From the beginning to the end, Jing Rong was calm and calm. His mood didn't fluctuate because of Jing Ao Tian's words.

"Old four, don't you think you are too close to that girl! You two, I don't think it's like a normal nephew! "

Jingrong's eyebrows were frivolous and light, "Oh? How do you think normal uncles and nephews should get along with each other? Don't talk to each other? "

"If I have to catch you two in bed, you will admit the scandal you have done, won't you?" Jingaotian shouts in a low voice.

Speaking of these words, Jing Aotian immediately clenched his fists and flushed his whole face.

Especially when it comes to the four words "catch the traitor in bed", Jing Aotian deliberately increased the strength!

"Dad, there are some words, don't talk nonsense!" Jing Rong's eyebrows were frowning.

"I'm talking nonsense. Do you two really think that no one else knows what you've done? Before, when you participated in the rescue in the earthquake area, didn't you sleep in the same tent? "

"The reason why I didn't go to your two rooms to prove your relationship with my own eyes is that I was afraid that I would dirty my eyes. Secondly, I wanted to save you a little face."

Jing Rong word by word, cold voice low rebuke, try to lower his voice.

After all, this is a very unbearable scandal, which will make the Jing family be nailed on the stigma pole!

Jing Aotian's words made Jing Rong feel "clattered" for a while

Hidden in the heart of the deepest secret, so was suddenly pierced, his heart, a little flustered.

At that time, when we were in the disaster area, we all focused on disaster relief. Moreover, because of the shortage of materials, no one could pay attention to it, let alone care whether the two of them were sleeping in the same tent

At that time, everyone was very busy. The only one who could care about these things was Russell ran.

After all, that day, Russell saw her walk out of a tent with Jing bao'er, and even asked one more question for that.

"Sleeping in the same tent, there's a rape, isn't it?"?! At that time, under the situation of material shortage in the disaster area, there were many men and women sleeping together! Is it true that everyone has been raped? " In the heart, no matter how flustered, on the surface, he was still calm.

Even if the army is in the city, he is still as stable as Mount Tai.

"You Are you still quibbling You villain! Up to now, you don't admit it! I warn you, cut off contact with her immediately, otherwise, I want that girl to look good! " Jing Aotian gets up and slaps Jing Rong in the face.

Hot slap fell on the face, but Jing Rong didn't even frown.

"Dad, I don't know which villain's slander you believed, but I said that bao'er and I were innocent, that's innocent..." Jing Rong is determined every word.

Now, the time is not mature enough, he can't admit these things in front of Jing Aotian.

"You..." Jing Aotian was so angry that he couldn't say a word.

"When there is no evidence, please don't falsely accuse others!" The scene is cold.

Looking at Jingrong's unswerving eyes and listening to Jingrong's firm words, jingaotian's heart wavered again, and his doubts also eased.

Is it really just that he thinks too much?

Look at Jingrong, he looks indifferent now. It's not like that. What's the difference between him and jingbao'er

In fact, these days, although he doubted it in his heart, after thinking about it many times, he still didn't want to believe that Jingrong would do things like Luan Lun. After all, he was too clear about Jingrong's character

Although Jing bao'er is a very good girl, and the intimacy between them makes him very suspicious. However, because of his understanding of Jing Rong, he has never really made the kind of thing that he rashly pushes open their door and goes to catch the traitor

Because he was afraid that if there was nothing at that time, everyone would not be able to get off the stage.

It is precisely because of these, so, he has been struggling, do not know how to do.

But now, hearing what Jingrong said and looking at Jingrong's performance, jingaotian put down more than half of his heart.

If there is something between them, Jingrong can't be so calm when he pokes these things for the second time.

And now, if you think about it carefully, in the earthquake area, so many people were there. If they had anything, they would not dare to sleep together.

"Old four, do you really have none? I tell you, such a famous family as our Jing family can't tolerate such scandals, and You are destined to be the president in the future, and there is no room for a president who will mess with his niece. " Jing Aotian's tone softened slowly.

"I said no, but no Believe it or not Jingrong road."If not..." Jing Ao Tian frowns.

"Anything else? It's OK. I'll go back to bed. " Jing Rong asked.

Jing Aotian didn't speak, just waved to Jing Rong.

Jing Rong did not speak, cold face, out of Duan qianrong room.

After Jing Rong left, Jing Aotian sat on the bed alone and sighed.

Maybe he really thinks too much, too sensitive.

That's the fourth of his Jing family. He's cold and self-sufficient. No matter how attractive the girl is, the fourth of his family can't be so ungracious.


After leaving Duan qianrong's room, Jingrong went downstairs and walked into the yard.

In the garden, he saw Jing bao'er, Duan qianrong and Leng leiran running in the night wind.

Jingbao'er is in the front, and her pace is very fast. Duan qianrong is behind her, and the distance between her and jingbao'er is far away. They have been supporting each other all the time. They are running unsteadily and slowly

When jingbao'er passes Jingrong, she smiles and goes on.

In the night breeze, the girl's smiling face is as pure and beautiful as the white moonlight in this place.

In this life, he is willing to serve Hong Kong and protect her.

At this moment, he secretly vowed in his heart that one day, he must let everyone in the world know that jingbao'er is Jingrong's woman.

Soon, jingbao'er was finished

Panting, she came to Jingrong and looked at him in the moonlight. He was a pure white housecoat, a cool, proud man with the same smile

"Fourth uncle, I'm finished..." Jingbaoer road.

Just at this time, Duan qianrong and Leng Youran staggering over, sitting directly on the ground, looking at Jingrong and asking, "little uncle, we're done too..."

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