Room with a leak, but at this time they consciously retreated to both sides and gave me a way.

I walked slowly.

The ministers calmed down and looked at me with complex eyes. I also knew that everyone had their own plans at the moment, but when they saw me, they were a bit difficult to attack.

They were prejudiced against me, and they also understood the significance of Xichuan to the court at the moment.

I was so full of cold sweat that I finally walked to the door, and Gong Yu supported me and said carefully, "Your Majesty, Miss Yan is here."

It was quiet for a while before Pei Yuanzhang's dull voice came: "Let her come in."


The father-in-law Yu was relieved and pushed open the door in a hurry. The ministers behind him immediately probed and looked inside, but couldn't see anything. The table was full of discounts, but the front of the table was empty. There was only one sun shining through the door, and a lot of dust could be seen flying.

Jade Father sent me in.

The door was closed behind, but I did n’t walk in immediately because it was out of energy. I could only stand behind the door for a while, and heard the sound of the bead curtain on the door leading to the inner room making a bleating sound. Looking up, he gently opened the curtain with one hand, and then Pei Yuanzhang walked out of it.

His face was also pale.

I looked up to see him and said softly, "Your Majesty."

He looked at me for a while before he came over, "Why are you here?"


"Your body isn't good yet. It won't work."

"His Majesty--"

"You go back and rest."


"You go back."


I didn't know what I could say when I came in, but I was interrupted every time I spoke. In the end, I didn't say anything, just looked at him like that.

Both were silent.

This moment was extremely quiet. It seems that it was also because of my arrival. The father-in-law Jade finally sent away the ministers outside, but I looked at a ray of sunlight leaking from the slit of the back door that was not yet closed. Looking at the flying dust in the light, there was a sense of noise.

What we have to face is not a peaceful world.

I don't know how long it has been silent, and it is almost time that I can no longer remain silent. I looked up, and when I was about to say something to him, I heard him speak, and said dumbly, "You shouldn't come over, you are not well, you Still so tired. "


I looked at his bloodshot eyes and didn't speak.

"What if you get sick again?"


"Come here, let me hug you."

With that said, without even waiting for me to react, he had already taken a step forward, and reached out and held me in his arms.

My breath was suffocated, his stiff body was tightly embraced by him, and he was clinging to his chest, even hearing his heartbeat and hearing his breath, like never before Tired and helpless.

Nian Shen is his son!

It is he who cultivates with all his heart and wants to entrust his rivers and mountains to him, no matter how dissatisfied he is with this son or how harsh he is on the surface, but it is his bones and blood, in this world The person closest to him.

Now, life and death are unknown.

As a king, he must be strong; as a man, he must be strong; but as a father, if he is strong, he will be defeated one day.

His arms were as strong as before, and his chest was as warm and solid as every time before, but when I was held tightly in his arms, he had a weak illusion, like this one in front of me. The man was about to collapse, and I was his only support.

However, at this moment, I also reached the limit.

I didn't have the strength to bomb, and I didn't have the strength to refuse. I just let him hold me tight with all my strength, and even the bones in my body hurt a little and didn't groan. I said gently: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness His Royal Highness Heavenly Phase, nothing will happen."


"Your Majesty, be at ease!"


"At this time, everyone looked at Her Majesty, and His Majesty couldn't stand on her own."

I also want to tell him what Chang Qing just said-this time the Prince's accident was like a checkpoint, and this checkpoint was set up by them, as thorough as before and after, and may lead to The world is in chaos, and he must stabilize the overall situation at this time ...

But I didn't have time to say that.

His breath rang heavily above his head, but his voice rang from his close chest--



"I know what to do, but I--I need you by my side."


"I need you."

I didn't speak, I just felt that his arms were tightened and tightened, making it difficult for me to breathe, but the harder his hands were, the more gentle his voice was at this moment, and even his breath became gentle When I got up, I felt my messy forehead.

"Tell me, will you be with me?"


I didn't answer him immediately, and for a while, whispered, "Your Majesty, please rest assured."


