Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2117: My hatred for her is gone

I couldn't help frowning.

It seemed to feel that I became vigilant, she glanced at me again, and then said lightly, "You don't have to be afraid."


"What else can I do to you now, to her?"


"I'm already nothing."

After I was silent for a while, I said, "But you are still a concubine, and the emperor arrived here from Xi'an, just because I saw the sentence you left-he said, he must find you . "

Nangong Lizhu gave a faint smile, with a bitter bitterness in her smile: "Do you look at him like you came to me?"


"After I appeared, did he tell me something to save me?"

I thought about it and said, "I can only say that you didn't show up at the right time. No matter who was there, he couldn't care less."

Nangong Lizhu didn't speak, but her eyes were quieter, staring blankly at the flame that was constantly rising.

The two sat quietly for a long time, and the dead branches that had just been smashed were almost burned out. I wanted to get a little more, but when I moved, the good words murmured uneasily, and I was afraid to wake her up. He didn't dare to move for a while, Nangong Lizhu glanced at me and said, "I'll come."

She walked over, awkwardly tore off some dead branches from the dead wood, and when I came back, I saw that her palms had been pricked with blood, and her eyes were red with pain.

I silently threw the dead branches into the fire and said softly, "Thank you, I took care of the wonderful words during my coma."

She looked down at her palm and looked at me. She only looked up at me when she said this, and looked at the words in my arms. She didn't speak, but she was as cold as a pool of standing water. Her breath finally recovered, but she said stiffly, "You don't have to thank me, I, I don't know what I'm doing."

I smiled slightly.

I don't believe that when she started to get cold around, she took off her clothes and gave a good word, she would not know what she was doing.

Although she was unwilling to say this again, I knew in my heart that my hatred for her had completely disappeared at this moment, leaving nothing left.

Nothing is more important than wonderful words.

Thinking of this, I lowered my head again, and gently stroked the face of Wuyan with my already warm fingers. After thinking about it for a while, I raised my head and looked at her, and said softly, "Nangong Lizhu, how can you Are you here? "


Although after I woke up, her body has always exuded a kind of life-like breath, and her heart is like death, but I know that she did n’t really die. If she really died, wherever she is You can do it, but you don't have to come to the Emperor's Mausoleum. You can only see the emperor once a year. Her heart is still alive, and it beats even harder than anyone.

Sure enough, when I asked, I immediately saw her eyes narrowed.

After a while, she spoke, her voice trembling slightly, and she was also hoarse: "Because, I have nowhere else to go."


I would like to persuade her for two more words, but as a woman, I know very well. It ’s useless to say anything at this time, it will only stimulate her sensitive heart. After hesitating for a while, I said softly, "Forget it, do n’t Think more, let's sleep for a while. Tomorrow, we must find them and join them, otherwise-"I looked around and didn't continue.

Otherwise, we will really die of thirst, or starve to death in this vast Gobi.

Nangong Lizhu looked at me for a while: "What about you?"

"I can't sleep now. No one is guarding the fire, and the fire will go out."

"can you?"

"It's okay, I can."


She didn't speak, but clenched her knees tightly and stared at me with wide eyes. I was a little uncomfortable with her focused eyes, and when she wanted to ask her subconsciously, she heard her muttering, " You, you weren't like that before. "


"Before you were obviously weak, anyone could--"

Speaking of which, she paused for a while, and I understood it with a slight smile: "Everyone can hurt me, right?"

She didn't speak, but her eyes were clearly acquiescent.

In fact, my mind has not changed much from that year, except that I was a helpless little maid in front of them and could pinch me to death by just moving my fingers; but now, my status is different Neither they nor the forces behind me can stop them from acting lightly on me, but the most important thing is because I have wonderful words.

To be a mother is to be strong, for her, I can bear any burden.

What's more, there is light cold, I can't fall anyway before his poison is resolved!

I took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Don't talk about it, it's all about the past, you go to sleep. When the middle of the night, I will wake you up and watch the fire."

She was quiet for a moment and nodded.

That being said, but I didn't move all night, holding my knees to watch the flames flutter, adding a few firewood in the middle, and finally supported the daybreak. When the wonderful words woke up, I was a bit stiff .

She yawned, and when she saw my eyes, she said immediately, "Mother, haven't you slept? Your eyes are so red!"

Nangong Lizhu was also awakened by her voice, opened her eyes and looked at me.

She was probably wondering why I didn't wake her up, I just smiled.

The three of them couldn't wash, and they couldn't even eat breakfast. After the sun rose and the earth gradually got a little temperature, they left the sandstone and walked forward.

Although I can judge my position now, but I do n’t know how far we have deviated from the original position. I can only choose to continue my journey to the northwest. Fortunately, after walking for half a day, we are in a sandstone. A camel was found behind it, which should have been separated from us yesterday. I rode on the wonderful words, holding the reins myself, and pulling Nangong Lizhu's hand step by step.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon.

The sun is like a fireball, roasting a piece of Gobi that has no grass. I watched the hot steam on the ground far away, and the scenery was a bit distorted.

Nangong Lizhu was so hot that she took off the clothes I gave her again and said weakly, "I, I can't walk anymore ..."

"Keep on, wait until the camel is thirsty, and it will lead us to find water."

"But I--"

Before she finished speaking, she fell to the ground.

"I really can't move ..."

I myself was so hot that my head was spitting fire, and the sweat was like ebb, but I was toasted before dripping. The whole person was very sweaty and very uncomfortable. Nangong Lizhu obviously didn't have the hardships that I could suffer. Has reached its limit.

