
Song Limei began to ask God in her heart.

Trying to wipe away her tears, she adjusted her mood again, tried to suppress her inner sorrow, and directly opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, she saw that Jing bao'er was still asleep in bed

The moment she saw jingbao'er, she clearly felt that her whole heart was torn in two by her hands.

The heart is bleeding.

As a mother, she can't bear to see her daughter go through the most painful thing in the world.

Take a deep breath, and grasp the position of her heart, song Limei step by step, unable to walk in front of Jing Baoer.

Sitting beside Xia Mengli, she holds Jing bao'er's hand, then looks at Xia Mengli and asks, "who are you? How can I be with my daughter? I never seem to have seen you before... "

When Xia Mengli heard the speech, he immediately said, "well, I'm a woman imprisoned by tiger. My name is Xia Mengli. At that time, when bao'er took people to sunset Island, he took me out by the way. I just didn't have a place to go, so I decided to stay with her. She was kind to me, and I wanted to stay with her and repay her well."

Hearing this, Song Li Mei immediately nodded her head and sighed. She didn't ask any more questions.

At this time, she really has no mind to care about other things besides Jing bao'er and Jing Rong.

At this moment, song felt that her brain was in a mess, and even her thinking ability was almost gone.

Two ears, also because of sadness, and constantly buzzing.

It's very uncomfortable.

Looking at Song Limei's painful appearance, Xia Mengli immediately comforted her, "I want to be sad Now that things have happened, we living people should choose to be strong to face all these things. As long as we survive, everything will be better... "

Song Limei nodded, but she didn't speak. She just nodded

Although she has just started to get in touch with Xia Mengli, song Limei can probably see it through her words and deeds. She thinks Xia Mengli is a very good girl.

"This is the time when bao'er is most sad. As the closest person around her, you must adjust your mood well, and don't always let yourself be immersed in sadness. Otherwise, bao'er will be more sad when she looks at you sad...." Xia Mengli said again.

Song Li Mei nodded again, "well, you're right..."

"By the way, madam, I have something to discuss with you..." Xia Mengli said again.

Song Li Mei smell speech, is immediately curious to look at her face, asked, "what's the matter, what's the matter, you just open your mouth."

Xia Mengli immediately said, "I guess the next, President Jingrong's body will be buried soon?"

Song Li Mei nodded, "that's natural. Since the body has been transported back, it must be buried quickly. What's the matter?"

"When the corpse is buried, can we not let bao'er wake up and continue to let her sleep like this? I hope she can sleep like this all the time until she recovers..." Xia Mengli said again.

Although it's a pity that Jing bao'er can't see his beloved buried, Xia Mengli doesn't want to manage so much now.

What she wants to manage now is just Jing bao'er's body.

If you look at the body of the man you love and see it turned into ashes after being pushed to the crematorium, and then buried deep in the ground, she can guarantee that Jing bao'er will have stomach bleeding again

Song Limei immediately nodded and said, "it must be done according to what you said. She can't bear any stimulation now. In this way, it's good to let her sleep. At least when she's asleep, she doesn't have to think too much. After a few days, she will recover, and then let her wake up, ah..."

With that, Song Li Mei immediately sighed again.

Looking at her sighing, Xia Mengli doesn't speak any more. She just looks at Jing bao'er's weak face.

Song Limei did not continue to say anything, just quietly holding Jing bao'er's cold hand, looking at her pale face.

Looking at jingbao'er, her tears flow down unconsciously again.

Mingming has told herself that she should adjust her mood well and can't always shed tears like this, but she can't control herself at all.

As long as she saw jingbao'er's face, she wanted to cry

As soon as Jingrong leaves, she really doesn't know how her daughter will face the long road of life alone.

"Sometimes, I think God, it's really unfair..." Summer dream full face decadent, looking at Jing bao'er said.

"Some people, who commit many evils, can live a good life, while others, who are clearly kind-hearted, have to endure the pain of life and death, such as bao'er...." Xia Mengli said again.Her words made Song Li Mei have a strong resonance in an instant.

Song Limei nodded and said, "yes God is not only unfair, but also blind If we are not blind, how can we let old four and bao'er be such good people to do these things? This kind of pain of parting between life and death, shouldn't it be endured by those wicked people in the world? Why do you want good people to experience this kind of thing... "

Most people, after experiencing their own unbearable twists and turns, will choose to complain about God's unfairness.

Song Limei is no exception

Xia Mengli is silent and doesn't continue to talk

The big bedroom suddenly quieted down.

It was so quiet that they could hear Jingbao's breathing clearly.

Jing bao'er on the bed, because of sedative drugs, is immersed in deep sleep.

Song Limei really hopes that she can sleep like this all the time

Because in this way, her baby, she won't suffer any more.

Think of here, her tears are once again, rolling down.

Summer dream looked at a time, feel time almost.

She got up directly, looked at Song Limei and said, "madam, she needs another injection of sedatives. Now..."

Hearing the speech, song Limei immediately picked up the landline and dialed the private doctor of the presidential palace.


At noon, the rain stopped, but the whole world was still gloomy.

The sky is not clear, just like everyone in the presidential palace.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, a large press conference will begin in the backyard of the presidential palace.

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