"Anyway, I'd like to say thank you. Although the matter is settled now, in order to be on the safe side, the play in the evening should continue. By the way, little brother Yeming, after the play in the evening, you should shave your head, so as not to be seen by others and speculate about something..." Jingbaoer road.

She has always been cautious in her work, striving to be safe.

Yeming nodded, "well, I'll shave my head when I come home from the play at night..."

"Can I help you then?" Asked Meng Yaodong.

Yeming shook his head, "no need..."

Then he got up, looked at everyone and said, "Miss Jing, Meng Shao, song Shao, Gu, LAN, I'll go first There are still many things to be busy... "

Everyone nodded.

After Yeming left, everyone looked at the microblog again and was relieved

"Now, those netizens, for sure, won't continue to guess something. At least for a while, they won't..." Meng Yaodong road.

Jing bao'er nodded, did not speak, directly lit a cigarette, smoked.

These days, continuous smoking, her smoking action, now looking at, and once a person in Lingbo County, when the same skilful, with a little old smoke gun feeling.

Between the smoke, the sadness on the little woman's face was a little deeper.

Looking at Jing bao'er's face, everyone's heart was painful again.

Soon song Limei came over with some desserts made by herself, including cream cookies and some cream cupcakes.

Putting the things on the table, Song Li Mei sat down beside Jing bao'er and said, "you're all tired. This is what I just made. You all have a taste..."

Then she looked at Jing bao'er and said with a sad face, "especially you, you have to eat more caloric food and try to gain weight quickly. You see what you've become now. Soon, you'll be too skinny to be covered by the wide clothes..."

Jing bao'er had no choice but to smile bitterly and said, "well, I know. Ms. song, go ahead and help you. We have something to talk about..."

Mainly, I really can't stand song Limei's nagging, so I hope she will do her own work.

In fact, I know that she is so concerned about herself.

But Jing bao'er didn't want to hear it.

Now the mood is really bad, almost on the ignition of the state.

Hearing the speech, Song Li Mei immediately got up, but shook her head and said, "OK, OK, you young people, let's talk. I'm an old man and I won't get involved in your business. I'll go, I'll go..."

After that, she looked at the others and said, "you guys, stay with this girl, and try to tell more jokes to make her happy, so that she can relax..."

"Don't worry, sister-in-law." Meng Yaodong made an OK gesture to song Limei.

Other people, too, were pointing at her, making the same gesture.

When Song Li Mei saw this picture, she immediately nodded and left.

After she left, song Mingyang looked at Jing bao'er and said, "my sister-in-law also cares about you. You can have a better attitude towards her."

Jing bao'er sighed helplessly and said, "actually, I know that I'm in a bad mood now. I don't like people nagging in my ears. That will make me more annoyed..."

"Your mood can also be understood. Let's have a few rounds of jokes?" Landau.

Hearing Lan Lan's words, Jing bao'er immediately felt warm in her heart, "you say it, you say it, I listen."

Then everyone nodded with satisfaction at the same time and began to compete with each other and tell jokes -

everyone was racking their brains to tell Jing bao'er all kinds of hilarious jokes

After listening to their jokes, Jing bao'er, who was originally heavy hearted, suddenly felt relaxed and occasionally had some smiles on his face.

Looking at the people around, for their own happiness, so painstaking, jingbao'er moved eye is once again red.


In the evening, after dinner at the presidential palace, we went directly to the magic finger Wonderland bar and luxurious private room.

As soon as everyone came in, Yeming hurried in.

As soon as night enters the door, it turns the light of the private room into extreme darkness.

Then, he went to the front of the machine and ordered a favorite English song by Jingrong.

Then he looked at everyone and said, "you take the video of my singing first, and try to take the side face. The light here is so dark, and the angle is a little better. You can't see who I am As for the sound, I will imitate the four little ones... "

"Good..." Jingbao'er snapped his fingers.

Then, with the microphone, Yeming began to imitate Jingrong's voice and sing the song.For a person who has received the most professional training in Black Hawk, it is not so difficult to imitate Jing Rong's voice.

when as like as two peas, the heart of the king's heart is again dull.

For several moments, she once again regarded Yeming as her favorite fourth uncle

Closing her eyes, she began to imagine that Jing Rong was singing for herself.

that voice is as like as two peas.

She really admired Yeming's imitation. She was able to imitate all the same

The singing, sentence by sentence, is like a sharp knife. Jingbao'er's heart stings.

Everyone is busy, looking for all kinds of good angles, recording videos in front of the night. No one pays attention to the way Jingbao looks.

At the end of a song, jingbao'er was already in tears.

After we finished shooting, we noticed that the little woman had been crying.

When Lan Lan saw this, she immediately got up, went to Jing bao'er, held her in her arms and said, "what's the matter? Seeing the night, she felt uncomfortable again, didn't she?"

Jing bao'er nodded, choked and said, "yes With my eyes closed, I always feel that the singer is my fourth uncle... "

"Well, don't think about it. Let's tweet..." Lan Lan changes the subject.

Jing Baoer nodded.

And then he said, "then you send me the video you recorded, I'll edit it, and then I'll tweet..."

Lan Lan immediately cheerfully sends her video to Jing bao'er.

After that, she sat directly next to Jing bao'er, naturally put her head on her shoulder and began to log in to her microblog

Jingbao'er was the first one to post her edited video on Weibo. After posting it on Weibo, she wrote another paragraph directly -

"singing is great, love you, love you..." At last, she had another expression of love.

After pressing send, jingbao'er raises her head again and takes a look at the night in the dim light

When she saw him, her heart ached again

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