Looking at Song Li Mei's face, Jing bao'er asked, "what's the matter?"

"The real work of Tang Bohu that your grandfather just started is gone. Now he is in a rage..." Song Limei said.

"What? The real work of Tang Bohu has disappeared? " Asked Jing bao'er.

"Well It's strange that the old man's paintings have been put in the study all the time. They just disappeared after dinner. " Song Limei said.

Jingbao'er frowns slightly

Intuition told her, this thing, there must be something strange

Why is there something strange?

First, from the moment the old man left his study to the end of the meal, no one else came into the house.

Second, since there are no other people in this family, it means that it must be one of our own.

Third, since it was stolen by her own people, apart from her, song Limei and Jing Aotian, there are only Duan qianrong and Leng leiran.

But there is no reason for them to steal paintings. First, they are not short of money. Second, they have no interest in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

If these two people have to steal the painting, there is only one possibility, that is, to frame her jingbao'er.

This authentic work of Tang Bohu is something that the old man cherishes very much. Moreover, it's very valuable

Once the old man finds out that Jing bao'er stole it, then By then, she will be driven out of the house!

Thinking of this, jingbao'er immediately jumped out of bed and began to search the room for the authentic Tang Bohu.

"What are you doing, baby?" Asked song Limei.

"I suspect that the authentic Tang Bohu is in my room. Mom and I will look for it together..." Jingbaoer road.

"What did you say? What do you mean Song Limei looks around according to what Jing Baoer says, and asks curiously.

"Just now, from dinner to now, no one else has been in our family. We are the only ones at home. You didn't steal this painting, I didn't steal it, and grandfather couldn't steal it."

"So apart from the three of us, isn't there only Duan qianrong and Leng leiran left? If they really stole the painting, they would never sell it for money. Instead, they would hide it in my room and frame me up... "

As Jing bao'er spoke, she rummaged through the closet looking for the painting

As soon as song Limei heard this, she immediately began to help

After turning the upper layer of the wardrobe over, jingbao'er opens the door on the lower layer of the wardrobe again

As soon as he opened the door, jingbao'er's face became cold

As expected, there is a picture in it

Jingbao'er quickly picked it up and opened it for a look

It's Tang Bohu's true work!

"Mom, keep the change. Here it is..." Jingbaoer road.

Song Li Mei immediately stepped forward, looked at the things in Jing bao'er's hands, and asked, "what are we going to do next? Duan Qian Rong and Leng you ran are two girls. They are too much!"

"Of course, treat him in his own way! If a man does not offend me, I will not offend him. If a man offends me, he will pay it back ten times! " Jingbao'er said coldly.

"Mom, please help me to see if Duan qianrong and Leng Youran are in the room." Jingbaoer road.

"No, just now, the old man called them all to the living room, because the calligraphy and painting were gone. The old man also suspected that they were stolen by his family I just came up to tell you to go down Song Limei said.

Jing bao'er nodded, then quickly held the calligraphy and painting and went directly to Duan qianrong's room door. After pushing the door open, she quickly walked in and put the painting in her hand directly into the lower layer of Duan qianrong's wardrobe.

Then she left the door and went back to her room.

In the room, as soon as song Li Mei saw Jing bao'er enter the door, she immediately stepped forward, held Jing bao'er's hand tightly, and asked, "is it finished?"

Jingbao'er nodded, "come on, let's go down."

"Good..." Song Limei nodded.

Then, jingbao'er and song Limei left their room and went downstairs.

After Jing bao'er, looking at her back, Song Li Mei's mouth rises slightly.

Her baby, she's really grown up.

Today's bao'er is not only graceful, but also extremely smart.

Most people can't think of anything, but Jing bao'er can easily think of it. She is really proud of having such a smart daughter!

"Grandfather, I tell you, before I saw Jing bao'er sneaking outside your study, do you think it was her?"

"That's it. Jingbao'er's personality is so bad. I think it must be her."

As soon as Jing bao'er and Song Li Mei got to the first floor, they heard the words of Duan Qian Rong and Leng you ran.

On hearing this, Jing bao'er was angry.

Think of these two people today to do these things, Jing Baoer this in the heart, feel disgusted.However, no matter how angry she was, Jing bao'er was still calm and relaxed. She took Song Li Mei and walked quickly to Jing Ao Tian's side. Then she folded her hands in front of her chest, lifted her chin lightly, and looked coldly at Duan qianrong and Leng leiran. She said, "your idea is, do you suspect that I stole the painting?"

"That painting has been in my grandfather's study before. My grandfather only left his study at dinner time, but now there are no other strangers in our family, which means that the thief must be a burglar!" Cold leisurely way.

"That's the thief. I can only think of you when I think about it. After all, you are a small oil bottle of the Jing family. From small to large, you are like a little beggar. It's not surprising that you steal something." Duan qianrong said again.

Looking at their faces, jingbao'er really wants to tear them up!

"Honey, if you steal my painting, I hope you can give it back to me. That painting is very important to me." King is proud of heaven.

"Grandfather, do you doubt me, too?" Asked Jing bao'er.

"After you look at my paintings, they disappear. Do you think I should not doubt you? What's more, leisurely is right. That painting was lost during dinner time. During that time, there was no outsider at home. " King is proud of heaven.

Jing Aotian's words, like a knife, are deeply inserted into Jing bao'er's heart. Once again, Jing bao'er deeply understands that he is an outsider in Jing's family from beginning to end, and he will never be respected and trusted

On the surface, Jing Aotian is so polite to her. However, once something happens, Jing Aotian is the first to doubt her, because, in fact, he looks down on her from the heart!

"Indeed, Leng Youran is right. This painting was lost when we had dinner. Since it was lost at that time, the thief must be our own family. We just need to search our own family's room to know..." Jingbaoer road.

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