Well known journalists from all over the Z country gathered in the backyard of the presidential palace at a designated place.

All the reporters who were invited were already sitting on the seats arranged in advance

No one knows why the prime minister called them here.

When receiving the invitation, the prime minister only said that there was something important to announce to them.

Although everyone is very curious about the purpose of the president's calling them here, no one dares to whisper and talk freely here

Even if the prime minister did not come, they did not dare.

This is the presidential palace. They have to show their own qualities.

When we were almost all here, the premier, surrounded by many bodyguards in black, walked to the front of the speech table.

After taking a look at you, the premier sat down directly, adjusted the seat microphone in front of him, and then said, "I want to announce a very important thing to you when I call you all here today..."

At this point, the prime minister's eyes suddenly became red.

The reporters on the scene immediately pointed their camera at him.

"what I want to announce to you is that our perfect president, Mr. Jingrong, has passed away..."

As soon as the prime minister said this, there was an uproar at the scene

All of us feel the brain buzzing for a moment

No one can believe the fact that their ears hear.

The next second, we can't help whispering and looking at each other.

At this moment, the news they heard was just too strong.

I can't believe it!

Is the president dead?


"Mr. prime minister, is that true? Are you kidding? How could president Jingrong die? " A reporter couldn't help asking.

When the premier heard the speech, he immediately flushed his eyes, but sighed a long time. Looking at you, he said, "I'm sorry, I'm not joking. At this moment, every word I say to you is true, and there's nothing wrong with it."

"I believe that after hearing this news, it must be very difficult for all of you to accept this fact. When I first learned this news, it was also very difficult for me to accept all this, but even if we are not willing to accept it, at this time, we must try to accept it..." The premier added.

With that, he burst into tears.

Taking a deep breath, he quickly wiped the tears off his face with his cuff, and then sighed again -

"Mr. prime minister, what's the reason for the death of the president? Can you tell us? And When did you die? " A female reporter asked again

At the end of the question, the tears of the female reporter rolled down like a broken bead.

Other people present also shed tears unconsciously.

Jingrong is a good president. After hearing the news of Jingrong's death, everyone's first reaction was sadness.

When the premier heard the speech, he immediately sighed again, looked at everyone with a serious face, and explained to the reporters what happened to Jing Rong these days word by word.

Basically, it can be said that he told the reporters the whole story

When they heard the news, the reporters on the scene were shocked again

"In this way, the president had an accident more than a month ago, but at that time you were not sure about his life and death, so you kept pressing the news, right? But what happened to the photos and videos that Miss Jing and her friends shared on Weibo and played with the president? According to you, the president should have had an accident at that time... " A male reporter asked.

When the premier heard the speech, he immediately said, "the photos and videos were all made to appease the masses. After all, when we didn't know the life and death of President Jing Rong at that time, we really couldn't casually tell everyone all the facts. If we did that, it would cause social unrest after all..."

"Mr. Premier, where is Miss Jing now? Is she all right? " A female reporter asked.

The premier immediately frowned and looked at the reporter and said, "no It's not good Because of the strong mental stimulation and her previous stomach disease, she suffered from acute gastric bleeding, and the whole person had fallen down. In order to avoid her heartbreaking and affecting her recovery due to these sad things, she was injected with sedative drugs Until she's fully recovered, she's going to be injected with drugs like that Only in this way can miss Jing recover faster... "

As soon as the premier said this, everyone's heart was instantly seized.Everyone began to love Jing bao'er in silence.

The pain of losing one's true love, though none of us have experienced it, can be imagined.

They can imagine how much pain Jing bao'er felt when he knew that Jing Rong had died.

"When will president Jing Rong be buried? What's more, when he leaves suddenly, the presidency will be vacant. Who will deal with the next national affairs? " A reporter added.

The prime minister immediately held the microphone, looked at the reporter who asked questions not far away, and said, "President Jingrong will be buried in one or two days. I need to discuss with his relatives about the specific time. In addition, I have discussed with other ministers. In a few days, we will hold another presidential election to try to elect a suitable president as soon as possible, but when the president is not elected Before that, I will take over the presidency I'll deal with all national affairs by myself... "

When the premier heard the speech, others immediately nodded their heads

"Well, I have finished what I have to say. Thank you very much for coming to today's press conference in your busy schedule. Thank you..." When the premier said that, he just got up and said.

Then the prime minister was escorted away by his bodyguards.


Five minutes later, he said, "President Jingrong was hacked and killed by gang!" The news with the title instantly occupied the front page headlines of major mainstream and non mainstream media websites

The major mainstream TV stations in China, as well as the major mainstream websites. Non mainstream websites are scrambling to report the news about President Jingrong's death

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