Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1293: for money! for money!

He said: "It happened to be nice, and the wonderful words were told to her a few times. She likes to ride horses, and she wants to take her out for a stroll. There is a racecourse outside the city ..."

"Your Majesty," I couldn't help sighing. He didn't really hear what he said just now. Not only didn't he hear it, but he was about to make it worse. I also knew that it wouldn't make sense to say to him, so he whispered. : "After all, Lord Wu just had an accident, and it was for the prince. His Majesty has just finished handling the business of the Ministry of the Ministry, and he went out to play with wonderful words. This-what will the subjects in this world think?

He froze and looked at me.

At this time, the wonderful words murmured and turned over in the quilt, while one of the shoulders was exposed, I hurried down and picked up the quilt to cover her tightly, and then said, "No matter what your majesty wants to do to the outside, What it looks like, but there are some things, you still have to be cautious. "

If, if it is really unfortunate, Wu Yanqiu was killed in the water, then he has just passed his first seven. He is in distress for the prince, no matter how ruthless.

Pei Yuanzhang was silent for a while, then nodded: "Well, you're right, you are anxious."


"Wait a while later, I'll take her out."

I thought about it, and said, "If Her Majesty is going to take her out, let's take some other His Highness as well."

He glanced at me.

I didn't say anything, just reached out and gently opened the messy hair on Miaoyan's face.

After a while, he smiled lightly: "Are you still afraid that I have hurt her?"

"The child is still young."

"She's not too young."

Having said that, I was caught in the deadlock between the two of them again. I simply closed my mouth, and he smiled. He was not angry because I disobeyed his words. The two stood by the bed for a while and looked at the wonderful words. Quiet sleep, as if the night is also more refined. The father-in-law took some food from outside and brought in.

I looked back and froze.

He said, "I know that you will come back without food, so you can use it a little, and do n’t eat too much at night, for fear you will accumulate food."

I didn't say anything. I slowly went out and sat down at the table. I did n’t get much food, just some congee dishes, but it was just right to eat these at night. I took a bowl of vegetable congee from the maid. After taking a sip, he also sat beside me, and it also filled a half bowl.

I looked at him: "Did your Majesty use dinner?"

"No, I've used it," he said, smiling at me. "But seeing that you are fragrant, I'm stunned."


I pursed my lips and said nothing. I looked at his happy Jiacai and porridge, and looked like he was starving. The father-in-law next to him gently covered his mouth and saw me seeing him in a hurry Turned his head.

Pei Yuanzhang immediately said, "You go down first, and come in later to serve."


The father-in-law agreed, and retreated.

The door was also closed.

There was no other sound in the room, except the sound of the soft collision of the chopsticks. Neither he nor I spoke, but fortunately there was such a sound, with a little mundane flavor, but the atmosphere was not so rigid. .

He drank half a bowl of porridge, but was not yet lame, and then he got up and filled the half bowl by himself. When he picked up the chopsticks, he said unintentionally, "Elder Fu had already ordered to edit the true history of the dynasty. God, the people from Jixian Hall will open a living hall. "

He paused and turned to look at me: "He said, I want you to help."

My heart tightened a little.

But he did not look up at him, only facing the porridge bowl in his hand: "In the past, I often helped him organize the manuscripts of Xishan College, and probably he thought that I would use it smoothly."

"But now, you are no longer a student of your academy, nor is it a collection of righteousness. It is not for people to use. Besides, he has to convene three hundred students to edit together. There are many people, and you will pass by without a system. I didn't agree. "


I didn't say anything, and there was no obvious expression of disappointment. I just responded, and then bowed my head and took a sip of porridge.

But then, he said, "But if you want to go and see, I'm right."


My heart moved again, and he looked up at him subconsciously, his face was a little dark, not angry, nor gloomy, but I still couldn't believe my ears-he was really accurate Is it?

He also looked at me and said, "But you also need to know that I've got you right, not because I don't understand, because I don't want to refuse you."


"Do you understand what you mean?"

He looked at me with dark eyes, the kind of depth that seemed to be bottomless, and wanted to grab the soul of a person. I looked at him for a long time, and lowered my head, and said "um".

He laughed.

