Looking at Song Mingyang's sentimental appearance, Jing bao'er immediately changed the topic -

"OK, brother, don't talk about these sad things any more. I'll trouble you. Now get up immediately, take a bath, wash your face, brush your teeth, wash your face, shave, change your clothes Then, I'll dress myself up clean and fresh, go out with me and have dinner. "

Hearing this, song Mingyang immediately got out of bed, then subconsciously patted Jing bao'er on the shoulder and asked, "when did you come?"

Jingbao'er said, "it's more than nine in the morning. It's four in the afternoon..."

"I've been here for a long time, just waiting for you to go out with me For the sake of my sincerity, brother song, please act quickly, OK

Hearing the speech, song Mingyang nodded his head directly.

Jing bao'er's words are light, but song Mingyang was deeply moved.

He could feel the girl's strong concern for herself.

That kind of, the kind of sister to brother, the ultimate affection

This kind of feeling makes song Mingyang feel really at ease

"Dear, thank you very much for caring about me and treating me well when I feel the most miserable I remember your kindness to me. I remember everyone's kindness to me. One day, I will pay you back as much as possible. "

"To you, is it for you to repay? Please save yourself. I'm not for this. None of us is for this. To be good to you is just because we want to be good to you. It's just because you are worthy of being good to you. That's all. Do you understand? "

"Anyway, thank you very much, my good sister..."

"Don't say thank you to me, will you? Big brother What else do we need, thank you? No need... "

Hearing this, song Mingyang immediately laughed and said in a soft voice, "OK, I'll wash up first, and then you can take me out to eat delicious food..."

No matter how much you don't want to eat, no matter how bad your mood is.

Now that Jing bao'er has said that, he is sure to accompany this little guy to eat.

Looking at Song Mingyang so refreshing, jingbao'er immediately stirred up a smile of gratification.

I thought this guy would refuse himself.

I didn't expect that. I didn't.

Jingbao'er is really satisfied with this

Take a deep breath, and then slowly spit out. Jingbao'er goes directly to the window, and then quickly opens all the curtains.

As soon as the curtain opens, the whole world suddenly turns from dark to light.

The sudden brightness makes jingbao'er squint uncomfortably.

Adapted to the bright light, jingbao'er went directly to the balcony, opened the French window a little, and sat on the white swing on the balcony.

While swinging on the swing, jingbao'er is playing with her mobile phone, waiting for song Mingyang to finish his bath and tidy up.

Soon, song Mingyang came out of the bathroom with a clear mind.

At this time, the man seems to be reborn.

All the stubbles that originally grew up have been shaved clean.

The face that used to look dirty has suddenly returned to its original, handsome and clean appearance

He was wearing a simple white bathrobe.

It's just a simple bathrobe. It can't be any more simple.

But on Song Mingyang's body, he was forced to wear a different kind of noble feeling by this guy.

As long as people have good temperament and good looks, they will look good in whatever they wear.

Even if you just put a ragged sack on your body, it's good-looking.

Song Mingyang is such a person.

Seeing Jing bao'er on the balcony, song Mingyang immediately walked up to bao'er and said, "you sit here. Wait a minute. I'll change my clothes first, and then we'll go out..."

Looking at Song Mingyang's refreshing appearance, jingbao'er immediately gave him a thumbs up, "I said, brother song, this is what you should have looked like. You are so refreshing and noble..."

Hearing this, song Mingyang immediately gave a dry smile and said, "OK, go to change clothes first..."

After turning around, the smile on the man's face suddenly converged.

In fact, just in front of Jing bao'er, all the relaxation was made up.

Now his mood is getting more complicated.

My head is full of the shadow of that damned Gu Yifei.

He can't even restrain himself. He wants to see Gu Yifei.

Even if it's just so far away, it's good to take a look at Gu Yifei

Thinking of this, song Mingyang went into the cloakroom and immediately slapped himself in the face.So big cloakroom, still keep the original appearance.

On one side are Gu Yifei's women's clothes and accessories.

On the other side, there are men's clothes and accessories of song Mingyang.

Gu Yifei didn't take away everything here.

Everything remains the same

Every time he walked into this place, song Mingyang's heart would feel painful.

Clearly in front of these things, easy to let oneself see things and think of people, and heartache.

However, song Mingyang was ruthless and could not give up these things.

In this house, song Mingyang didn't want to erase all traces from Gu Yifei so easily.

Thinking of this, he began to abuse himself in his heart.

What's being cheap.

If you do this, you will be called a cheap person

He slapped himself hard again and tried to keep himself awake. Then he quickly took out a white shirt and a pair of white casual pants from the hanger.

After putting it on, he looked into the mirror and took care of his hair at will. Then he went out of the door.

On the balcony, he looked at bao'er gently and said, "come on, let's go out and have some delicious food. It's my treat..."

After hearing this, Jing Baoer immediately shook her head. Then she stood up and looked at Song Mingyang and said, "no, I have to treat you today. If you are in a bad mood, I have to treat you Next time, I'm in a bad mood. Please invite me again... "

When song Mingyang heard this, he immediately had no choice but to smile and said, "silly girl, don't talk casually. You won't be in a bad mood..."

"My sister bao'er will always smile. In this life, she will never encounter anything unhappy..." Song Mingyang road.

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