Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 1668: Everyone in Yangzhou City will be buried for him!

Seeing his amazement and hearing his terrified voice, I haven't reacted yet, but with his eyes, I also slowly lowered my head. The first thing I saw was the blood redness of the place.

The rain washed away the blood on the tower and flowed down the road to everyone's feet, forming such a river of blood.

However, the water under my feet seemed redder than the rain under the feet of others.

How is this going?

I was still a little hesitant. I watched the rain that was getting more and more red, and even my clothes were dyed red. The blood red color was washed down by the rain and kept flowing down, even formed under my feet. A puddle, I seemed to stand in a pool of blood.

At this moment, I just felt that my whole body was getting chilled, as if something was about to draw away the heat from my body, and I had no strength. Every drop of rain on my body seemed to be a blow. The clothes were soaked with rain and weighed more than a thousand pounds, almost crushing me.

this is--

this is--!

A flash of light flashed through my mind, remembering my experience on the boat, and my eyes widened in horror. At this time, Pei Yuanxiu walked forward in front of me and looked down at the blood under me.



I couldn't believe my eyes, shivering in the rain for a long while, then slowly raised my head to look at him.

His face was pale, and he was held up horizontally. The soldiers around him were startled, and a few generals came forward subconsciously: "Master!"

"Shut up!"

He shouted in a deep voice. People around him were shocked by him, and none of them dared to speak again. Han Ruoshi was standing not far with his umbrella, looking at the blood red under my feet, and his eyes were also red.

When I was held in his arms, the whole person lost his reaction, or lost the strength to act, only felt that the sky was spinning, blood and water continued to flow down the tip of my shoe, along the corner of the clothes, even very He will soon dye his clothes into blockbusters. He hugged me hard, letting me lean against his chest, and the anxiety caused by the violent undulations of his chest also stained me.

Xie Ye seemed to understand something at this time, and hurried forward: "Son, are you going back to the ship, or-"

Pei Yuanxiu only glanced back. At this time, the rain was getting heavier and the wind was getting more and more urgent. Even if the big ship had landed, it was still trembling because of the continuous flooding of the river. Turning his head, he looked at the city that was washed away by rain and still looked gray, which was originally a city waiting to be slaughtered.

He said, "Into the city!"

As soon as Xie Yan heard this, his eyes lightened, and he immediately waved toward the people around him: "Line up, enter the city!"

Although the soldiers around were just still noisy, but now both of them have spoken, they can't say anything any more, and several generals immediately led them in a line to tidy and ran towards the front.

The soldiers lined up on both sides, and Pei Yuanxiu hugged me and quickly walked along the road.

He looked down at me and said Shen: "Lightness, you have to hold on!"


I can't say anything, this time is completely stupid, but the moment he was holding me into the city, the rain slowly washed down the blood on the tower, and a drop fell on me. There was a click on my face, and the fishy smell stimulated me to close my eyes.


We quickly entered Yangzhou City.

Although someone is holding an umbrella over our heads, I still feel like I ca n’t open my eyes because of the rain. My eyelids are sinking more and more heavily. The cold of the rain is raging when I ca n’t resist, and it almost penetrates me. In the heart.

He hugged me, desperately running on the street.

Even if he closed his eyes and wiped out everything around him, he could still hear his breathing, heavy and messy, as if his heart was beating at this moment.

Finally, we found the nearest hospital to the city gate.

The doors and windows were originally closed here. Almost everyone was hiding in the cupboard. Under the bed, there were even people digging tunnels in the yard. When they saw us going in, they were scared, and there were a few young and strong guys. Seeing that he was driven to a dead end, he rushed out to grab these kitchen knives and tried desperately with these soldiers.

Of course, I was knocked out in two or three.

Seeing that those people were bleeding from the nose and mouth, when I was carried into the door by him, I whispered in a voice that I could not even hear: "Don't ..."

Pei Yuanxiu only glanced back and coughed, and those people immediately stopped.

He hugged me and walked into the innermost part of the medical hall. The stove was still dyed here. Seeing that there were still many stretchers and scattered, blood-stained bandages in the backyard, he knew that there must be many wounded in these days of fierce fighting. It was sent here.

Pei Yuanxiu asked someone to find a dry and soft mattress and put it on the couch carefully. Then, several doctors were taken to us.

At this time it was too late to change clothes and do any sheltering. They immediately gave me needles and injections, and finally managed to stop the bleeding. Then I put a handkerchief on my wrist, and a doctor came forward to me. Having diagnosed the pulse, he immediately retracted.

I have closed my eyes.

In the darkness, I heard the doctor's trembling but determined voice--

"This, this lady ... she is pregnant."


There seemed to be a thunder in the sky.

For a moment, everything in my head was blown away by that roar, and nothing was left. Only the doctor's voice kept echoing in my ear.


Pregnant with pregnancy ...!

Everything seems to stop because of this sentence. I don't know how long after that, a snoring sound in my ear suddenly drew me out of the dark confusion that almost fainted.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Han Ruoshi standing at the door, and the oil-paper umbrella in his hand fell to the ground, slowly rolling.

She couldn't believe how ordinary her ears were, staring at me in horror, and my eyes were completely empty. Looking at her eyes, after a long time, she slowly raised her hands and stroked her belly. .

I'm pregnant?

I'm pregnant with his baby?

how can that be possible?

Han Ruoshi didn't give me the contraceptive decoction, did I drink it all?

Why am I still pregnant with his child?

