When song Mingyang opened his eyes, it was already afternoon.

Heavy curtains, shading the outside of the sun.

It's hard to tell whether it's day or night.

a faint, familiar perfume smells.

Song Mingyang suddenly looked at the head of the bed, which smelled of perfume.

What came into view was Jing bao'er's face.

At this time, Jing bao'er is sitting lazily at the head of his bed, overlapping his long and slender legs, with his legs crossed, playing with his mobile phone

Seeing Jing bao'er there, song Mingyang was shocked.

How did jingbao'er come here?

What's going on?

"Honey? Why are you here? "

Rubbing the prickly head, song Mingyang immediately asked.

Then, song Mingyang directly supported his weak body and sat up slowly.

As soon as I sat up, my head began to hurt like a burst.

This feeling, song Mingyang really hate to the extreme.

Maybe it's because, this time, I slept so well that I didn't dream.

Or maybe it's because when I wake up, I have someone to accompany me.

Therefore, at this moment, he did not immediately think of Gu Yifei.

Heart, also not so painful.

The heart is not so empty

Looking at Song Mingyang this decadent to the extreme appearance.

Jing bao'er immediately frowned painfully.

Then she quickly put away her mobile phone and sighed. Looking at Song Mingyang, she said, "brother song, I don't mean you. Why don't you cherish your body? When you are lovelorn, you have to die like this, don't you

Although when I was lovelorn before, I was no better than song Mingyang.

At that time, he was as sad and lost as song Mingyang is now. He drowned his sorrows with wine every day. He wanted to hear nothing outside the window every day?

However, even so, she could not help but want to talk about song Mingyang.

Hearing the speech, song Mingyang immediately sighed helplessly, then quickly rubbed his head and said, "you are also the one who has experienced the pain of love. Moreover, you have made trouble with Jingrong more than once or twice. I think you know my mood best. Don't talk about me, my good sister..."

Jing bao'er immediately turned his eyes at Song Mingyang and said, "I'll talk about you, brother song. I don't want to look at you every day. Please cheer up. You know, when I can't find you today, I'll call your company. Your secretary told me that because you are not in your company now, It's a mess. What's the matter? If you want to be lovelorn, just let the Song family go bankrupt? "

When song Mingyang heard the speech, he immediately couldn't help laughing bitterly, "where can the Song family go bankrupt so easily? Such a large enterprise, even if I leave it alone for a few years, will not go bankrupt easily.... "

"Wait a minute and say this. How did you get in?" Asked song Mingyang.

Speaking of this, Jing bao'er immediately frowned and said, "how can I get in? You didn't respond when you came here to ring the doorbell, so I went over the wall and came in... "

Hearing this, song Mingyang could not help but put up his thumb to Jing bao'er.

Girls in the world.

What Song Ming Yang admired most was Jing bao'er.

Jingbao is really omnipotent.

In this world, it seems that there is no treasure, dare not do, and can not do things

"No, jingbao'er, I'm really curious. Is there nothing in the world that you dare not do? And can't do it? "

When Jing bao'er heard the speech, he immediately thought about it. Then he nodded his head and said, "that's for sure In this world, I really don't think there is anything that can stop me. The only thing that can stop me is I'm separated from my fourth uncle... "

Jingbao is not afraid of everything in the world.

Bao'er's biggest fear is to be separated from his fourth uncle.

"Ha ha It's the same with me. Nothing can defeat me, but love can defeat me easily. "

Speaking of this topic, song Mingyang's heart began to hurt. "

such pain is unbearable in life

Song Mingyang is very sad.

My heart hurts so much that I can't breathe.

I really miss Gu Yifei.

Speaking of this topic, he can't help but want to see Gu Yifei, the little girl

Thinking of this, song Mingyang immediately raised his hand, gave himself a sharp slap in the face and said, "what am I thinking about?""No, what are you doing? Why do you slap yourself suddenly? You're trying to scare me to death, aren't you Jing bao'er said with dissatisfaction.

Hearing this, song Mingyang immediately had no choice but to smile bitterly and said, "ha ha, no I just thought of a very funny thing... "

"What's the matter?" Asked Jing bao'er.

Song Mingyang is silent.

Song Mingyang didn't want to talk about it at all. Jing bao'er immediately sighed and said, "OK, I probably know what you want to say. Let's take this topic with us. I'm not good at it. It reminds you of your sad things again. Let's go. I'll take you out to eat delicious food. Take a bath and change your clothes Look what you've become. By the way, you'd better shave again... "

Looking at jingbao'er's nagging little boy, song Mingyang immediately sighed, "that little fart kid in those days is really grown up now. I don't need to care about him, but you can care about me..."

Hearing this, jingbao'er's memory is that he was taken to the years after he was nine years old

At that time, song Mingyang was really good to himself.

So is Meng Yaodong.

Thinking of the time when the four of them played together, jingbao'er really missed it.

They were so pure in those days.

Pure is like a piece of white paper

"If you can, I really want to go back to my childhood..." Song Mingyang said, "at that time, there was no color in the future, and we were naive and had no worries..."

When I was a child, I didn't know what it was like to pick a star with my bare hands, love but not

When I was a child, I didn't know what it was like to break my heart.

When they were young, they really lived very simply

Where is it like this.

If you can, song Mingyang really hopes that his life can go back to his childhood

I really want to go back to my childhood.

Think of here, song Mingyang is immediately again helpless sigh.

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