"Qianrong, leisurely, you two pack up for me right away, go away!" Jingrong yelled again.

At this time, Jing Aotian stood up, walked to Jing Rong, raised his hand and slapped him in the face, "bastard, your father is not dead! In this family, it's not your turn to be the master here for me! "

Jingrong's eyebrows frowned. Looking at jingaotian, he said coldly, "Dad At this time, you are still defending them. Are you crazy? "

"Old four! I think you are crazy! You... " The king is proud of the sky and wants to say nothing.

"Those of us who are crazy are clear in our hearts!" Jing Rong responds coldly.

"Old four, you..." Jing Aotian was enraged by Jing Rong for a moment. He couldn't say a word.

Two father and son tit for tat picture, see all people scared!

War, as if on the verge of attack!

The smell of gunpowder spreads in the room -

on one side, song Limei sees that the situation is not good, immediately grabs Jing Aotian's arm and says, "Dad Don't be angry. Be careful Old four is just too angry. Don't give him the same opinion... "

"No matter what, baby, you are restless at home in the middle of the night. You are also wrong. Now go out and run around the yard for ten times!" Jing Ao Tian shouts.

Jing Aotian's words, like a knife, hurt Jing bao'er deeply

Although growing up, he is used to the eccentric eyes of master Jing, but when facing this situation, Jing bao'er still can't get rid of the pain in his heart.

"I know..." Despite the grievances in her heart, Jing bao'er still nodded.

She knows that if she continues to argue with Jing Aotian, there will be a war between Jing Rong and Jing Aotian!

Jing bao'er glares at Duan qianrong and then prepares to go outside.

However, as soon as Jing bao'er took a step forward, Jing Rong stretched out his long arm and directly protected Jing bao'er behind him. Then he looked at Jing Aotian and said, "you're right, bao'er. What circle are you going out for? To run, Duan qianrong and Leng Youran run for me! "

"Old four! You want to be slapped again Jing Aotian's hand covers his heart beating wildly. He shouts harshly, and his neck is full of blue tendons.

The authority is challenged by Jing Rong. At this moment, Jing Aotian feels that he is almost angry!

"Fourth uncle, leave it alone. I'll just go out and run." Jingbao'er sniffed and said.

"No You're not to blame for this. " Jing Rong looked down at her and said softly.

Soft soft tone, as well as his eyes and eyebrows care and heartache, let Jingbao heart a warm.

From small to large, in this cold home, Jingrong is her only sunshine

"Dad, you can't blame bao'er for all this. Please forgive bao'er this time." Has been silent song said.

"No matter who causes this, it's Jing bao'er who makes trouble at home. Jing bao'er must be punished!"

"Then qianrong doesn't have to accept it?" Jing Rong asked coldly.

Jing Aotian frowns and looks directly at Jing Rong's cold eyes

Father and son, the moment of eye contact, everyone felt the ominous taste.

But Jing Aotian frowned and said, "in that case, baby and qianrong, go out and run ten circles for me!"

"Leisurely, run out for me, too!" Jingrong road.

"Little uncle, my cousin didn't take part in these things. It's all my own idea. Why should my cousin follow us to accept punishment?" Duan qianrong said.

"Now, at last, you don't deny it? You admit it? Then it seems that I don't need Luo Erchen to send the police record for me... " Jingbaoer road.

"Now It's useless not to admit it, isn't it? " Duan qianrong hummed coldly.

"You ran, as a daughter with no family education, should be punished for abusing her family wantonly." Jingrong road.

"Little uncle, you..." Leng leisurely has a lot of grievances to tell, but looking at Jingrong's cold appearance, he just lowers his head and doesn't dare to speak any more.

"What's more, you two, no matter what you do from childhood to adulthood, are all together. You can't get rid of this matter even if you are cold and carefree!" Jing Rong and Dao.

Cold leisurely cry more than, but also dare not say a word.

Just now, Jing Rong's slap really scared her.

"Qianrong, leisurely, I warn you, next time, if you dare to bully jingbao'er, even if your grandfather protects you, I will drive you out of Jingbao's house myself!" Jing Rong and Dao.

"Come on, qianrong, leisurely and bao'er, all of you go out for a run! No one is allowed to sleep if you can't finish running! " King is proud of heaven.

With Jing Aotian's words, Jing bao'er takes the lead in running out.

Duan qianrong and Leng Youran followed closely

Jing bao'er is not satisfied with Jing Aotian's handling of this matter. Jing Aotian's bias is really too obvious.But what about dissatisfaction? If you are not satisfied, you have to be satisfied!

After the three children left, song Limei pulled Jing Aotian's sleeve and said, "Dad, I'll help you to go back to your room and have a rest. In the evening, after so long tossing, you're tired too..."

"Dad, don't you think your bias is too obvious? Jing Rong and Dao.

"Old four, you say a few words less, calculate elder sister-in-law to beg you Song said in a low voice.

“……” Jing Rong just looks at Jing Aotian with a cold face, and doesn't mean to show weakness.

"Li Mei, you go out first. I have something to talk to Lao Si." King is proud of heaven.

Song Li Mei nodded and sighed. Then she turned and went out

After Song Limei closed the door, Jing Aotian sat on Duan qianrong's bed. Then, looking at Jing Rong, she said, "old four, you say I'm biased. What about you?"

"What's the matter with me? What did I say tonight that I didn't pay attention to? " Jing Rong asked indifferently.

At the moment, Jing Rong is still in awe inspiring anger!

"Lao Si, I don't want to be too straightforward However, I think it over and over again. I think I still have to say it... " King is proud of heaven.

"But you can say it." Jing Rong also said

"Don't you think it's too obvious that you are close to that girl? Although my eyes are not as good as when I was young, my heart is not confused yet Mr. Jing said.

"What do you mean?" Jing Rong asked.

"What do you mean by me?"

"I don't understand you, so don't make a fool of yourself Let's just say it. " Jingrong road.

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