Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1292: Maybe I will be older than him ...

After returning from Jixian Temple, I went back to Yihua Palace first.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard a loud noise coming from inside.

"Where did the mother go! She won't want me anymore, right?"

"Miss Sun don't talk nonsense, how can Miss miss you?"

"So why doesn't she always come back?"

"Miss. Your mother is with the emperor. They have a lot of things to do."

"Big event, is it bigger than mine?"

It seems that I have n’t been back in the past two days, making Miaoyan a little bit restless. When she heard her, Susu could n’t help but laughed, but she did n’t know how to answer. It was Wu Yan's smiling voice It sounded and said, "Her Royal Highness, don't be impatient, your mother always has you in your heart, but there are so many people in the world, there are so many things, there are always some in front of Her Royal Highness."

When I heard Wu Yan say this, she was quieter and silent for a while. When I walked to the door, I heard her say lowly, "I don't want my mother to care nothing, just stay with me. But — I want to see my mother. "

This sentence made me feel sour.

my daughter……

I know she sticks to me and she is sensible, but these two things together make me a little confused.

As my daughter, is she really too wronged?

Just then, she pursed her lips and glanced out, and suddenly saw me: "Mother!"

As soon as I heard her surprise, I immediately lifted my spirits and walked in with a smile, but before stepping into the threshold, she ran out and bumped into my arms: "Mother, you are finally back ! "

"Yeah, mother is back."

I was full of love, and even hugged her with some guilt. I just felt full in my arms and full in my heart, but I could n’t say anything when I said something. I just hugged her and smiled, but I got wet Eyes.

Su Su and Wu Yan in the room looked at us and couldn't help laughing.

I spent the whole day in Yihua Palace. She was like a sticky plaster, and she stuck it to me until the evening. After dinner, she finally let go.

I was relieved.

I want to come, no matter what I will experience and what I will experience, as long as she is by my side, I am really not afraid of anything.

However, as Wu Yan said, it is enough for me to have her, but I really ca n’t stay with her all the time. After dinner, I asked Susu to take her to play with her for a while, and she had to go outside Wonderful words were very alert, and when I saw that I was ready to go out, I immediately came over and hugged my waist--

"Mother! Where are you going!"

I looked back at her, couldn't help laughing, and reached out and patted her face: "The mother went to Jingren Palace and met the Queen Mother."


"She's sick, do you remember? Mother is going to see her."

"I also need to go."

"No, sick people don't like to see too many people, that will disturb her, so you can just play here for a while, and go back when your mother goes."

She was really good, so I was persuaded, and stood at the door and watched me leave. Those reluctant eyes looked extremely pitiful in the reflection of the lantern under the eaves.

I went to Jingren Palace, and as soon as I entered the door, I knew that Pei Yuanzhang had just left.

Chang Qing had just taken medicine and was a bit groggy. When I entered the house, I saw her pale face only by the bed. She had been cold, as if she wanted to say something, but she was still dead in chaos. Bit his own lower lip, almost biting a wound under the lip.

She has always been a person who is not accustomed to talking, and even less accustomed to complaining.

Even when she was so vulnerable, she would not let herself speak easily.

In her position, she couldn't easily open her mouth.

Looking at her like this, I just felt more heart-wrenching. Fortunately, Nian Shen has been by her bedside since returning from the Imperial Academy, and I asked him gently how the last thing in the household was resolved. He Smiled at me.

I will understand.

At this time, Zheng Zhui was no longer a rival of Prince Edward and Chabixing.

Nianshen also said: "In fact, my mother and mother had been reassured. After listening to my story about Yu Shufang, she slept."

I looked at Chang Qing's pale and thin face, and whispered, "She, too, is suffering."

Nian listened deeply and lowered her head gently.

I looked at him: "What's wrong?"

He said, "During the day, Ning Fei also came."

As soon as I heard it, my heart was suddenly agitated, and I hurriedly asked, "Did she say anything?"

Read deeply: "This time because of Wu Shangshu, Father Huang En allowed her to go home, and came back when she was ugly. As soon as she came back, she hurried to see her mother. Listening to her, the situation of Madam Wu is not well."

"Is it……"

Just hearing what he said, I felt a cramp in my chest.

Nianshen wrapped his horns around his clothes with his fingers. Just like his disturbed mood at the moment, he said to me softly: "The emperor has made a decree to give the Wu family a generous gift, and Madam Wu. Killed with three grades. "

"is it?"

I sighed softly. This is indeed a kind gift, the death of three products, and a rare honor for the wife of an ordinary official, but I know that for a woman like Yang Jinyao, any honor, nobility, has no meaning to her. All she asked for was the one around her.

The thought of this is even more painful.

At this moment, the deep voice sounded gently in the ear again--

"Aunt Qing, I want to see Madam Wu, but I'm afraid to see her ..."


"I dare not face her."


Seeing him cringing, I felt a little bitter in my heart.

At this time, who can face Yang Jinyao?

I was silent for a long time and said gently, "His Royal Highness, I think you have grown up a lot after going through this incident, and you should understand that there are some things you should face yourself, you must go face."


"Especially in this matter, no one can replace you."


"If you really want to visit Mrs. Wu, Aunt Qing can go with you, but if you have to say it, you still have to say it yourself."

Nian Shen's eyes flickered and he looked at me and said, "Thank you, Aunt Qing."

I smiled and patted him lightly on the shoulder.

This teenager, who is still in his early tens, has experienced far more children than his peers and matured much faster. Recalling that he just saw him outside the fence of Lenggong, compared with now, he is like another generation Already.

Perhaps the general trend of the world, the future direction is really on him.