Just when I lost my mind, as if a child who had just woke up from a nightmare kept trembling and didn't know what they asked again, the doctor said carefully: "The lady just caught the cold, and was greatly frightened Almost a small birth, so the bleeding will not stop. And, seeing his wife's pulse is very chaotic, this one ... I'm afraid it's not safe. "

Pei Yuanxiu said in a low voice, "Give her treatment right away, no matter what, keep this baby!"

He didn't need to say anything else, as long as he stood in the room, it gave a strong sense of oppression. The doctor dared to neglect, and hurried with his helpers and apprentices to go down and catch medicine, and Pei Yuanxiu continued "You all go out and wait outside."


Everyone retreated. Han Ruoshi was the last one to leave. She stood at the door, her eyes flashing with undisguised viciousness. Only when she saw Pei Yuanxiu slowly walked in front of me, she lowered her head. Reached to close the door.

Everything outside is also isolated.

Pei Yuanxiu squatted down and looked at me. His face and body were completely wet with rain like me. The temperature of the original cold bones could not stop the joy and warmth from his eyes, but his face. There are still not many expressions on it, as if afraid of irritating me. Even when I spoke, my voice seemed very careful: "lightness ..."

My eyes slowly moved from his stomach to his face. It was clear that the person had been soaked by the rain, but his eyes were dry and he felt stinging even after blinking.

I looked at him, and my throat kept tingling.

He seemed to think for a long time, but still didn't know how to say it, and could only call my name softly: "Light, I--"

"I do not want."

I trembled my lips and said gently, "I don't ...!"

His eyes flashed and his eyes became cold.

I thought what he would say, or what to do to force me, but after a moment of silence, he said nothing, just reached out and gently helped me to clean the wet hair on my cheeks After he reached behind his ears, he gently said, "Don't think too much."

His attitude seemed to have told me the answer.

But at this moment I was about to collapse, and I clenched my fist and said loudly, "I don't want it!"

The tears burst out of his eyes, and his ironed face became distorted in his sight. After I said that, my strength was almost exhausted and I fell on the couch softly. Shaking his head and muttering, "I don't want, I don't want to have your child ... I don't ..."

I don't want to have his baby!

At this moment, I can't think of anything, only this thought is surging in my heart like crazy-I don't want to have his child! I can't have his baby!

He and I are long gone. There was no love or affection between us. All that tied me to him was only his means, and those **** tragedies. He tied me to him by murder. Under this **** and killing relationship, how can a life be born?

With children, isn't that going to keep us tangled?

No, this is absolutely unacceptable to me!

At that time, I gave birth to Lier, although it was also the most painful time, but at that time I had left Pei Yuanzhang, and I thought I could cut off the relationship completely with him; but now, I am trapped by him, if it is true With children, what should we end with?

Besides, there is Han Ruoshi beside him!

I didn't expect that I had been pregnant for a month, so her contraceptive pill had no effect other than harming the fetus, but it has no effect now, which does not mean that in the future, she will not give me anything. Spicy means.

This woman, she made up her mind to be the queen of Pei Yuanxiu. My presence and the appearance of my child are her greatest enemies. I dare not imagine what I would experience if I really gave birth to this child.

I don't ... I don't ...!

Looking at my pale face, there was no trace of blood on the lips, and I just repeated this sentence unconsciously. Pei Yuanxiu didn't say anything again, but squatted in front of me, stared at me intently, and slowly lifted one hand. My cold hands.

I do n’t know how long it took, and there was a knock on the outside. It was just that the doctor had boiled the medicine and came in. When he saw me and him, he was scared to approach. Then came to me: "Light, you take some medicine first, what's the matter for us-"

I looked up at him and looked at the bowl of medicine again.

He was about to be delivered to my mouth. As soon as I gritted my teeth, I reached out and pushed the bowl of medicine away.

With a bang, the medicine soup spilled to the ground.

The strong smell filled the whole room for a moment, and his eyebrows were twisted. He looked down at the potion on the ground, and for a moment he lost his response. I gritted my teeth and said intermittently, "Pei Yuanxiu, I will not give birth Your child, I don't want this child! "


He slowly turned his head to look at me, and suddenly reached out and hugged me from the couch.

I was stunned and looked at him with wide eyes: "What are you doing ?!"

He didn't say a word, hugged me and kicked the door directly. The people outside were originally standing under the eaves. Everyone looked so heavy they didn't dare to speak. When they saw him holding me out, they all surrounded him: "Gongzi . "

Pei Yuanxiu's lips curled into a line, he ignored no one, and hugged me directly towards the second floor of this medical hall.

Through a long, dark staircase, I just felt dizzy and couldn't see anything. I could only hear his breathing heavy and sounded in his ears.

After going up to the second floor, he kicked open a room.

It seemed to be used to store medicinal materials. The strong smell suddenly made my head dizzy, but he said nothing, walked directly to the window holding me, and pushed open the closed window.

A gust of wind was blowing and it suddenly struck.

We both were soaked in wet clothes, and at this time it was cold and boneless, but he didn't even feel a bit, just holding my chin to let me face outward: "Look!"

With my eyes wide open, I saw the situation outside.

The entire Yangzhou City, under the pouring rain, is like a dead city without life.

Although the people were still there, and some had been rushed to the street by soldiers, none of them dared to speak. The pale face had godless eyes, as if they had understood their destiny, just waiting for the final kill.

This is Yangzhou, the place where the fireworks originally flourished.

Now, this is where he wants to slaughter the city.

I was shaking in the wind and rain.

"Did you see these people?"

He squeezed my chin so that I could see everyone outside, every one who was hungry for life, but also fell into a desperate face, and then pressed against my ears, saying gently, "If my child Can't keep it, everyone in Yangzhou will be buried for him! "

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