Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2116: Tonight, none of us can run

"Yan Qingliang!"

"Yan Qingying, don't be faint, wake up soon!"

"Yan Qingliang!"

The impatient voice sounded slowly in my ears, and it became clearer and more real. It made me slowly pull away from the chaos of the dream of the yellow sand, and felt that there was a burning fire on my face, It seems that someone is patting.

A thin voice said, "Don't hit my mother ..."

"I want her to wake up, and she won't wake up again when she sleeps!"

"So, then I'll come."

A pair of cold soaked hands touched my face, and I suddenly froze and opened my eyes immediately.

In front of him, it was dark.

I opened my eyes blankly and took a deep breath. Then I saw some stars in the darkness, it turned out to be dark, and the sky above me was full of stars.

After some recovery in sight, a familiar face also faintly came into view, and a smile on his muddy face showed a happy smile: "Mother, you are awake!"

"Good words?"

After I called her, the person became confused again. I did n’t know what was happening. I just felt that my body was very cold, and after a few more seconds, the person became more awake. I suddenly remembered what happened before I was unconscious However, our team encountered a sandstorm!

I sit on the camel, with the wonderful words ...

Then I passed out ...

Now this is--

I sat up suddenly, but my body was weak for a while, and I just bounced a little and fell down again. At this moment, a hand next to me crossed my back, and a cool voice said: "Don't be dead if you are all like this."

This voice--

I looked back and a beautiful face came into view at night.

"Nangong Lizhu?"

I opened my eyes in amazement, her clothes were disheveled, she even wore a blouse, looked at me coldly, her face was expressionless, only as cold as the wind.

I don't know why, when I called her by her name, her eyes were cold, and her hands retracted immediately. I fell short of the fall, and hit my back against the cold, hard sand and gravel on the ground. Yan hurriedly rushed over and held my arm: "Mother, what's wrong with you, mother, are you okay?"


I gasped for a few sighs of anxiety before taking my breath away and looking at Miu Yan: "Mother is fine."

When I said this, I glanced around quickly. The three of us were at the foot of a tall sandstone. The surroundings were dark, not even a spark, and no one else.

How is this going?

Did the three of us be separated from the others?

Thinking of it this way, I was suddenly cold from behind, and hurriedly supported me from the ground, and Nangong Lizhu looked at me impatiently, but still stretched out my hand, and I looked at her with a little breath: Are we separated from them? Are we only three of us here? "

"Otherwise? Do you want someone to serve you?"

When she said that, her frown was also very tight.

I only knew that her indifference was not just facing me, as if I had drifted to the desert island with Han Zitong, but now staying on this deserted Gobi, although not as hopeless as the desert island, it is also life-threatening She would be angry and rightfully so.

But now is definitely not the time to be angry.

I reached out and supported the sandstone next to me, slowly stood up, and came over to help me, only to find that my fingertips were still wrapped in a broken step, and I threw my hand away, and looked away. It was really a bit of a voice No light at all.

When the cold wind blew, I felt that I was colder than just now.

Looking down, Miao Yan's body was wrapped in an oversized piece of clothing, and a piece of rag was tied around her waist to barely wear it. I wondered, "You are--"

When I looked at Nangong Lizhu again, I came back to God. Miaoyan wore her clothes.

Miaoyan hurriedly said: "When the sandstorm was the biggest, my mother kept holding me and let go of my clothes. As a result, my clothes were scratched. As soon as I was cold, she, the concubine of Nangong, took my clothes off."

She said, glancing at Nangong Lizhu awkwardly.

I was a bit shocked myself.

Although my relationship with Lizhu Nangong has been eased, but I haven't reached the point of being a good sister. I didn't expect that this time, she would help me take care of the words and take off her clothes to wear to her!

Nangong Lizhu did not speak, but looked at the wonderful words with complex eyes.

Immediately I took off my clothes, and the words were anxious: "Mother, don't, it will be cold!"

She said this, and looked at Nangong Lizhu a little hesitantly, but I ignored her and took off her clothes and handed it to Nangong Lizhu. She also looked at me and didn't hesitate to pick it up and wear it On.

Miaoyan hurriedly said, "Mother, you will be cold!"