I hope that everything planted before is a good cause.


Sure enough, two days later, Pei Yuanzhang's will was down.

As Nian Shen said, the emperor generously gave to the people of Wufu, and gave Yang Jinyao three lives to die, and the prince himself went to Wufu to promulgate his will, which is considered to be the one who gave his life to the court and the royal family. The supreme favor of the courtier.

As I said before, I went to Wufu with Nianshen.

Wu Yanqiu has now fallen into the Yellow River, and life and death are unknown. Although everyone knows that falling into the water at such a rapid dyke, the chances of survival are almost zero. It is said that life and death are unknown, but everyone knows that it is nine deaths; Is willing to hold that glimmer of hope, Wu Fu did not raise sorrow, nor set up a spiritual hall, all the furnishings are still the same as usual, but the moment you step into the gate, you can feel the sadness of the people in this house.

My breath was even choked at this moment.

Yang Nianyao did not show up when she read the decree, because she was pregnant and was hit like this. She was sick and sick. All the people in the family came to kneel to receive the decree. After that, the steward led me with Nianshen. Go to their wife's room.

Then I met Yang Jinyao.

Although she had thought in advance how painful and painful she would be, but really seeing this young woman with eyes dull and lying on the bed with a yellow complexion, no matter how the girl around her persuaded, hand the soup to her mouth, She was motionless and refused to open her mouth. My heart was still severely stabbed.

The girl's spoon was tilted slightly, and the soup medicine didn't get into her mouth, but flowed down the corner of her mouth. The girl whispered anxiously, hurriedly took out a handkerchief to wipe her, and cried in a crying voice: " Madam, don't do this, you take some medicine. "


Yang Jinyao remained unresponsive.

Seeing this scene, my heart was very uncomfortable, but the steward slowly walked up and said gently: "Mrs. His Royal Highness Prince and Miss Yan came to visit the wife."


I walked over to the bed, and said gently: "Jin Yao ..."

She winked and blinked, then slowly raised her head to look at me.

"Jin Yao, it's me, I'm here to see you."


"There is a prince, and His Royal Highness is here. He is here to visit you."


Although she looked at me, her eyes were still apathetic, not even a bit of light, and she went deep to the bed and seemed to want to say something, but if she put on those eyes, she said no When he came out, he bowed his head and said gently, "Mrs. Wu."

Yang Jinyao turned his head again, facing him.

I do n’t know how long she has n’t eaten or drank water, her lips are completely dry and cracked, her lips are trembling slightly, and she can almost see blood stains. After a long time, she suddenly said quietly to the thought: "Water, is it urgent?"

Read deeply.

The next moment I realized what she was asking.

At this time, I saw him standing there, both hands desperately pinching the corners of the clothes on both sides, the blue tendons on the back of his hands violently burst, and couldn't even say a word.

Yang Jinyao didn't feel anything. He still looked up at him and asked, "Is the water flowing?"

Nian Shen seems to be unable to bear the pressure of this moment and looks up at me.

I paled and nodded slightly to him.

He must face it.

Wu Yanqiu fell into the water in order to save him. He couldn't even have the courage to face Mrs. Wu. For everything, he is a witness, so he must give an account to everyone.

Nian gritted his teeth and finally spit out a word: "Hurry."

After saying this word, he seemed to have exhausted all his strength and almost collapsed and took a step back. If Yang Jinyao wanted to ask him anything, I was afraid that even he would collapse. But after this sentence was asked, Yang Jinyao did not continue to ask, but slowly lowered his head again.

The slender eyelashes covered her eyes, like a pair of bird wings, which could spread their wings and fly, but at this time, like her eyes, she was dead and could not fly anymore.

I was really uncomfortable, and slowly bent over to sit beside the bed, facing her godless eyes.

"Jin Yao, if you are uncomfortable, just cry, or scold someone, you can just drop something."


"Don't hold yourself like this."


"Child, all feel it!"

Yang Jinyao lowered her eyes. At such a close distance, I could see that her face was pale, she was completely bloodless, and not as angry as she was, but even then, I could n’t see any tears on her face. Tears can only flow into my heart. Even when I raise my head to face me, there are no tears in those eyes.

There are only endless voids.

She said gently: "Sister Yan, you know what, I can't cry."


"I didn't have the strength to cry, I didn't have the strength to scold anybody, toss anything."


"I just kept thinking about him, from the day I met him until he left me to Henan, every day, every way he looked, I was thinking, I want to be as soon as possible, while I still remember, while he still Don't go too far, remember all his looks, and remember. "


"Otherwise, I'm afraid in the future, I can't remember."


"In that case, what should I do?"

Looking at her empty eyes and listening to her words of helplessness, I just felt like my heart was twisted. Maybe the tears she couldn't shed all in my heart. At this moment, I didn't even know what I was doing. Wu Yanqiu's heartache is still for the heartfelt woman in front of her, and she can only hold her hand firmly, saying: "Jin Yao, Jin Yao, for your child, you have to survive anyway, that is what he left you It ’s also his bloodline. Take good care of yourself. Did you hear it? "

In contrast to my distress, she was very calm, but her eyes were covered with blood-red shadows. After a long time, she smiled at me: "I will."


"I will definitely carry on until the child grows up and wait for him to come back."


"It's just that he doesn't come back for too long, don't stay back forever."


"Otherwise, maybe, I will be older than him ..."

After supporting for so long, my emotion finally collapsed at this moment, crying holding Yang Jinyao, but she has been sitting there so indifferently, like a soulless doll, her grief passed to all present The body, the heart, but herself, did not shed a tear from beginning to end.

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