Jing bao'er nodded, "well, I know, fourth uncle, I've seen it on TV and in the news before But don't worry, I can finish it... "

"That fourth uncle, when we finish our meal later, what kind of training will we do?" Asked Jing bao'er.

"Fighting, fighting Now, what you need to focus on is this... " Jingrong road.

Jing bao'er nodded, "good..."

After relaxing her leg muscles for Jing bao'er, Jing Rong began to relax her arm muscles carefully.

The bright sunshine poured down on his head, which made his angular face particularly attractive.

Looking at this face close at hand, jingbao'er felt a breath.

"In this world, only my fourth uncle's face can make me never tire of seeing it..."

“……” Jing Rong is still silent.

"I want to fly up to the sky and stand side by side with the sun. The world is waiting for me to change. I'm never afraid that other people will see my dream. I can realize it here ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" Jing bao'er tilts her legs, enjoying Jing Rong's massage while singing.

There are only two of them in the big drill ground. The man is cold and awe inspiring, and the girl is warm and beautiful.

Two people, although the atmosphere is completely different, but, so together, there is no sense of disobedience.


In the evening, jingbao'er, together with Jingrong and Yeming, takes a helicopter to the sky of a vacant lot on black eagle island

After Yeming settled the plane at high altitude, Jingrong took the lead in sorting out his parachute equipment. Then, looking at jingbao'er, he said, "in a moment, I'll jump down first. Your landing point is the one where I stand..."

Jing Baoer nodded.

Then Jing Rong got up and opened the cabin door.

The cold wind poured in from the cabin door and made everyone move.

Even if it's spring, the wind is still piercing cold at this big night.

Jing bao'er can't help shivering

Standing at the gate of the helicopter, Jing Rong jumps down handsome

Then the umbrella bag behind him came out -

in the vast night sky, under the stars, Jingrong was like a domineering eagle flying in the sky

Jing bao'er stands at the door of the engine room and looks at Jing Rong in the night sky. Her mouth can't help raising slightly -

her fourth uncle!

What a force!

Until Jing Rong's parachute completely disappeared in his sight, Jing bao'er checked his parachute equipment again.

"Miss Jing, it's very difficult to parachute at night because of poor sight. It's totally different from that in the daytime. You must refuel Pay attention to safety... " In the driver's seat, Yeming looks at jingbao'er and tells him.

Jing bao'er turned and looked at Yeming confidently, nodded and said with a smile, "I know Yeming's little brother, I will pay attention to safety, and I will succeed, don't worry..."

As soon as her voice fell, she jumped down and threw herself into the night sky -

in the dark, jingbao'er pulled the left and right control rods freely, just like a light bird, free in

At night, the temperature in the sky is very cold, such a cold wind, blowing Jing bao'er from a goose bumps!

Parachute landing at night, because of poor sight, is totally different from that during the day.

However, no matter what kind of feeling it is, Jing bao'er likes it very much -

she likes the feeling of flying in the sky.

"Wuhu -" jingbao'er cried excitedly, cheered, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became more and more beautiful.

As the distance between the parachute and the ground gets closer and closer, jingbao'er begins to see the light in the Black Hawk organization base on the ground -

after landing for a while, jingbao'er sees the white parachute in the moonlight

After pulling the right control lever and skillfully adjusting the direction, jingbao'er lands towards Jingrong's position -

"fourth uncle, fourth uncle I'm coming... " In the night sky, jingbao'er shouts.

After a while, jingbao'er landed in front of Jingrong like an angel from the sky.

At the moment of landing, jingbao'er felt that her whole body was frozen.

She quickly rubbed her hands, and then, looking at Jing Rong in front of her, said, "Hey, fourth uncle, can I still? Is that great? "

"Well, it's very good --" as soon as Jingrong's voice fell, she took her hand and rubbed it in her palm. Her mouth was still breathing hot air on her hand.

Simple action, warm in the palm, more warm into the heart.

"You're better than I thought." Jing Rong praised.

Hearing Jing Rong's praise, Jing bao'er's smile became more brilliant. "Fourth uncle, hey, hey, I will continue to refuel!""Let's go back to take a bath and go to bed," said Jing Rong.

"No more?" Asked Jing bao'er.

"You're so cold resistant, how can you go on? Tomorrow night, you can wear more and let's go on. " Jing Rong continued to rub her hands as she spoke.

"Well, good, good..." Jing Baoer said with a smile,

Back to Jingrong's single dormitory, jingbao'er is tired and lying on the bed.

After the day's intense training, Jing bao'er felt sore all over.

"I'm so tired, this day..." Jingbaoer road.

Jingrong didn't speak. She just went to her side and massaged her shoulder and back

Although his appearance is always cold, his behavior is always warm.

"It's so comfortable Fourth uncle, it's mainly my thigh. I feel like it's going up... " Jingbaoer road.

Jing Rong immediately massages Jing bao'er's thighs.

After pressing for a while, Jing bao'er felt comfortable, so he sat up, swayed his legs on the bedside, tilted his head, looked at Jing Rong, and said, "fourth uncle, is the wound on your left arm any better?"

"Well, it's healed..." Jingrong road.

"Well, it's not easy to heal, but you must pay attention to it. Don't make any big moves It's not good to crack again. " Jingbaoer road.

"I see, little housekeeper, give me a bath..." Jing Rong finished, then got up and went into the bathroom.

Seeing this, Jing bao'er immediately gets up and follows him into the bathroom.

When jingbao'er came into the bathroom, Jingrong had already taken himself off.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Jingrong's sexy and perfect body

"It's skinny to dress, it's meaty to take off. It's a golden ratio. My fourth uncle's figure is really a standard model's figure. No, it's sexier than a model." Jingbao'er praised.

"Come on, take it off and give me a bath." Jing Rong finished and went to the shower.

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