Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1283: Life and death of Prince Hui Gong? !!

Once I realized that the development of the situation may be completely out of the normal range, or even out of the control of the superior, I got a little cold back, and cold sweat condensed on the forehead one by one.

No, stay calm!

My hand twisted my corner of the clothes tightly, calmed myself down, and looked back at the matter.

The news of the assassination of the prince has been heard since the morning, but the source of the information is unknown. It was not passed back to those around Nianshen, nor was it returned by the person sent by Pei Yuanzhang to recall the prince. Then the development of the situation is unknown I knew I was fighting, I knew someone fell into the Yellow River, but whether the Prince was injured, or whether the Prince fell into the water, until now there is no exact news.

At this time, Pei Yuanzhang's voice sounded in his ear: "What are you thinking?"

I looked up at him, with a solemn expression: "Your Majesty ... what are you thinking?"

He looked at me with a slight tick on the corner of his mouth.

Although it was a smile, the smile was so cold that even his eyes looked. After a while, he gritted his teeth and slowly said, "Last time, the Jiangnan Minsheng was also arranged so carefully."


There was a stab in my throat and I didn't speak.

Indeed, the two methods are too similar. Everything they do seems to be independent. As long as it is processed, no one will pay attention to it. However, these things seem to have nothing to do with the actual situation. But it is intertwined and pressing step by step. It is not only the event itself, but also the human heart that is almost impossible to guard against.

This time, Pei Yuanzhang was counted again?

However, it is too late to care about it at this time. I just feel that the only strength in my body is quickly lost with the passage of time. I can only say gently when I still barely keep awake, "Your Majesty, now There are three things, Your Majesty must pay attention. "

He looked at me: "You say."

"First of all, the source of the message is suspicious, even if it is true, but the person who delivered the message, and the purpose of the message-guess."

"..." He pursed his lips, and then said, "I know, but it's impossible to close the news now, and I'm afraid it will cause greater panic."

I nodded: "Yes, the second thing the daughter-in-law wants to say is the same. This is already a big event and cannot be covered up anymore. If the emperor intentionally blocks the news, it will cause greater suspicion; only, Henan It is only one day away from the capital city. No matter what delays, tomorrow, the people who passed the news will come back to Beijing, but let them enter the city with great fanfare, but do n’t say that the prince was assassinated. Just say that the prince was in charge of building a river bank in Henan. . "

He said, "I know."

"And the most important thing," I stood up, cold sweat dripping from my forehead, and gathered along my cheeks on my chin. I said, "Whether it comes back, the good news, or- Bad news, Your Majesty must plan early. "

His dark eyes froze slightly.

This is probably the last thing I and he, and Chang Qing are willing to face, but at this time, we must consider the worst case, in case-really is hurt, even It is because he was assassinated and fell into the Yellow River. What can Pei Yuanzhang do to calm the chaos?

Just then, footsteps sounded outside.

He and I both turned to look at it, but it was the father-in-law of Jade, carefully walking out of the bead curtain, and said softly, "The emperor, Miss Yan, has already changed three times, so take a rest and don't get tired."

Pei Yuanzhang was silent for a while, then said, "Yuquan, let the officials with more than four grades, and the king's daughter-in-law enter the palace tomorrow."

Jade father and I are both together.

He hurriedly asked, "This is what the emperor wants--"

"The Prince went out of the palace for the first time, supervised the construction of the river embankment, relieved the floods of the Yellow River, and he was very successful. He wanted to let them all enter the palace to welcome the Prince back to Beijing."

Jade Father's face changed: "Emperor, this—"

"Hey let you do it!"


The father-in-law never dared to disobey him. Although he was hesitant at this time, he also looked at me and saw that I didn't speak, so he could only lower his head: "Yes, the slaves will go and talk."

After speaking, he turned around and went out.

The door closed, and there was still a quiet room in the Imperial Study Room. Only those beads were still shaking slightly, reflecting the candlelight and flashing a little light.

He also turned around and met my eyes: "You're with me, too."


I understand what he means.

The Prince ’s accident has spread throughout the palace and the palace. Since covering up will disturb people ’s hearts and cause bad things, it ’s better to fanfare. If—if the bad news comes back, he can immediately issue the decree and use it clearly. The purpose is to eliminate the panic of the people and the suspicions of the ministers.

But, in that case, the variable we have to worry about is not the ministers, not the people.

But him.

As a father, as the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, he must immediately make a correct response, take the overall situation into consideration, stabilize the hearts of the people, and even not go wrong.

This is a huge test for him.

Therefore, he needs to be alone to support him.

I hesitated a moment, and said gently: "Queen Mother ..."

"I don't want to make things difficult for her," he whispered, "I know that as soon as the news is passed into the palace, she will collapse. If the news returned tomorrow is really-I'm afraid she will be the first to fall. Down. She can fall, but I can't! "

Thinking of Chang Qing's pale face just now, my heart was sad: "Why does Your Majesty think that the folk girl won't--"

"You won't." He interrupted me.

My heart was a little stunned, I looked up at him, and saw that his dark eyes also looked at me intently, as if to completely imprint me in his eyes. After a long time, he gently stretched out his hand. , Touch my cold, sweaty cheek: "You and He are the same person."


I opened my eyes a little empty, looked at him for a long time, and finally did not speak again.

Night, in this silence, passed by little by little.

I fell into a swirling dark and upside-down dream, I heard a lot of noisy sounds, and I saw a lot of sloppy faces, these things engulfed me like a flood, swallowed deeply, and even breathed Can't continue.

Such dreams continued into the morning.

The sun shined on my face through the window, bringing a touch of itchiness. I heard a sound of water in the half-awake and half-chaos, and then the father-in-law Yu asked in a low voice: "The emperor, wake up Miss Yan ?"

