Chen also Europe smell speech, then immediately shook his head, said, "this what trouble?"? I'm your boyfriend. I should serve you. Men should take good care of their women, right? In the evening, it's really inconvenient for me to walk with a girl. When do you get off work, you tell me, I'll go to your restaurant in advance and wait for you... "

Chen yiou's words once again warmed Gu Yifei's heart.

This young man is really considerate of himself.

This kind of consideration, just like the warm sun in early winter, makes people feel especially comfortable and warm.

She then shook her head. "In the evening, I'll be late from work. Sometimes it may be 12 o'clock, or it may be more than one o'clock. Don't come here. Don't follow me. You have to have classes during the day..."

"It doesn't matter. It's OK. I can't go to bed before dinner. When it's time, I'll set an alarm clock and get up..."

"That's troublesome..."

"No trouble. Besides, for you, no matter how much trouble, I'm willing. You're a girl at night, and you get off work at twelve or even one or two o'clock. How can I trust you to walk alone at night? Huh? You know, now that there are so many bad people and you look so good, it's easy to be targeted by bad people, OK The youth said again.

Smell speech, Gu Yifei immediately helpless shook his head, and said, "where come so many bad people ah, I think our city, public security is very good, besides, every night, Western restaurants cry, there are a lot of taxis, waiting, every time I go out is to take a taxi directly, very safe, it doesn't matter..."

"That's no good. Taxi masters are not absolute. They are all good people. Haven't you seen the news that those girls take a taxi in the middle of the night, and then they are killed by taxi masters after they work first?" Chen is also Europe and Tao.

Hearing Chen yiou say this, Gu Yifei immediately can't help shivering, "do you want to exaggerate? Don't scare me, OK?"

"You know, there are very few cases like that..." Gu Yifei also said, "where is such bad luck I believe that I will not encounter such a thing... "

"Well, you mustn't say that. Just a while ago, what's the name of the university next door? There was a girl who came out of the bar in the middle of the night, took a taxi, and was killed by the driver after she was killed by the driver..." Chen is also Europe and Tao.

"Really?" Gu Yifei asked.

Chen also Europe immediately nods, "that is affirmative, can I still cheat you?"? So, I strongly disagree that you want to come back alone. In the past, you were alone because you didn't have me. Now that I've come to you, you don't need to be alone anymore... "

Young words, once again deeply moved to Gu Yifei.

Gu Yifei immediately smiles and looks at Chen yiou and says, "thank you for being hungry..."

"You don't need to say thank you. As I said, I should do everything for you..." Chen is also Europe and Tao.

While talking, two people entered the dining hall.

In the canteen, many people are eating at this time.

Looking around, it's all people.

In the air, there is a strong fragrance of xiaolongbao.

Smelling the smell, Gu Yifei was so hungry

She then looked at Chen yiou and said, "I'm starving. Let's go to have dinner..."

After they had dinner, they went directly to a window seat in front of the empty seats and sat down.

When you see them sitting together like this, you can't help looking at them more

Soon, there was an explosion in the canteen

"No, it seems that Chen yiou is really with Gu Yifei..."

"Gu Yifei is really lucky. He is in contact with song Mingyang in the front and Chen yiou in the back."

"That's right. Both boyfriends are dashai Bi and have money. Chen yiou has made a lot of money in recent years. It is said that he has already bought a villa. With his own ability, he has also bought three luxury cars, a Ferrari, a Lamborghini and a Rolls Royce..."

"That's right. Why is Gu Yifei so lucky? Do you think Gu Yifei went to Europe during his association with song Mingyang? "

Everyone, you talk and I talk and talk crazily. There are all kinds of things to say.

Those girls, mentioning these things, are all jealous of Gu Yifei in their eyes.

At this moment, they all want to become Gu Yifei and experience Gu Yifei's life.

All we can see is the superficial scenery of Gu Yifei, but we can't see the sadness she had endured behind her

After hearing these words, Gu Yifei really felt a little sad

"You don't care what people say..." Chen is also the way of Europe."Well..." Gu Yifei nodded and said nothing more.

"I just saw the campus forum, many people said that you are with him during the period of intercourse, track me, I look back, will be in the forum, send a post, a good clarification, I will not let you, back on this, track female, inexplicable name..." Chen is also the way of Europe.

"In fact, I don't care what others say about me all the time..." Gu Yifei said again.

She, as a person, has never been very concerned about other people's eyes. She has always felt that she only needs to be herself.

As for what others want to say about themselves, let others say it.

After all, the mouth is on other people.

We can't take care of other people's mouths. All we can do is take care of ourselves, that's all.

Smell speech, Chen also Europe, then immediately helpless smile, say, "you this wench, return really is enough Buddha Department of......"

Gu Yifei immediately said with a smile, "actually, Buddhism is very good Some things, too concerned about, not happy, why not let yourself not happy After all, it's hard for us to come to this world and have a hard time... "

Wen Yan, Chen yiou immediately agreed, nodded and said, "you're right. Why not be happy? I'll learn from you in the future. My girlfriend's attitude is really good..."

Gu Yifei immediately laughed and said, "generally speaking, I don't have a 100% good attitude. Occasionally, I have a bad attitude..."

For example, just separated from Song Mingyang, her mentality has been particularly bad.

It's bad. It's going to burst

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