Thinking of this, Xia Mengli also felt that something was wrong

When the nurses came in for ward round, they all took a look and left. How could they open the window?

When she came to the window, she looked at it subconsciously, and found nothing unusual

She frowned slightly, thinking: maybe she remembered wrong?

Are you tired these two days, so you have a bad memory.

Shaking his head, not thinking so much, Xia Mengli went directly to jingbao'er and sat down.

Looking at the little woman on the bed, whose face is as pale as paper, Xia Mengli's heart pricks up again.

Under the bed, a delicate Cartier man's black Ruby cuff is shining with a low-key light

However, Xia Mengli didn't notice


In the afternoon, Xia Mengli, Jing Baoer, Yeming, and all the members of Black Hawk group set foot on the private plane of the presidential palace and started their way back home

And the bodies they picked up also took the same flight home.

The corpse was covered with white cloth, stored in a cold box and placed in the rear cabin

And the others are in first class.

The whole cabin was covered with sadness.

The air seemed to have congealed into lumps.

Everyone is in a low mood.

Xia Mengli is sitting with Yeming. His seat has been laid down. At this time, he is lying there quietly with his eyes closed, looking at his head with a heavy face.

"I really hope it's not true..." Xia Mengli said.

Yeming said nothing and slowly closed his heavy eyelids

Why didn't he hope that all this was not true?


It's all true.

In the first class cabin, the other members of Black Hawk are all dignified

Everyone's eyes are red.

After all, I've been with Jingrong for such a long time.

Everyone has feelings for Jingrong.

They have long regarded him as a writer.

His death, for all people, is not a small blow.

In the cabin, there was silence.

Next, no one would say a word

Such silence, let so big engine room, appear particularly oppressive!


When the plane landed on the tarmac in the backyard of the presidential palace, it was in the morning of Beijing local time.

At this time, the whole capital was covered with dark clouds and drizzle.

God, it seems to be followed by sadness.

At this time, on the apron, the housekeeper, song Limei and Mr. Premier are already waiting here.

Everyone was dressed in black and had a black umbrella in his hand.

Everyone is expressionless, as gloomy as the sky above them

Their eyes are reddish.

When they saw the plane coming down, everyone turned their heads.

But at this time, Song Li Mei's mood, thoroughly cannot stretch.

The sadness at the bottom of her heart flowed into a river. She felt as if she had been pulled out of her body. Her whole body was so soft that she couldn't stand.

On one side, the housekeeper noticed that song Limei was about to fall down. He immediately reached out to help her and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry..."

Song Limei didn't speak. She just covered her mouth and cried silently, looking at the position of the cabin door

Some members of the Black Hawk got off the plane first.

After getting off the plane, everyone immediately looked serious, lowered their heads and stood on both sides of the aisle.

Then, pale Jing bao'er was carried out of the plane on a stretcher by several members of the Black Hawk organization in summer dream.

After that, Yeming was carried out.

Cold ice rain, in everyone's face, slapping at random, at this moment, everyone felt the chilly, a kind of chilly that can poke the heart.

Seeing Jing bao'er like that, Song Li Mei was relieved. Then, she quickly went to Jing bao'er to support her umbrella.

The housekeeper quickly walked to Yeming and held an umbrella for him.

Then the premier quickly stepped forward to hold an umbrella for Xia Mengli, another woman present besides Jing Baoer and song Limei.

Although he did not know who Xia Mengli was and had never seen her before, women should be taken special care of at such a time.

Looking at Jing bao'er's pale and haggard appearance, Song Li Mei immediately asked nervously, "what's wrong with my daughter? How did she jump out of the door alive? When she came back, she was carried out by a stretcher? And why is she sleeping all the time? What happened to her? Why is your face so bad... "

Xia Mengli immediately nodded respectfully and said, "madam, her face is so bad because of the strong mental stimulation, which leads to stomach bleeding. As for sleeping all the time, it's because, Mr. night and I asked the doctor to give her a tranquilizer...""What? Sedatives? Why? " Asked song Limei.

"Because, her mood has been very unstable, she has been immersed in sadness, if not tranquilizers, her mood will never be good, bad mood, for her stomach recovery is very bad, we are helpless..." Xia Mengli said again.

Song Limei didn't continue to ask more questions, but she just sighed and said to everyone, "OK, hurry up, you all carry back Yeming and bao'er first..."

Then song Limei gives Xia Mengli her umbrella

Xia Mengli, with an umbrella, runs directly to the front yard with jingbao'er in a hurry

And then, the housekeeper and others quickly carried Yeming to the front yard

After Jing bao'er and Yeming were carried away, the corpse in the coffin shaped transparent cold box was slowly carried out of the cabin by six members of the Black Hawk organization

The body was wrapped in white cloth. From the outside, no one could see the body

See the body was carried out of the moment, the rain song Li Mei, instant collapse.

With a trembling body, song Limei walks to the body step by step

Hands holding the transparent cold fresh box, her tears, once again in the face of the counter current into a river!

Trembling, she bent over and looked at the body wrapped in white cloth in the box. She could not help reaching out and stroking the glass lid, "old Old four Old four How could you be like this You How can you leave all of us and just walk away Old four Old four... "

On one side, the premier saw this, and immediately came forward with a serious face, holding an umbrella for song Limei, and looked down at Jingrong's body.

At that moment, Mr. prime minister, I couldn't help crying

God, it seems that the sadness has reached the extreme

In an instant, it rained heavily.

The torrential rain, pouring down, the whole world, has become chaotic.

Just like everyone's mood at this time

"Old Old four Old four You How can you leave us like this You Open your eyes and see your sister-in-law, OK Old four Old four... "

Sadness, let her voice, choked to the extreme.

As soon as the voice fell, Song Li Mei felt soft at her feet and dark in front of her eyes. She fell forward

When the premier saw this, he quickly threw away his umbrella and took a quick step to help her fall to the ground

Seeing that she had fainted, he immediately picked her up.

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