Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2274: Night long dreams

His face was covered with blood, and it looked terrible and probably painful. People around him couldn't help him if he wanted to help him, and he just shivered slowly and kneeled before the toast.

Only then did the toast look down at him, and remorse appeared on his face.

"Father, don't be stubborn anymore," Silang said.

When he spoke, Pei Yuanzhang waved his hand, and the people behind him rushed out like a wolf, surrounded the scene, and the road at the village entrance was quickly controlled by them. At this time, even toast People who want to come in again will not be able to achieve their goals without going through a blood fight.

Silang Daocuo whispered in pain.

The moment he was just injured, he may not feel too painful because of numbness, but now the pain has swarmed. It was the most painful time when his teeth could not be bitten and his shoulders were too tight. The pain was twitching, and I couldn't help but push Du Yan and Chabixin's hands away and stepped forward to help him: "Sirang!"

He looked up at me, only nodded to me reluctantly, and then looked at him before letting the toast say, "Father, let the Central Plains do the work themselves, even if you are thinking of being profitable , But now offends Xichuan and rivals the Yan family. This is really not a profitable thing. If lightness is hurt a little more, Yan Qingchen will do his best to level Qingchuan! "

Only then did the toast say "I'm afraid?"

I looked up at him: "Uncle, you have hurt your son now, and then hostile to us, the juniors you watched growing up, is this profitable? It is called seeing oblivion!"

He had a stub in his throat and was speechless.

I took a handkerchief to wipe the blood on Silang Jiangcuo's face, but there was still blood flowing between his fingers, and I hurriedly shouted, "Yao Lao!"

He immediately walked up.

Silang raised his hand and signaled not to use it. Instead, he continued to say to his father, "Father, let's go, let's go back to Qingchuan."


"Here, it's not our place, it's not our battlefield."

Hearing these words made the toast finally unable to support it. The hand was slowly lowered, and the leather whip fell to the ground.

Those around him also walked over and said, "Master?"

He looked at us pale, and then looked at Silang Daoxi, and said in a dumb voice: "Go!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

Immediately, some people followed him, and some people hurried over to help Silang surrender. Although the toast gave up, I should be relieved, but watching Silang surrendered, I was I couldn't deliver it, but I reddened my eyes and watched the people around him coming to help him. I hurriedly said, "Let Yao Yao show you."

Yao Lao also came over, "Yeah, I'll show you."

Silang gave a glance before letting the toast's back say, "No need, if I stay, my father will definitely not leave completely, and the night is long."

"But your eyes—"

"It doesn't matter," he grinned, although I could feel his teeth gritted in his smile, still resisting the pain: "Back to Qingchuan, there are not so many conspiracy tricks there, I can see everything at a glance, It doesn't help to have two eyes, just keep one. "

He had lost an eye, and he just wanted to comfort me.

My tears were coming, but I heard him call me again: "Light."


"I just said, do you have a little heroism like" Libashanqiqishi "?"


Unexpectedly, at this time, he was still thinking about "playing" his knowledge in front of me. I wanted to laugh, but tears flowed down in disappointment, choking and choking: "Slang down, Actually you--"

I was trying to say, in fact, you are not the same as before, you are already a reborn person, but the words did not come out, he suddenly raised his hand to stop me from continuing, I looked at him in amazement He said, "Forget it, you still don't have to say it."


"Although I have always wanted to get your recognition, but now I don't want to."


"Because if you really admit it, I'll probably be satisfied. As soon as I'm satisfied, maybe I'll return to my childhood."


"So, you still don't have to admit me, just leave it in my heart. One day, I will be a person who will surprise you."

I looked at him with blood on his face, but with a smile, tears burst into tears, and sobbed and laughed: "Then, depending on your ability, can you surprise me?"

He hehe laughed.

The people around him helped him up, and the blood had already flowed to the ground, but he really gritted his teeth and didn't sigh any more. He waved his hand to gather the people here, and turned to walk outside the village.

The men and women at the entrance to the village silently turned away, and even some soldiers nodded solemnly at him.

Such people are not only surprising, but also worthy of respect.

Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something and looked back at me: "Lightness, your brother--"

I looked at him: "What?"


He hesitated, and then smiled again: "Nothing, goodbye."

After speaking, he waved his hand back to me and left.

I stood at the entrance of the village, watching the back of him far away, until the last of them disappeared at the end of the path, and the surrounding people finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When we looked back, everyone's face showed the joy of being born again.

Susu hurried forward to help me. My hand was still stained with Silang's blood, and there was Wu Qing who had been screwed out on my wrist. She said distressed: "Miss, you are hurt!"

"I'm fine."

I said dryly, although I was also happy in my heart, this matter was finally resolved, but I couldn't smile a little. Pei Yuanzhang walked in front of me and looked down at my pale face. Without strength to be happy, let alone to speak.

I said, "People are guarding the village entrance. Although I believe that Silang is taking measures, I am not convinced."

He nodded. "I know. Come back and rest."


I was not polite with him, turned Susu's arm back and walked back, everyone also supported each other in twos and returned to Tiejia Village.

This incident was considered to have passed without fear, but the people in this peaceful village have probably not experienced such a thing for about half their lives. After returning, the whole village was quiet and everyone was immersed In a complex mood.

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