However, it is absolutely impossible to stop at this place, it will be like no fire when you sleep last night, it will die!

I bent down and took her hand: "Nangong Lizhu, you can't do this, get up!"

"I really can't!"

She almost cried: "I'm so uncomfortable ..."

She used to walk westward in Yu Wenying's team. After all, she was prepared, but now there are only three people walking on the vast Gobi, no water, no shade, and it really makes her emotional collapse.

I looked at her a little tricky. At this moment, the wonderful words slowly turned down from the camel. I was startled and hurriedly reached out to support her. She stood on the ground and said to me, "Mother, let her go up sit down."

"then you--"

"I'm much better, just a little hungry."


"Let's go forward, mother, you must find something for me."

I felt sorry for my daughter's sensibility, and I was even more trapped in the immediate predicament. I reached out and touched her sweaty face, smiled, and then lifted up some solitary Nangong Lizhu and supported her to sit on the camel's back.

I said to her, "You sit down for a while, my daughter is still young."

She nodded slightly.

In fact, it ’s really not time to collapse now. After all, we already have a camel in our hands. As a last resort, I can kill it to drink blood and eat meat. However, I do n’t want to tell them this. Yes, they are not hungry to the extreme, neither of them can accept it; secondly-after all, today is our first day of separation, it is too early.

After walking for a while, Miaoyan began to starve again. I found a dirt dragon from the gravel pile, cut it with a knife, and gave it to them. Both of them really covered their mouths with nausea. Put on an expression of "Three Zhen and Nine Martyrs": "Do n’t starve to eat this, it's disgusting!"

Nangong Lizhu nodded hurriedly: "Yes! Yan Qingying, but you are still Miss Yan Family!"

I laughed bitterly and said nothing, and stuffed it into the bag I had with me.

In the evening, the two became increasingly weak.

I forced myself to look around. The sun was about to go down. We had to find the same leeward place as last night. Before it got cold, my husband made a fire.

However, the scene was flat, and I coaxed them both: "Let's go a little further, take a little walk and find a place to rest."

Who knew this, I walked for another half an hour, watching the distant sun set with only a little left, and the humble words were almost hungry from the camel, grabbing my tears: "Mother, I, I Really hungry! "


"I think I'm starving."

I pulled the soil dragon out of the bag: "Would you like to eat this?"

She pouted, tears were coming.

Nangong Lizhu looked aside, and there was no such exciting response during the day, but both people closed their mouths and did not speak.

I don't know how long after that, Wonderful Word timidly reached out and took the thing from my hand.

Suddenly, Nangong Lizhu's eyes widened.

I didn't force the good words to eat. After all, I knew that when people were too hungry, they would see everything in their mouths. Instead of waiting until then without dignity, let her make a sober choice.

She slowly held the thing and sent it to her mouth.

Nangong stared at her intently.

Shuaiyan's fingers trembled, and she closed her eyes and just sent them to her mouth. Nangong Lizhu said immediately, "Do you really want to eat?"

As soon as she said a word, the wonderful words hesitated again, opened her eyes and looked at the thing, and suddenly took it away with pain in her face.

I said softly, "If you're not hungry, it doesn't matter, you can move forward."


The good words were silent, gritted their teeth, and handed me the dragon.

It was the three of us who continued to move forward. The sun had disappeared from the ground, and there was only a faint light in my sight, but the fire in my heart slowly burned, and it became more and more anxious. No trachoma can be found, and the rest of the night will be a problem, and it will be easy to blow out the fire if there is a strong wind. In case of any beast, we have no place to hide.

When I was looking up anxiously, the wonderful words called me lightly: "Mother."

I looked down at her, and she was so hungry that she collapsed a little, and she pulled my sleeve gently with one hand: "I want to eat."

I said, "But Niang only found that one."

She nodded.

I turned the dirt dragon out of the bag and handed it to her. This time, she didn't seem to be struggling. She took it to her mouth. Instead, I hesitated and asked her, "Well, Do you really want to eat? "

She was holding the thing and said softly: "In fact, when I came out of the capital, I saw many people have eaten this and also eaten the soil."


Nangong Lizhu looked at her in amazement, and I didn't speak anymore. Miaoyan looked at the earth dragon in his hand and said to himself very softly: "It turns out that people are the same when they are hungry."

After that, she stuffed it into her mouth.

Just when she put the thing in her mouth, the last light of the sun had completely disappeared, and the surroundings suddenly turned black.

Nangong Lizhu suddenly pointed at the front: "Look, what's that!"

Both Nangong Lizhu and I turned our heads at the same time, and saw a little flame on the already dark ground in front of me, fluttering in the faraway place!

I haven't seen it before, because the flame in the sun can't attract people's attention at all, but the sky is dark and the flame is bright.

I also exulted, "Somebody, somebody there!"

Miao Yan's mouth had a dirt dragon, and his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe the faint flame in front of him. I hurriedly said to her, "I'm going to vomit, vomit, let's hurry up and there may be some people there!"

She was silent, but shook her head and swallowed it.

Then he looked up at me: "Mother, concubine, let's hurry up!"

I couldn't help but smile a little, and Nangong Lizhu looked at her, and there was no disgusting expression in her eyes, but she showed a little admiration. I asked Nangong Lizhu to sit on the camel, and the two of them held the reins underneath, using their last strength to move forward.

The surrounding sky was already dark.

The flames became clearer and clearer in my sight. I even saw several figures surrounding the flames. They immediately surrounded us when they saw us approaching.

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