Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2127: Eyes in the dark!

I murmured in my heart, and then whispered, "Well, are you going to put this,‘ sacrifice ’, here?”

He glanced at me, a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"of course not."

As soon as the words fell, I heard a few gurgling sounds. As soon as he lifted his leg, he kicked all the wooden boards stacked by the servants into the lake.

Those planks landed on the lake one after another, rippled layer after layer, and I immediately put it down, his feet were light and heavy, and those planks were lined up from near to far.

This is what he wants to--

Before I had an idea in my mind, I heard a sudden sound, he jumped up suddenly, and stepped onto the nearest plank!

Miaoyan originally stood behind me, and at this time he made a surprise "wow".

Yu Wenying didn't stay in the distance, just in the exclaiming of the wonderful words, his arms spread out, the wide sleeves screamed in the air, and several ups and downs, his toes stepped on those wooden boards, With a little splash, people have already gone.

Miao Yan chased in surprise, and almost stepped into the lake, only to see Yu Wenying's body as light as a swallow, and finally landed slowly on the wooden board in the middle of the lake, standing still.

At this moment, the sunset was obliquely shining, and the blood-red light filled the entire lake surface. The water in the lake seemed to be splattered with blood, and it seemed to ignite the flames. He stood still in the middle of the lake, his figure reflected on the slightly undulating lake.

This scene, if someone else does it, really is like a fairy, but he carried the heavy bag with one hand, and the other hand, holding the saber that was still dripping blood, removed the fluttering coat, It reveals a kind of **** hegemony.

Miao Yan stared at him without blinking, "Mother, what is he doing?"

My throat was slightly itchy, but before I had time to answer her question, I saw Yu Wenying lifting her burdened hand, facing the calm heart of the lake, suddenly letting go.

I heard a "thump", and the heavy burden immediately fell into the water, arousing a huge splash.

When the lake splashed and hadn't hit him yet, Yu Wenying rolled over and swept lightly, and the whole person rose like a swallow again, stepping on those wooden boards, and three or five up and down returned to the lake shore.

This time, he didn't even touch Mercury.

I was amazed, my gaze was always looking at the center of the lake, the water gradually dispersed, and only a few ripples swayed around, and after a while, not even the last ripples were left.

The surface of the lake was calm again.

I slowly turned my head to look at Yu Wenying and said, "You just--"

He said, "The last‘ sacrifice ’.”

"what is that?"

"It's all been invested in the lake, what's the point, does it make sense?"


"It will be like the skeletons that sink on the bottom of the lake. When the lake recedes, it will disappear. However, the Longxi Army knows that I have come."

I didn't know what to say for a while, the lake had calmed down, but my mood was hard to calm down for a long time.

Yu Wenying didn't seem to notice my mood, just looked back. At this time, the sunset was down, and he felt a bit of coldness in the wind. He waved, "Everyone is ready to rest, early in the morning, Let's go back! "

The crowd finally heard his order to go back, and they all couldn't help but some joyful cries happened, but I didn't have the joy of leaving this barren land, but I went back in complex mood and looked at the lake, Everything is calm, there are only a few planks left, because the wind has gradually drifted to other places, the baggage where he just dropped just now, the last "sacrifice", I have It's hard to remember.

Miaoyan, like me, looked at the lake quietly, and then said softly, "Mother, how strange he is to do things."

I smiled slightly: "Everyone has his own reasons for doing things."

"So, are we really going back tomorrow morning?"

"Of course, if everything goes well."

"..." Miaoyan looked at me for a while and seemed to want to say something, but after thinking about it, he shook his head again and lowered his head.

Her calm black and white eyes reflected her **** and white eyes, but also my eyes narrowed slightly, as if restrained by countless light eyes.


Probably because I knew that this was the last night to stay in this place, everyone's emotions rose up, a lot of bonfires were lit, and a fairly rich dinner on the Gobi Desert was cooked at night.

After dinner, everyone went to bed as usual.

Miao Yan and I still slept together. Nangong Lizhu was next to us and lay down for a long time. I heard her keep turning, and the words in her arms blinked, completely meaningless.

I asked softly, "What's wrong? Can't sleep?"

Niu Yan looked up at me and nodded.

Nangong Lizhu also said, "I don't know why, I'm very upset."

I smiled: "Are you going to leave this place, are you still a little bit reluctant?"


She said, but she couldn't lie down anymore. She just got up and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm too hot," she said. "I want to cool off by the lake."

The coquettish words said: "Me too, mother, my palms are all sweaty."

Think about it, it should be that they beat a deer this evening, and there was an additional roast venison at dinner. The venison was already a big supplement, plus I was afraid that the wind would catch cold in the night, and I drank a little deer blood for them. Blood gas surged up.

So I took them both to the lake, and dipped my sweaty palm into the cold water, and everyone sighed comfortably.

Miaoyan pours both hands into the lake and looks up at the dark lake surface: "During the day, Uncle Yuwen left that burden, and I can hardly remember."

I laughed: "Why do you remember so clearly, don't you want to get it?"

She laughed aloud.

Nangong Lizhu also kept looking at the lake in a daze. At this time, she banged my arm with her elbow and said, "Look, what are those bright things?"

"What's lit?"

"Just ahead, a lot of highlights."

She said, reaching out with a finger, and I looked forward along her finger, and suddenly got goose bumps.

Under the moonlight, a pair of green eyes came out from the darkness!

And, not only in front of us, but also behind us, those green eyes around us have already circled, surrounding us in the center!

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