Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2126: The last "sacrifice"

Seeing my vigilant gaze looking around, Yu Wenying smiled lightly and said, "Miss Yan can rest assured. If Xie Yuan really comes, I can still protect you."

Seeing through his mind, I smiled awkwardly and said, "Of course I am not only worried about myself."


"Fantastic words, and concubines, each of them, I don't want to be hurt anymore."


Yu Wenying raised her eyebrows, and said something unexpectedly: "It turns out that the relationship between Miss Yan and the concubine is so good? I thought you two-"

He didn't finish this, but I probably understand what it means. After all, they are people who have been in the harem. Even if Yu Wenying doesn't care about what happened to Pei Yuanzhang's harem, there is a little common sense. I must also understand that it is difficult for women in the harem to have deep friendships. I now compare Nangong Lizhu with wonderful words.

But what he didn't know was that before meeting them, if it wasn't for Nangong Lizhu taking care of the wonderful words, what would happen on such Gobi Beach, I can hardly imagine; let alone--

Nangong Lizhu is still a key figure for detoxifying Qinghan.

However, I didn't need to talk to him in detail, just smiled a little, a little embarrassed in the smile.

Yu Wenying looked at me, and seemed to want to see why this happened. I switched off the topic and said, "I always feel that Xie Ye is not simple. His purpose is even simpler. It may take a little more thought to deal with him. . "

Yu Wenying turned to look at me and said meaningfully: "That's for sure."

His eyes were shining in the night.

I looked into his eyes and said, "In fact, I still want to leave here earlier. After all, the weather on this Gobi beach is volatile and too variable, which is not good for us. If we can return to the Central Plains earlier and deal with him, We can discuss long term. "

Yu Wenying also looked into my eyes: "I know, we won't stay too long."

I smiled: "I'm relieved then."

He said: "It's getting late, Ms. Yan should go back to rest early."

"how about you?"

"I, I want to stay here again."


I turned around and returned to Miaoyan. The girl wrapped the entire blanket around me. With a bitter smile, I could only squeeze out a corner to barely cover my back, and then slowly entered when there was still room on the ground. Dreamland.

In the early morning of the next day, after Yu Wenying got up, he began to prepare everyone, and he wanted to worship by the lake.

Everyone knows that his purpose of coming to the northwest this time is to sacrifice the Longxi Army, so everyone is busy, because he also knows that as long as the Longxi Army is commemorated, he will leave here, and everyone has long thought It's time to leave the Gobi Desert, which has no grass and bad environment.

However, the memorial service is not so simple.

From the morning, Yu Wenying no longer eats the meat of the beasts that they hunted from the lake for the river water. They only drink some water and eat a simple dry cake. I thought the fast was over, but at noon, the sun rose At the middle of the zenith, he took out the compass and began to pace slowly by the lake.

Miaoyan was very interested in the compass and followed him step by step: "Uncle Yuwen, what are you doing?"

Yu Wenying didn't look at her, only stared at her compass seriously: "I'm looking for a way."

"What do you do for directions?"


"Are you looking for a place to worship?"

Yu Wenying glanced back at her, and I hurriedly said, "Of course Mr. Yu Wen has his own plans."

Yu Wenying smiled and said, "The princess is so interested in this? In fact, it's nothing, because I want to find-the place closest to the Longxi Army's burial place, such a sacrifice is devout."


The coquettish expression on his face became serious when he heard that.

Yu Wenying started to continue his work again. Miao Yan and I followed him for a while, but if we go further, our physical strength will not be enough. In addition, the hot sun will make the whole body fleshy, and we can only Back to the rest, hiding in the shade of sandstone, Nangong Lizhu moisturized the lake with her handkerchief, and gently wiped her face with wonderful words.

The coquettish words said: "Thank you, Concubine."

Nangong Lizhu just smiled gently.

It was not until the evening that Yu Wenying returned to his place.

Everyone has been waiting for his news. At this time, he hurried forward and asked, "Mr. Yuwen, have you found your way?"

"Well, are you ready?"

"The candles and paper money were always carried with me, and they were all ready."

