"For example?" Chen Yi Ou asked with a smile, "when I broke up with him?"

Smell speech, Gu Yifei immediately light nod, "yes, that period of time, the state of mind is really bad, but, from last night, my state of mind, also can be regarded as slowly adjusted over..."

"I just hope that my life can be a little simpler in the future..." Gu Yifei also said, "I will try my best to make myself fall in love with you, and then live a good life with you..."

Although the young man in front of him is not as good as song Mingyang, he has something clean and transparent that song Mingyang doesn't have.

Chen also Ou Wen Yan, is immediately a little smile, said, "good In the future, we will be together and live a good life. I will love you well and try my best to melt you with my true love. "

Smell speech, Gu Yifei immediately smiles to nod, "good......"

Around the students, looking at Chen also Europe so full of smile and doting, looking at Gu Yifei, smile so good-looking, are not jealous.

No one of them could hear what they were saying.

However, from the eyes of Chen yiou, they can see that they must be talking about something sweet.

It's the first time for them to see Chen yiou treat a girl like this.

Before, it really has never been.

In this school, how many people pursue Chen yiou.

But Chen also Europe but all is to see also don't see one eye.

Think of here, everybody is envy Gu Yifei more.

"You say, Gu Yifei, how in the end did he attract Chen yiou, the great Marshal..." "

" my God, you look at Chen yiou's eyes. They are so gentle and envious. "

"I don't know. They're a good match, handsome and beautiful..."

"No, I don't think Gu Yifei is worthy of Chen yiou."

We all have what you say and what I say.

Hear everybody, say oneself like this, Gu Yifei, also is a face of calm.

These people who eat melons will not let her care at all.

Not at all.

Chen also Europe hears speech, is a face discontented, saw the person around one eye.

This look is extremely frightening.

By Chen also Europe such a see, all people, instantly quiet down.

The original noisy space suddenly returned to tranquility

Everyone began to look at each other, but did not dare to say a word.

"OK, quiet..." Chen also Europe smiles a way.

Gu Yifei just nodded and said nothing more.

After breakfast, she and Chen yiou walked out of the canteen step by step under everyone's gaze.

Just walked to the canteen door, Gu Yifei immediately stopped.

The heart is tight, and then it's painful.

Because, she saw, not far away, there is a black Lamborghini super run, toward her this position gallop.

Although she can't see the license plate number clearly, she knows it by looking at the car.

It belongs to song Mingyang car

She has seen a car that song Mingyang has driven many times.

It's song Mingyang's love.

See the moment of that car, she immediately, subconsciously clenched a side, Chen also Europe's hand.

At this moment, her antipathy to song Mingyang deepened several layers.

He didn't do what he said before. If he said he couldn't, he would never look for her again.

However, this man seems to fart.

I'm really a clever liar. I don't rely on music at all.

Looking at the car closer and closer to her, she felt that the hatred in her heart had almost gone straight to her mind.

Brain instant, a boiling

In front of my eyes, there was a blank.

She just subconsciously, tightly clenched Chen also Europe's hand, tightly clenched.

It's like this hand is my last straw

Chen also Europe felt her abnormal, then immediately followed her eyes, looked at the luxury car.

Intuition tells Chen yiou that the car in front of him must be song Mingyang's.

If it wasn't for the fact that song Mingyang was in the car, the little woman in front of her would never have been so abnormal.

"Is it song Mingyang?" Chen also asked Europe.

Don't know how, this instant, Chen also Europe in the mind, suddenly be frightened to occupy full.

After breaking up, song Mingyang can still appear in front of Gu Yifei, which means that song Mingyang still loves Gu Yifei

At least, I care

He is really afraid of that man. He will take care of Yifei with himself.If so, he really felt that he could not rob song Mingyang.

Although he is excellent enough, he is not worth mentioning in front of song Mingyang

"Yifei, if song Mingyang came to retrieve you, would you make up with song Mingyang as good as ever?" Chen also Europe worries to ask a way.

Gu Yifei immediately shook his head without thinking, "ha ha, is it as good as ever? This is never possible. The love between us is like a mirror. At the moment when we break up, this mirror will be broken into dregs and can't be pieced together any more. Even if we just scrape together, the cracks will always exist.... "

"It's impossible for us to make up as good as ever. Don't worry about that..." Gu Yifei said again.

Hear Gu Yifei say these words to oneself, Chen also Europe hangs of heart, just slowly put back to original position.

This time, he suddenly felt that he was not so worried.

Because, looking at Gu Yifei's eyes, he knows that what Gu Yifei says is true, not half false

"Don't worry, since I have chosen to be with you, then I will go all the way with you. Since Song Mingyang is here today, I will explain some words to him well..." Gu Yifei said again.

"Well, I'll go first and let you have a good chat..." Chen is also Europe and Tao.

With that, he was ready to leave.

In his opinion, Gu Yifei and song Mingyang have to solve some problems alone. He can't get involved

He hopes to let Gu Yifei go and deal with the previous relationship alone

Gu Yifei, however, immediately clenched Chen yiou's hand again and said, "no, you don't have to go. There is nothing between me and him that I need to say behind your back..."

With that, she immediately turns around and smiles at Chen yiou

In Lamborghini, song Mingyang saw Gu Yifei standing with a teenager from a distance

As soon as he got close, he saw their hands tightly clasped and song Mingyang's face, and he immediately became cold

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