"This pass will be accompanied by her Majesty."


This answer gave him a moment of silence, and I felt that his palm gently touched my back and pressed me hard against him.


I have no word of promise.

After saying that, I didn't leave him.

The door of the Imperial Study Room was opened and closed several times. The father-in-law Jade brought people to bring in meals and changed the brazier. Before that, one or two "mind-eyed" ministers came and asked to see the emperor. Confidential matters were turned away, and no one had bothered to come back.

However, this is only superficial. For the time being, although the ministers will not come to disturb Pei Yuanzhang, no one knows what the news is like and what the people ’s minds are like.

I know, Pei Yuanzhang is still very calm, just as a father, he also has weak power, but then, he restored the calmness of the past with the fastest speed, he sent out several wills one after another, one of them Xiang is to let several leaders of the Guards leave the city overnight, go to Guandao and various stations to wait.

It is not difficult for Henan to say that it is near or close to Beijing, and that it is not far away.

The hard part is how to deal with that news.

I was held by him lying on the bed in the inner room, watching him write another will, and handed it to Jade Jade, Jade Jade, holding it with both hands, hurried back out, and waited until the outside door closed, he finally slowly Put down the pen in your hand.

But in that breath, he was always tense.

At this time, he turned to look at me, and said softly, "If you are tired, sleep for a while. When there is news, I will call you."

I shook my head gently.

He was not reluctant, just looked at me for a while, stretched out his hand, and touched my face.

I could feel the stiffness that I couldn't restrain, he was not angry, not even angry, just touched it, touched it again, and then returned.

My face was as if it had been burned by fire, and it was hot. I coughed gently and asked, "Have you had a will before Her Majesty, calling His Royal Highness to Beijing?"

He nodded.

"The queen talked to you a few days ago, and she made a decree," his gaze looked a little dignified: "In fact, this time he went to Henan. He originally sent a lot of people to follow him, and later called him back to Beijing. It's the people of the Royal Forest Army, half of them pass the order, and half of them are protecting him back to Beijing. "

"Why did His Highness take so long before he set off?"

"He has been following Wu Yanqiu to supervise the construction of the embankment, insisting that he must wait until the embankment is completed and checked before he returns. For this matter, this is the first time that he has disobeyed!"

Having said that, he gritted his teeth slightly.

My nose was sore, but I still reluctantly said, "The Yellow River is flooded, and the dynasties have been the first priority of the court after the spring. Supervising the construction of the river bank once it takes effect can save the court millions of disaster relief costs each year. Moreover, it can save the people from their suffering. His Royal Highness doing this is to solve the problems for His Majesty. "

He pursed his lips and said nothing.

I said softly, "His Royal Highness is very kind, and God will not treat him kindly."


He was silent for a long time and said, "Hope as you said."

Even so, neither he nor I felt more relaxed.

The sky was getting darker and darker. The father-in-law gave dinner to come in, but neither of them had any appetite. I had to refuse the same as him, but he just let the father-in-law give me half a bowl of porridge. Come, but he himself, would not eat anything.

The father-in-law did not dare to persuade him, nor did I persuade him, but after taking a bite or two by himself, he slowly pushed the half bowl of porridge in his hand in front of him.

He glanced at me.

I lowered my head and didn't speak, but I felt that my scalp was a little numb. After a while, I heard him take a long sigh of relief, and then reached out and raised the bowl.

The room was so quiet that there was only the sound of a bowl and spoon.

After a while, half a bowl of porridge was eaten.

When Yu Gong came in to clean up the dishes, he gave me a grateful glance. I didn't say anything, just looked outside, and the sky was completely dark.

Still no news came back.

This time, even though I was here to accompany him and help him press the foot, it was unavoidable.

From Beijing to Henan, you can get there in a day. If you are concerned about the life and death of the prince, it is impossible for those people to know that the matter is important. The news should be sent back immediately after the incident.

But now, a day has passed, and still nothing is happening.

This is wrong!

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