It seems that Yu Wenying also paid great attention to the Longxi Army at this ceremony. In addition to carrying water and food with him, he also brought the candles and paper money used for the ceremony. Not only was it his heart, but also the ceremony.

However, in the face of what everyone had prepared, he still seemed unsatisfied, shook his head, walked to his horse again, and took off a huge burden from above.

It can be seen that the burden is a bit heavy. He came up with one hand and said, "With this, everything is complete. Will I prepare the boards you prepared?"

Those people also prepared, but it was a huge dead wood that was found far away, and was slowly split into planks.

Seeing all this, Yu Wenying nodded slightly with satisfaction.

He said, "So, let's go."

So everyone took the torch, put out the fire, and followed him slowly along the lake.

After about half an hour's walk, the sun was about to go down, and the howling of some animals could be heard around. We finally saw a dead wood standing by the lake in front, which was clearly the sign that Yu Wenying had inserted in advance.

I asked, "Mr. Yuwen, is this here?"


He walked over with us and prepared everyone on the shore separately. After I passed, I also looked at the surrounding environment. It is still similar to the place where we had rested before. It is surrounded by a vast Gobi Desert, far away. There are several sandstones scattered, and some guards have already settled there. The lake shore at the foot is a bit special. Probably this place was high before it was flooded by the lake. There is a long road that stretches to a deeper place on the lake. It is deeper than the shoals elsewhere.

From this point of view, this place should be a very tall and huge sandstone before it is flooded by the lake.

I asked Yu Wenying: "Is this right here?"

He shook his head: "In the heart of the lake."

"Then, is the memorial service going to start now?"

"No, it's a sacrifice."

When he had finished speaking, he returned to the shore, took out his own sword and left.

After a while, I only heard the sound of some animals whining from the Gobi Desert. After a while, Yu Wenying returned, holding three wolf heads in his hands, bloody, even the tip of his knife dripped blood all the way, wonderful Yan He looked at Nangong Lizhu and immediately closed her eyes in horror and covered her face.

But Yu Wenying didn't care. After dripping the wolf blood around the lake, he slowly walked to the center of the lake shore and put the three wolf heads neatly in front.

Then, the candles are saluted one by one.

I walked over and asked, "Mr. Yuwen, this is your sacrifice."


"Sacrifice ... shouldn't it be the head of a pig, cow, or sheep?"

He smiled slightly: "The sacrifices of ordinary people do use pigs, cows and sheep's heads, because they want to be rich, but the people in the army don't want richness, they want peace on this side. "


Although it was just a simple sentence, it deeply shocked my soul. I also seemed to be able to appreciate the mood of the soldiers who had been fighting here.

I nodded and stood behind him. After he had finished the sprinkler offering, I asked, "Mr. Yuwen, can I get a joss stick?"

Yu Wenying glanced back at me and nodded: "Of course."

After saying that, he handed me three incense sticks, I took them, worshipped them for three weeks, inserted them into the ground, and solemnly made three deep salutes towards the heart of the lake in front.

Even in normal times, I am full of respect and gratitude to the soldiers who protect the frontiers, and I will definitely pray for them at this time. Now, my mood is a little more solemn than usual. Because I really did n’t expect that this Longxi Army would be a part of my ancestors. I do n’t know what happened that year and let them be destroyed overnight, but I think when they were guarding Longxi, here It must be Haiqing Yanping.

It is with their blood and loyalty that they maintain the peace on this side.

When I prayed and turned around, Yu Wenying looked at me: "What are you thinking?"

"I?" I smiled. "I hope that the secret they buried here can be seen again sooner, just like the truth at the bottom of this lake.

Yu Wenying said lightly: "Maybe the secret can be seen again sooner, but the truth at the bottom of the lake is hard to come to light."


"Every time the water falls, everything at the bottom of the lake disappears."


"Maybe they are taken to another world, just like those already buried here."

When he said this, he looked a little sad, not as calm and sane as usual. I was weird. When I lowered my head, I saw the heavy baggage in his hands.

My brows frowned: "What is this?"

He also glanced down, saying only: "This is what I brought to them, the last‘ sacrifice ’.”

The last "sacrifice"?

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