Stand up the moment, big - leg two wounds, it began to tear. Pulling like a crack

Because of the pain, he couldn't even speak.

"Go away..." Night Ming scolds, he sees the sea now, feel irritable.

The sea nods, then nods respectfully, crawls and leaves with difficulty

After he left, night night coldly glanced at the blood on the ground, and then mercilessly turned off the light.

He is not a man who likes to point his gun at his own people.

He has always been kind to the people below

Most of the time, he is willing to show mercy to them.

However, this time, the behavior of the sea was thorough, which angered him.

This time, he couldn't bear it at all.

So he couldn't help but shoot him.

No matter who it is, even his comrades in arms who are fighting side by side are the same. As long as he does something unfavorable to Jing bao'er, he will not let it go

Today's two shots, in his view, were light.

If he didn't look at the sea and follow himself through life and death, he really wanted to kill him with one shot.

Close your eyes, want to sleep, but the eyes are constantly emerging, jingbao'er painful expression.

Thinking of this, he was upset and couldn't sleep.

I really hope that this matter can be quickly turned over and Jing bao'er can cheer up as soon as possible.

If you think about it again, your boss is dead now, and his heart is even more agitated.

Heart, once again began to dull pain.

Until now, he can't believe the fact that Jingrong has gone.

I really can't believe it.

He is the invincible God of war.

How can someone beat him easily!

Thinking of this, he began to feel sour from the bottom of his heart


The next day.

Early in the morning, Tieniu, a member of Black Hawk organization, walked into Yeming's ward with a DNA comparison report.

When he came to Yeming, tie Niu immediately nodded respectfully and handed the report to Yeming on the hospital bed. His face was very dignified. "Chief, this is the DNA comparison report between the body and the president himself. This report clearly shows that the body we found is the body of the president himself!"

Finish saying, the eye circle of iron ox, it is immediately red rise.

Night dark eyes, is also a red.

He took a deep look at tie Niu, then quickly took the report in his hand and took a look

It is clearly pointed out in the report that the DNA of the corpse is 100% similar to the DNA of Jing Rong recorded in the Z database

That corpse is indeed Jing Rong's corpse

Yeming's heart began to hurt again

The hand holding the report also began to tremble.

In my hand, a moment of weakness, the report fell to the ground.

Seeing this, tie Niu immediately picked up the report, looked at Yeming and asked cautiously, "chief, what should we do next?"

"The corpse will be secretly transported back to China immediately, and the discharge procedures will be handled immediately. Miss Jing and I will go back to China together. After we go back, I will discuss with the prime minister about the next things..." Night and night.

Although he is very sad now, no matter how sad he is, he must deal with the current affairs well.

Only when he does everything well, jingbao'er doesn't need too much work

Tieniu immediately nodded respectfully, "yes, chief..."

Then he quickly put down the report and left.

After Tieniu leaves, Yeming takes his mobile phone and dials jingbao'er.

Soon, Xia Mengli answered --

"Hello, Mr. night, what's up?"

"You come here..." Night dark way.

Then he quickly hung up the phone

After hanging up the phone, his tears flowed down unconsciously.

In front of my eyes, I began to see the pictures of myself and Jingrong supporting each other in the hail of bullets

Thinking of those pictures, his heart hurt even more.

He has never been a very easy person to shed tears, but at this moment, he is crying like a child.

The man has the tear not to flick lightly, only because has not arrived the sad place!

He really can't bear the scenery.

Reluctant to

Soon, the door opened.

Xia Mengli steps in in a hurry

He frowned, looked at Xia Mengli and said, "pack up Miss Jing's things right away, and get ready to leave the hospital We're going back home... ""What? So fast? DNA comparison results, come out? " Asked Xia Mengli.

Yeming nodded, "it's really his..."

When Xia Mengli heard the speech, he immediately stepped back subconsciously, and his heart began to ache again

She took a deep breath and nodded, "OK, I see..."

Then she turned and left.

After Xia Mengli left, Yeming immediately called the premier.

After a brief account of the situation with the prime minister, the prime minister immediately told him to take Jingrong's body home immediately and prepare for burial.

Then he said, "in addition, since things have come to this stage, we really can't hide them. We can only make them public. I'll make them public with some ministers first, discuss the countermeasures, and then explain everything to the public directly..."

Hearing what the premier said, Yeming nodded and said, "well You can arrange it. "

At this stage, if you want to hide it, you can't hide it at all.

Even if you don't want to make it public, you can only make it public

…… On the other side of the

, summer dream returns to the ward, and it is seen that there is a faint breath of peppermint perfume in the air. The smell of

perfume is very strong. It is obvious that someone has just come to this room.

It's very special and refreshing.

smells this smell. She feels like Versace perfume...

Because of the same smell, she once smelled it on tiger.

Besides, it was not long before she came in.

It won't be a nurse or a doctor

because any country's regular hospitals do not allow medical staff to spray perfume on their bodies.

Since it's not a doctor or a nurse, who just came to this room?

Maybe passers-by went wrong?

She looked around and found that there was nothing missing. Then she went back to Jingbao's side and began to pack up, ready to take Jingbao away.

Suddenly, a breeze came.

Xia Mengli immediately frowns and looks at the balcony window

The window is open, and it's half open

When she saw this, she immediately frowned

It's strange

She clearly, before going out, she specially checked whether the windows were closed, because she was afraid that the wind would blow in and freeze jingbao'er.

Before going out, the window was closed.

Now, what's going on?

Is it the nurse who came in to check the room after she left? Opened the window by the way?

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