A gust of cold wind blew, and I was so shivered by the establishment. I looked up at the positions of the stars and the moon in the sky and said, "It's not too long now, and it's not too cold. We have to set the fire before it gets cold. Point it up, otherwise this night, none of us can live! "

I knew after spending some time in the Northwest. Even if the sun was burning during the day, the water dripped into ice at night. I can't ignite any of the three of us tonight while I can still move.

Although I had just woke up from a coma, and my body was still weak for a while, I still grasped the hand of wonderful words: "Go with your mother to pick firewood."

After speaking, he looked down at Nangong Lizhu again: "You-will you make a fire?"

She looked at me with complex eyes, as if a little shocked that I accepted everything so quickly, and started to prepare a fire or something. After a while, she said, "I, I try."

"All right, let's go."

After speaking, I immediately grasped the wonderful words and ran out from behind the sandstone.

Because there is no torch lighting, everything around us is extremely dark. We can barely see the ground closer by the moonlight and starlight above our heads. On several occasions, the wonderful words almost tripped on the ground. Two people stumbled and walked for a while, and found a dead tree lying on the ground on a dirt slope. I don't know what tree left after it died, which is thicker than people.

Beside, there were still some dead weeds.

I said immediately: "Fantastic words, take down the cloth around your waist and give it to me, and go there to pick up the hay."


She obediently gave me the cloth strip, which should be made from the clothes I had torn from me, but it was a long one. I tied one end of the cloth strip to the dead wood and grabbed the other side by myself. Started dragging the dead wood.

Miao Yan held a large clump of hay in one hand and saw that I was struggling to drag it. I hurried to push the dead wood from the back: "Mother, I help you!"

The two stumbled and dragged the thick dead wood back, but returned to the sandstone side and saw Nangong Lizhu sitting there kneeling dumbly, doing nothing at all.

With a frown on my brow, the wonderful words immediately said, "You haven't made a fire yet?"

Nangong Lizhu just woke up and looked at us, looking down at his spread hands.

Her face was originally numb, but it was a little embarrassing to see the two of us gasping and dragging such a thick piece of dead wood back.

The clever words muttered, "What!"

I immediately reprimanded her, dragged the dead wood back, and immediately took out the fire, lit the flames with the dry grass picked up by the wonderful words, and then broke the dead branch from the dead wood, a little A little bit of the flames to wait and wait.

Gradually, the fire flickered and illuminated the eyes of the three of us.

Miao Yan's face immediately smiled and said happily, "So warm!"

I smiled and held her hand to the side of the fire, and said, "Hurry up, and be careful not to chop your clothes."

"I know."

I stretched out my hands to get together, a heat wave struck me and finally thaw me.

At this time, the talents are a little bit more lively and can think more. I can't help but glance around again-this place is completely strange, I don't know where it is, and I don't know the wind and sand They turned Qinghan, Pei Yuanzhang, and Pei Ningyuan to where they went.

Light cold ... Poison on him!

Thinking of this, the cold wind struck again, blowing me for a moment, and my mood also dropped from the warm joy just to the freezing point.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen. It was originally just to commemorate the emperor's tomb and find Nangong Lizhu, but now Nangong Lizhu is found, but everyone is scattered to catch a thank you. I don't know when I can be with them Reunion, Qing Han's body-can he survive it?

My brow slowly twisted.

At this moment, I warmed my shoulders, turned my head, and clung to my arms, wrapped my oversized clothes on my shoulders. After all, the fire can only be grilled to the front. The back is against the wind. I smiled and reached out to hold her, she said gently, "Mother, me, I am a bit hungry."


There is no other way.

I said softly: "You stand by tonight first, and we will find a way tomorrow when we can find someone during the day. If you can't find anyone, the mother will also find you something to eat."


She believed me very much. After a while, I started to fight when she saw her eyelids, and her head kept dropping like a chicken pecking rice.

After this scene, everyone will be tired.

I stepped in and let her face rest in my arms, and soon she fell asleep on my lap.

I smiled and gently opened the hair on her face, raised my head, and saw Nangong Lizhu sitting opposite the fire, her eyes were staring at the wonderful words in my arms, that This kind of look ... made me faintly see her in the palace, because she lost her fertility, because of the inadvertent call of Miaoyan, and she was particularly attached to Miaoyan.

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