Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort

Chapter 2275: This answer is not the hardest to accept

Tiezhen was the village chief, or he settled down and settled Charin and Chabixing, and lived next to us. After Susu helped me to go back, I asked a few words in the past and saw that they had a lot of father and son. What I want to say, I went back to my room, lying in bed, trying to rest, and fell asleep when I didn't want to.

When I woke up, it was already noon the next day.

Susu came in to serve me and said, "The emperor is here, just outside."


"He won't let me wake up Miss, saying he will take a good rest."

"Does he say anything?"

"No, just sit alone outside."

"I know."

I got dressed, freshened up a little, and went out. Sure enough, I saw Pei Yuanzhang sitting at a low table outside, looking up to see me, and saying, "Are you better?"

I walked over: "I'm fine and I'm not injured."

His gaze fell on my wrist.

The sleeve flicked over the wrist, revealing the bruises on it. Yesterday was only a touch of Wu Qing's marks. I didn't care after I came back. Who knew that it happened today, and it was painful.

Susu looked at it, and scolded herself carelessly.

Pei Yuanzhang said, "Go get hot water."

When he gave an order, Susu really ran out. Soon he took a basin of hot water and a towel. Pei Yuanzhang personally took it and put it on the table, and said, "There is a cricket here, you go out."

Susu glanced at me, I thought about it, and nodded.

He said to me, "Extend your hand."

I rolled up my sleeves a little and put it on the table. He reached into the hot water, twisted the parcel, and applied it to my wrist, which caused me to stiffen a bit. He said, "bear. "

I didn't move, I just felt blisters on my wrists.

He looked down at my slender fingers and remained silent for a while before saying, "I'm sorry."


I looked at him in amazement-what did the apology do?

He said, "I was thinking, no matter what, I wouldn't let you take any more risks, and I wouldn't let you get hurt, but I didn't expect--"

I chuckled and said, "I told my Majesty long ago that the situation in Xichuan is more complicated than anywhere in the Central Plains, but this time, I forgot it myself and did not do it well before introducing him to the village. Preparation, I deserve punishment. "

He glanced up at me, his expression looked dignified.

"Well, it's not as good as that Slang."


I looked at him for a while, and laughed, "Your Majesty really doesn't have to."


"Accidents happen at any time, and people are not immortals. You can count everything and still have to do it? Sometimes, you have good intentions."

"You are here, comfort me?"

"I'm comforting myself."

"..." He was silent for a while and said, "You have been waiting for Liu Qinghan to come back?"

The smile on my face sank a little, and there was still a smile on the corner of my mouth, but the laughter could not hold on. I sighed softly and said, "I said, I'll wait for him here. "


"But I don't know if he wants to come back."


He didn't speak. I looked at his face a little cloudy, and thought that I shouldn't talk about cold things in front of him anymore, but when I looked back, it seemed that he had raised it himself.

Just when the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, he suddenly said, "If he is such a person, I really want to pack him."


I gave him a surprised look.

After he said this, his mood seemed to be heavy, and the hand holding the jade was constantly exerting force, as if he was rubbing the jade, and more like venting.

I looked at him and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Just when both were silent and the atmosphere was a little awkward, Susu walked in from outside.

"Miss, Yao Lao is here to tell you, please go to the village chief's house."

"what's up?"

"He said that person seemed to be awake."


I Huo stood up and looked at her in shock: "Mo Tieyi woke up?"


Great, Mo Tieyi wakes up!

A smile of joy reappeared on my face all of a sudden, and I hurried to go outside. When I walked to the door, Susu looked at it hesitantly, and then I returned to my heart. , Looking back at him.

He slowly turned his head and said, "You are so anxious, go first."

I said "um" and immediately went out.

As soon as I walked out of the door, the sun shone on my face, and I suddenly felt a sense of dizziness. My limbs almost fell down, and Susu hurriedly helped me: "Miss!"

I remember that I have n’t eaten since yesterday afternoon. It ’s been a whole day since I slept. No wonder I ’m so hungry.

Susu said, "Miss, you are too weak. Eat something first."

Where can I take care of it.

I waved my hand and hurried forward. When she saw me like this, she couldn't stop it. She could only help me hard all the way, and finally came to the village chief's house. Tiezhen and Tierong stood at the door. As soon as I saw me coming, immediately came up: "Miss."

