Sensitive -- feeling the place touched -- touched, jingbao'er's body softened.

Bursts of tremor - chestnut, let her toes, also can't help but hook up.

"Well Fourth uncle... " She whispered.

The movement on his hand is still going on. He feels a heat - flowing - wet - the cloth in his hand, and the bath - look in his body is more and more intense!

"Sensitive - sensitive little thing!" He whispered.


"Fourth uncle Well... "

She whispered, her legs could not help hooking his strong waist

The next second, her bottom - pants, he pulled down.

Then he quickly felt a cover under the mattress, took off his trousers and put them on for himself.

When two people's bodies melted into one, the men and women on the bed breathed a long breath


She felt her pores open all over her body.

Looking at the man who conquers the city and conquers the land on himself, jingbao'er's bath hope is more and more intense!

"Well Fourth uncle... "

"Fourth uncle..."

Jingbao'er murmured, holding his legs around his waist, more and more hard!

Next body, a burst of pleasure, like the waves in general, will soon drown her.

Her brain, in this moment, is a blank

Just want more, more

After a fierce cloud rain, the man finally released himself in the girl's body.

He rolled down neatly, rubbed the soft part of her upper body, then sat on the head of the bed and cleaned himself.

Jingbao'er gave a light cry, then rubbed his sore waist and said, "I'm so tired..."

"Shouldn't you say, cool dead?" Jingrong road.

"Cool is cool, but also tired..." Jingbaoer road.


At more than 10 a.m. the next day, the black military helicopter that jingbao'er was flying came to a stable stop on the military apron of Heiying Island -

besides jingbao'er, there were Jingrong and Yeming on the plane.

After the plane stopped, jingbao'er took off her flying helmet and put it aside. Then she stretched out and said, "Oh, Hello, here we are I'm so tired. I get up too early in the morning. I can't stand it. "

Mainly, last night, Jingrong tossed her all night. She got up early in the morning. At this moment, she felt really tired.

Looking back at the man above the co pilot beside him, he was just like a person who had nothing to do. He was dressed in black clothes, black trousers, and black army boots. He was calm in his clothes, cold and no bathing.

This man is really made of steel. I can't refuse to accept it!

After getting off the plane, jingbao'er stretched out again -

the air on Black Hawk island is fresh and clean, and the temperature is warmer than that in the capital. Jingbao'er is very excited when she comes here!

"It's so comfortable It's rare here. If only I could stay here all my life... " Jingbaoer road.

Yeming shook his head and said, "if you stay here all your life, you will feel bored, Miss Jing..."

"Then how? There are so many handsome little brothers here, all of them are so cute, how can I feel bored -- "

noticing that Jing Rong's face is getting darker and darker, Jing bao'er added with a squint and smile," besides, even if there are not so many Xing feeling little brothers, as long as my fourth uncle can accompany me here every day, I won't feel bored My fourth uncle is more handsome than those little brothers! "

"Come on, don't be poor. Let's go..." Jing Rong, with a cold face and long legs, walked directly to the base.

When Jing bao'er saw this, he immediately followed him and yelled, "Hey, fourth uncle, wait for me. What are you doing when you walk so fast? Show off your long legs?"

Yeming stood in the same place, looking at the back of two people leaving, the corners of his mouth could not help looking slightly.

These two are really interesting


After entering the base, jingbao'er followed Jingrong and Yeming to the huge training ground.

At this time, the drill ground is full of people

Some members of the Black Hawk organization are training in various ways on the drill ground.

What's more, many people are shirtless. If you look around, it's all muscles!

What Jing bao'er saw was so cool!

"Tie up this sandbag and run five laps for me first..." Jingrong road.

Jing Baoer nodded, then picked up the sandbag on the ground, tied it neatly to her limbs, and ran awayJingrong stood in the same place, looking at the only gorgeous rose on the drill ground, his mouth could not help but slightly raised.

Today's sun is very bright, but no matter how bright the sun is, it's no less than one tenth of that little girl's!

Jingrong stood in place, silent, just quietly looking at her, eyes brow, full of love.

No matter how hard a man is, he always has a tender side

"Miss Jing hasn't trained for such a long time. Now she's still so light when running. It's really powerful..." One side, night night night praise way.

"Well..." Jing Rong responded indifferently.

Later, Jingrong began to take Yeming to watch the training of other members.


After Jing bao'er's weight-bearing sprint, all the members of the organization on the playground went to eat

Jingrong, alone, had been sitting there, waiting for her.

I haven't had 800 training for several days. Now, after five laps, Jing bao'er feels a little weak.

Panting and running to Jingrong, Jingbao directly lies down.

Holding out his hand to cover the sunshine above his head, jingbao'er breathed the fresh air and said, "Oh, I've finally finished running. It seems that after that, at home, I still have to get up every morning to practice weight-bearing sprint. It's far worse than before that I don't practice these days..."

Jingrong didn't speak. She was still very quiet. She just rubbed her thighs and legs quietly to relax her muscles

"Well, it's really comfortable for my fourth uncle to rub it for me. Fourth uncle, you can open a massage shop with this technique. It's not too professional..."

"This evening, the weather is expected to be good. In the evening, we practice parachuting at night," said Jing Rong.

Hearing the word parachute, Jing bao'er was very excited.

She really likes the feeling of flying freely in the sky.

That feeling, just don't be too cool!

"Good, good..." Jing bao'er nodded.

"Parachute landing at night may be more difficult than daytime due to poor sight..." Jingrong road.

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