"... Don't wake her up first. She's weak and she had some fever last night, letting her sleep for a while."

"The Emperor didn't sleep all night last night, so she just kept up with Miss Yan, and she got up so early now--"

"Okay, stop talking."


I struggled a bit and finally opened my eyes slowly.

One room is bright.

I was lying on the bed, covered with a soft quilt, and a chair beside the bed was empty.

I hurriedly stood up and looked out. Through the bead curtain, Pei Yuanzhang had just washed her hands and was wiping it with a towel. As if feeling my eyes, I looked back and hurriedly dropped the towel and walked in: " How did you wake up? "


"Sleep again."

"What time is it?"

"Chenshi three minutes."


Can't sleep anymore.

My head was still a little heavy, but I immediately lifted the quilt on my body to go to the ground. He hurriedly reached out and helped me: "You sleep a little longer, it's early."

I gritted my teeth and didn't speak, just shaking my head.

He looked at me and knew that I was unwilling to be obedient and could only help me up. The father-in-law asked several court ladies to come in to serve me and change my clothes. After washing, I brought breakfast.

Although there is no appetite, but no one is forced, I and he forced myself to eat a bit.

After all, there is still a tough battle to fight.

After breakfast, he asked, "What's up with the queen?"

The father-in-law said in a hurry: "The queen's maiden is up, and she is ready to go to the main hall."

After he nodded and sorted it out, seeing that the hour was coming, the father-in-law opened the door and stood loudly at the door, "Your Majesty drives!"

With his voice and the heavy door opening, the early morning sun shone into the royal study, shining him as a whole layer of gold, and the guards, eunuchs, and court ladies outside the door bowed to the ground, shouting Long live, I followed him, waiting for him to drive.

At this time, instead of going out immediately, he looked back at me.


I froze and looked up at him.

"Stay by my side."

"..." I was silent for a moment, and said gently: "Yes."


Above the hall, he and Chang Qing sat in front.

His Royal Highness was empty.

All the civil and military officials, the king's daughter-in-law, all stood on the wide square outside the main hall, and the team that accepted the prince had already lined up to the gate of the palace.

With so many people and such a big battle, it was quiet and quiet, not even smelling a cough.

However, I could hear a violent heartbeat.

I don't know if it's mine, it's Pei Yuanzhang, or it's Chang Qing.

I stood beside them, looking out of the big hall with the door open, the sun rose little by little,

My heart almost hung up like the sun, and Chang Qing beside me was almost pale and almost fainted, clutching my sleeves with both hands.

Just then, there was a drumbeat outside.

A team has entered Beijing!

I heard Chang Qing breathing like a dying animal, eyes wide open, looking eagerly outside, seeing that she could not help but stand up, Pei Yuanzhang stretched out her hand and held her back: "Don't worry."

Chang Qing looked back at him, his eyes flushed, and he couldn't say a word, only clenched his teeth hard.

Pei Yuanzhang's hand was pressed against the back of her hand, and she pressed it for a while before slowly releasing it. Chang Qing's hand was placed on the armrest of the chair, earning that the blue tendons on the back of the hand were agitating and bouncing.

The queen queen was quiet again.

Time passed little by little.

Obviously it is still early spring, and the weather is still very cold, but unexpectedly feels that the surrounding temperature is hot, and the hot blood in the body interacts with it, people seem to have to dry out.

I don't know how long, suddenly a second drumbeat sounded outside.

This time, Chang Qing didn't hold back, and suddenly bounced from his seat, eagerly taking a few steps forward.

The team entered the palace gate.

I pinched my fingers, and every moment, my nails passed through a knuckle. In this way, the team was traveling very fast. They did n’t use a carriage, they went on horseback, but after entering the palace gate, they could n’t. After riding, the speed should slow down.

But meeting you is now!

Chang Qing's breathing was getting heavier and heavier, and his thin shoulders seemed to be unable to bear the heavy pressure at this moment. At this moment, Pei Yuanzhang also stood up and walked out slowly.

I didn't say a word, just followed them quietly.

As soon as I came out of the hall door, I felt the wind outside was trembling. After so many days, I could not bear it at this moment, but I still stuck my teeth and went out step by step.

Just like that day, we walked to Dan Zhe.

Guards were already standing on the steps on both sides of Dan Zhe. Under the steps, civil and military officials lined up neatly in the wide square, one by one silently looking out, but at the end of the square, the palace door opened. Hundreds of ordinary people surrounded.

It's almost the same scene that day when Chabbi filed a royal report.

The difference is the mood.

Although Chabey made a report, many people pointed to me, but at least I knew where I was and how I could get through that level; but this time it was different and I could n’t predict this In the end, I ca n’t even think about today ’s first pass—if the news is bad news, how should we spend it!

Cold sweat, seeping from my palm constantly.

Chang Qing held the white marble railing in her hand, looked forward anxiously, and murmured, "Where are you? Why haven't you arrived yet?"

I just wanted to comfort her a word or two, but before I had time, I heard a rapid drumming ahead.

The third drum, they are in the palace!

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew up. I just felt that my clothes were constantly flying in the wind, like a stormy sea surging in front of my eyes, and watching a group of people marching in from outside the palace door, my heart was almost mentioned Throat.

At this time, a hand suddenly came over and grabbed my hand.

I looked up and saw Pei Yuanzhang standing in front of him. His back was straight, like a javelin that never bends, and his broad shoulders were like a mountain, covering his face. I could n’t see At this moment, the expression on his face only felt that his hands were constantly exerting force, pinching me tightly, the cold sweat of the palm and the cold sweat of my palm almost blended.

The team of men and women had already reached the center of the square, and all the people in the back stopped and bowed down, and there was only one person, who continued to walk forward until they reached Dan.

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