Although I was anxious, I also greeted them: "Is the old man okay?"

He shook his head and immediately held Tie Rong in front of me: "Hurry up, give the young lady a gift!"

Tie Rong lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry, Miss, I misunderstood you yesterday and scolded you. Don't blame me."

It turned out they still remembered it.

I smiled reluctantly, reached out and patted her sturdy shoulder, and said, "It's all right, you care about your grandpa too, I don't care."

After speaking, I didn't want to talk to them any more, and just asked: "Are people awake?"

Tiezhen hurriedly said, "I woke up for a while, but the young lady never woke up. We wanted to let the young lady take a rest, so I didn't alarm you."

"Okay, I know."

I waved my hand and pushed the door straight in.

The light in the room is not very good, because the doors and windows are closed, the strong **** smell that had spread before has faded a lot, and now the room is filled with a strong smell of medicine. I walked in and turned around, I saw Yao Lao sitting by the bed, and Mo Tieyi was really awake, sitting on the bed, looking at me pale.

I hurried over, "You're awake!"

"Miss Yan ..."

He also seemed very weak in speech, because his lips were bloodless because of excessive blood loss.

Although I was anxious to know what happened a few days ago, I didn't have the heart to force him, and said busyly, "How are you now?"

Yao Lao next to him said, "The injury is still to be healed, but it is not a big deal."

He wiped his hands with a piece of paraffin, it seemed that he had just changed the medicine, and then said to Mo Tieyi, "Remember what I told you. Don't move, the wound will crack again, it's not so easy to handle. . "

Mo Tieyi glanced at him and nodded: "Yes."

After speaking, Yao Lao stood up and said to me, "You have to ask me something, I know, but don't press too hard. This is still an injury."

He said this as if he had anticipated that I was going to press harder, and I frowned, and said, "I won't."

He turned and walked out.

I waited to see him go out and pulled the door backhand, and then sat on the little stool beside the bed where he just sat. Mo Tieyi was probably a little nervous, and moved subconsciously inside again. I Hurrying said: "You still don't want to disturb, beware of the wound."

As soon as he heard it, he really didn't dare to move.

I haven't seen Yangzhou for many years since I left Yangzhou. I didn't expect to see him again this way. At the time, he was in his prime, and he also did a lot of violent events in Yangzhou. Or because of going through too many things, the eyes and expressions have become old tired, and there is no longer the **** impulse.

I coughed softly and said, "You've seen light cold."

He nodded.

"Then, he should have asked you about that year?"

He nodded again.

"How did you answer him?"


He didn't answer immediately, but just looked at me with a complex look, and after a while, he slowly said, "Liu Gongzi, was he really the son of Master Liu?"

My eyes were cold: "I am also the younger brother of Lord Liu Yi."


He took a deep breath, as if finally accepting the fact, but a little tear flashed in his eyes, saying: "The world is always fair, no matter what we have done, good or bad, always There was a response, even if it was too many young people. "


I didn't have time to listen to his feelings and regrets, Shen said, "He came to ask you the truth about the assassination, how did you answer him?"

Mo Tieyi looked up at me for a while and said, "People, we killed."

"Of course I know that, and I persuaded the emperor to let you go. He already knew that. But who ordered the assassination of Lord Liu Shizhou and Lord Liu Yi? How did you answer him?"

Mo Tieyi paused for a while and said, "Who else can it be?"


"In the beginning, we were in Yangzhou. Whoever is in charge in Yangzhou will listen to whom."


I just feel my heart and throat say, "You mean--"

He looked into my eyes and said, "Medicine."

I took a sharp sip of air conditioning.

Before I found him, I had conceived many answers in my mind, and this answer, I have conceived, is not the most difficult for me to accept.

However, when I heard it from his mouth, I had an inexplicable feeling.

I looked at him for a while and said, "Really?"

Mo Tieyi said, "If you don't believe it, why come to me?"

I took a deep breath and said, "I see."

After saying this, he breathed a long sigh of relief, as if he had reached the end of his spirit, and closed his eyes timidly.

Instead of leaving, I asked again, "Why, why is Qinghan here?"

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