Between the tears, the man's side face, from her point of view, is more similar to Jingrong

Almost 100% similarity.

Take a deep breath, her heart, again hard pain.

Heart, pain almost fast, no way to breathe.

At that moment, she felt as if the air around her had condensed into a lump.

She picked up a bottle of Maotai in front of her, opened it directly, and then blew it.

Hot liquid, along the throat all the way flowing down, spicy feeling, all the way spread to the stomach.

Constantly being irrigated with such liquid, the stomach, unspeakable uncomfortable.

When Lan Lan saw this, she was ready to reach for her wine bottle.

However, Meng Yaodong immediately holds Lan Lan's hand to stop her

On one side, song Mingyang is also eager to try.

Meng Yaodong immediately shook his head at him, winked and motioned to song Mingyang to let her go.

Looking at Jing bao'er like this, everyone's heart can't help but ache.

Everyone's face became dignified.

Now this situation, she has so collapsed, we can't imagine, if this encounter more bad situation, this little woman in the end will become what kind of son.

At this moment, jingbao'er's mood affects everyone's heart.

In just one minute, a bottle of Maotai was swallowed.

Even a drop is not wasted.

A glass of wine, drink Zeyang urgent, at this moment, she has felt a little dizzy.

However, even so, the mind is very clear.

She still remembers, Jingrong, how bad things are.

She hated the feeling of being awake.

Now, when she's awake, it's the most painful time for her.

She lit a cigarette and began to smoke deeply.

Between the smoke, the delicate little face was stained with a trace of scarlet.

In that pair of clear eyes, there is infinite sadness.

Looking at her like this, Lan Lan feels her heart is aching, and she can't breathe.

She immediately patted her shoulder, carefully comforted, "don't be like this, baby, don't be like this, I beg you, OK, you are not only tormenting yourself, but also tormenting us."

Jing bao'er, however, frowned and looked at Lan Lan's face with tears in her eyes. "I don't want to be like this either. As long as my fourth uncle can come back, I'm sure I won't be like this, but my fourth uncle can't come back..."

Taking a deep breath, she raised her head again and looked at the dim light of the night.

Although I know that man is a double.

But looking at the man like this, she can still deceive herself. That man is the fourth uncle

Only by deceiving herself in this way can her heart be comforted for a second.

Thinking of his present state, jingbao'er felt that he was really pitiful.

Thinking about it, she couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"I really hope that when I wake up, I find that everything is still the same. My fourth uncle is still lying beside me. We are still so loving. What we are experiencing now is just a long, terrible and terrible nightmare, that's all..." Jingbaoer road.

Then she picked up a bottle of Maotai again.

Want to open, LAN LAN is a grab her wine, a serious face, said, "Jing bao'er, you don't do this, I beg you, really, you want me to kneel down for you?"? Please, don't torture yourself like this. If you torture yourself, you are torturing me. Please forgive me, OK

Hearing this, Meng Yaodong immediately grabbed LAN LAN and said, "forget it, let her drink. At least, she can go back and have a good sleep..."

"But brother Dong..." Lan Lan looks puzzled

She really can't watch it anymore.

Meng Yaodong immediately sighed and said, "at least this way, bao'er can be happy. Now, as long as she can be happy, everything can be..."

In fact, Meng Yaodong did not like it very much. Jing bao'er drank like this.

However, in the current situation, he had to agree that she was drinking to relieve her worries.

After all, now only smoking and drinking can make this little girl relax.

Only when she is really drunk can she have a good rest for a few hours

Last time, it was the same. Although he was reluctant to give up, the little girl went back and had a good sleep for several hours.

Lan Lan looks helpless and nods. Then she doesn't speak any more and returns the wine to Jing bao'er.

Jingbao'er gave her a bitter smile, then quickly opened the bottle cap and began to blow the bottle.Her drinking action is particularly rapid, a bottle of wine, is one or two minutes, was directly locked in the stomach.

Last time, she drank two bottles of Maotai and fell down.

But this time, even after drinking two bottles, she still felt her brain was still awake.

It seems that we still need a bottle

So she reached out again and wanted to get the last bottle left.

at this time, song Mingyang, who had been silent and depressed about smoking, reached out and held Jing bao'er's hand, and then said, "no, you can't go on. Two bottles are OK. Another bottle will kill you Baijiu will be dead if you drink too much, don't you know? "

"Just don't go on..." Meng Yaodong road.

When jingbao'er heard the speech, she immediately began to cry.

Under the influence of alcohol, her mood began to run out without any cover.

She looked at them helplessly and said, "I don't want to, but I want to drink straight down If I don't drink and lie down, I will feel worse. You tell me why I can't get drunk now, why, no matter what, I can't go according to my wishes. You tell me, is God against me now... " She said word by word, with despair in her eyes.

Looking at Jing bao'er like this, Meng Yaodong immediately fondled her hair and said, "even if you can't drink, lie down, you can't continue. If you go on like this, you'll be dead..."

"Brother Dong, if I can die accidentally because of alcohol, it's OK. Then I'll be free. You all know, I can't support it any more. Now I really want to die As soon as my fourth uncle disappears like this, I feel that there is no point in my life... " Jingbao'er said word by word, tears, counter current into a river

When they heard the words, they immediately had no choice but to sigh

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