I did not look up at him again, but felt that his eyes had never left me, so hot and real, as if it could turn into a real touch, burned to human skin, I was a little shuddered several times, for the next moment he would I really reached out and touched me. Seeing that his half of the bowl of porridge was finished, as soon as I put down the bowl, I said, "I don't know what Fu Lao said to your Majesty?"

He looked at me for a while: "What did he tell you again?"

I pursed my lips, put down a bowl of leftover porridge that was already slightly cold, and said gently, "Elder Fu said to the daughter, in any case, I have to support the emperor for this year."

His eyes flickered slightly.

"He wants you to follow me?"


"Oh," he said abruptly, "It seems that the four million two that I had previously approved are less approved for him."

I pursed my lips and didn't answer him, but he coughed twice, then reached out, wiped his mouth, and barely wiped out the smile on the corner of his mouth.

Then he said, "Do you know why you're going through this year?"

I shook my head.

He sighed, but didn't intend to tell me what he said, saying, "All these years, I have listened to him, and hope this time, I didn't hear it wrong."

I said gently: "Elder Fu is thinking about the world being born. If His Majesty is the same as the people in the world, then he will not be wrong."

He smiled.

For a long while, he said, "However, how to sustain this year?"

I thought about it, and didn't immediately confide in Xichuan's affairs and only said, "At least at the court, we must keep this situation at the moment, we must not be messy, and we cannot give people an opportunity."

He looked at me: "Then you know, what's the problem with the court, and you need to keep the situation right now?"

"The treasury is empty."


A straight line of words was spoken, but it was like throwing a stone into the lake, which suddenly broke the peace in the heart, but immediately, the entire palace was quiet.

He was so silent that he couldn't even hear his breath.

My palm was a little sweaty, but my face didn't change at all, I just squeezed the corner of my clothes slightly.

The treasury is empty, and the court has no money. This matter cannot be regarded as a secret event, but I also know that I can say this in front of the emperor. Usually, I am afraid that the nine groups are not enough. This is what he has been reluctant to face. The fact is also a fact that I have been trying to cover up. I have never asked him this question, but just now, he promised that I could go to Jixiandian to see, this is already a concession made by him, then I also A little response is needed.

No longer circle around with his clouds and fog.

Sure enough, I felt that his hand on the table was slightly hard, his phalanx made two cracks, and for a short while he sighed, "You know ..."

I nodded.

In fact, even after I returned to Beijing, he did n’t even have to take a look at his several measures-taking back the business of the Yang family, turning the management rights of salt, wine, and silk into public, and personally managing the household-no need to judge from these, only from the beginning Pei Yuanfeng told me that all of Jiangnan's taxes were sent to Shengjing. From that national policy alone, we can know that the court had no surplus.

At that time, the royal family entered the customs. After so many years of war, the wealth of the Central Plains has been exhausted. Although the emperor has implemented a policy of rest and recuperation for many years, as the saying goes, the world ’s taxes are boosted by two, and the taxes from Jiangnan are sent to Shengjing. However, Xichuan has never completely surrendered to the court. In this way, almost two cents of the tax from the two largest sources of taxation were handed over to the court. Only the taxes in other areas can support the normal expenditure of the court, even some large-scale projects. The construction of the project, but the balance-I only calculated it in my heart, and I knew it was not much.

He heard me say that, his fingers moved, as if he wanted to take something, but looked at the dishes on the table, his hands retracted.

I only knew that he wanted to drink and to get a glass.

I said calmly: "Your Majesty drink less alcohol. Some things can be borrowed to drink to sorrow, but the practical difficulty is that the wine will not go."

He looked up at me and chuckled.

Then he said, "Do you know that he is in Jinling, why hasn't he started?"

I said softly: "How much is also for money."


"Although Jiangnan is also a prosperous land, after the war and the exploitation of so many years before, the people have no wealth, and the money that supports a war cannot be squeezed out by short-term dumping. Otherwise, Fighting in the middle of the battle may provoke civil unrest first. "


"If you really want to fight, you won't be able to fight this battle within half a year. I estimated that if he wants to cross the Jiangbei to support the troops along the way, it will cost at least five million two a month-this is also Just forage. "

Pei Yuanzhang looked at me a little unexpectedly: "How can you count this?"


I was dumb and hadn't had time to say anything, he looked at me with a smile: "Your mother taught you?"


I didn't answer, he chuckled: "It seems that your mother is indeed an extraordinary person, no wonder--"

Having said that, he paused himself.

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