"Fourth uncle, no, they're still one circle away..." Jingbaoer road.

As soon as Duan qianrong heard this, her face became cold. She clenched her fists and looked at jingbao'er coldly. She yelled, "jingbao'er, if you don't talk nonsense, you won't die!"

"Uncle, don't listen to jingbao'er's nonsense. She did it on purpose Don't believe her Leng leisurely gasped.

"You two, not only can't finish the laps required by the old man, but also lie! Now, I'll punish you to keep running ten laps! If you can't finish running, don't go home to sleep... " Jingrong road.

Jingrong's words warm Jingbao's heart.

Jingbao'er knows that Jingrong is taking the opportunity to revenge Leng Youran and Duan qianrong.

This man, enough belly black! Good enough!

"Uncle, are you crazy?" Cold and leisurely, unbelievable.

Ten circles? They're exhausted now. Let them run ten more laps? That doesn't mean to kill them both!

What are these things!

"Now, now!" Jing Rong Leng doesn't know what to order.

"If you don't stand up again, it will be twenty laps!" Jing Rong said again.

As soon as Jing Rong's voice fell, Duan qianrong and Leng leiran immediately stood up, and then glared at Jing bao'er and continued to run in circles.

"Xiao Zhou?" Jingrong shouts to a bodyguard patrolling in the courtyard.

That bodyguard hears speech, come forward immediately, respectful nod, "four little, have what command?"

"Show me their sisters. If they don't run ten laps, don't let them go back to sleep, you know?" Jing Rong cold voice command, tone, as always, cold hegemonic, simply decisive, do not allow people to refuse.

"Yes! Four little Xiao Zhou Dao.

After glancing at Duan qianrong and Leng leisurely, Jingrong turns and enters the door.

Jingbao'er followed.

As soon as they got to the living room of Jing's family, Jing Rong took her into his arms.

He has great strength, as if to rub her into his body.

His sudden intimacy makes Jing bao'er breathe!

This is the living room of Jing family!

It's so bold of him to hold him in the living room of Jing's family!

"Fourth uncle, are you crazy? Let me go If someone sees you, you're dead! " Jingbaoer road.

Jing Rong didn't let her go at all. He still held her tightly and asked, "are you scared at night?"

"Well, fortunately, at the beginning, when I saw so many young people waiting for me in the private room, I was really scared. However, after fighting with them, I was not so scared. Their skills were really rubbish! And then there is Later, rolchen pushed the door in again. With a helper, I'm not afraid any more This evening, rolchen blocked a bottle of wine for me with his arm How handsome Jingbaoer road.

As soon as jingbao'er's voice fell, Jingrong bit her lip.

She frowned slightly and asked, "what are you doing This is the living room of Jing family. You can hold me, and you dare to kiss me.... "

"Kiss you, what's the matter? I dare to touch you..." Jing Rong said, a hand will naturally stretch into her skirt, feel freely.

The provocative and gentle action makes Jingbao's heart like a deer! My heart is trembling!

"Fourth uncle, are you crazy?"

"Dare to praise other men for being handsome in front of me, jingbao'er, do you owe me the fuck again?" Jingrong asked with gnashing teeth.

"At that time, rolchen was really handsome. The hero saved the beauty, tut tut..." Jingrong is a little jealous. Jingbao'er deliberately stabs him out of jest.

As soon as she spoke, the index finger of his right hand went into the secret garden under her skirt without hesitation

The sudden deep - into, let Jingbao er's heart, instantly mentioned the throat.

"What's the matter with you tonight?" This is Jing Rong's first time to do this to her in the living room of Jing's family. This man is always calm and self-supporting, and pays attention to propriety. Suddenly, Jing bao'er doesn't think it's just because he's jealous.

"Baby, when the time is ripe, I must let all the people in the world know that you are a beautiful woman. You will not hide our relationship and make you feel aggrieved any more..." Jingrong road.

"Fourth uncle, did grandfather say something to you just now? He's talking about how close we are again? Didn't he doubt us before? " Asked Jing bao'er.

"Well, I sent them off in a few words..." Jingrong road.

"Fourth uncle, have I caused you much trouble?" Asked Jing bao'er.

"How can you cause me any trouble? I love you too late." Jing Rong holds her cheek in both hands and suddenly becomes affectionate.

Such gentle and deep eyes, just like a net, are enough to trap Jing bao'er.

"Now, my grandfather is talking about our relationship again. I'm very worried...""You don't have to worry about these, jingbao'er. Remember, you are my woman. No matter how big the storm, I will always stand beside you, support your umbrella, put on your warm armor, and give you the most reassuring protection." He's a bully.

His words made Jingbao's eyes slightly red.

Growing up with song Limei, she suffered all kinds of grievances. No one ever told her that she was willing to hold an umbrella for her, put on warm armor for her, and give her the most reassuring protection.

She thought, in this life, to be loved by such a perfect male god, has spent all her luck.

"Fourth uncle I love you Jingbao'er said in a low voice.

"I love you, too." Jing Rong said that, and she firmly, upstairs.

Leaning in his arms and smelling the faint smell of peppermint and tobacco on him, jingbao'er felt at ease.

It seems that as long as she leans on him in this way, she will not be afraid even if the mountain collapses.

Back in his room, jingbao'er directly locked the door.

Then, the man directly pressed her on the door, playing with the door!

The two bodies are close to each other, so that they can clearly hear the breath of the nose, the heartbeat, and the shortness of breath!

The light hasn't been turned on in the room. Even if it's just the dim light from outside, jingbao'er can clearly see the strong possessiveness on his face

"Fourth uncle..." Jingbao'er called to him in a low voice. He stood on tiptoe and wrapped his hands around his neck like vines

"Baby, you are mine all my life..."

As soon as his voice fell, the hot lips covered her delicious lips.

Between the lips and teeth, the sweet and fragrant taste makes him confused!

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