"Then search everyone's rooms Whose room is this painting in? Then, who stole it. " Cold leisurely way.

"I think we should search Jing bao'er's room first. After all, she is the biggest suspect." Duan qianrong said again.

"Go upstairs..." Jing Ao gets up with a cold face. After a cool look at Jing bao'er, he quickly steps upstairs.

Duan qianrong and Leng Youran compare their middle fingers to Jing Baoer, then they follow Jing Aotian.

Jing bao'er and Song Li Mei's eyes were opposite for a second, and then they followed.

Just this little plot, just want to frame her Jingbao son?!

They are so naive!

Damn it, they don't know which corner to play with mud when they're in the society!

Fight her?!

It's a suicide attempt!

After Jing Aotian and his party went upstairs, they went straight to Jing bao'er's room.

As soon as Jing Aotian opens the door, Duan qianrong immediately makes a gesture and starts searching for the painting in Jing bao'er's room

After turning for a while, Leng leisurely directly opened the lower door of jingbao'er's wardrobe.

However -

after the door opens

Leng leisurely shocked!

Duan qianrong was also shocked!


What a plane!

Where's the painting?!

What about the painting?!!!

What the hell!

After looking at each other, the two continued to rummage in jingbao'er's room

However, let two people through jingbaoer's bedroom and bathroom, did not find that painting!

There was no way. They opened the window again and jumped onto the balcony, pretending to search for the painting. In fact, they wanted to say a few words secretly.

On the balcony, Leng leisurely said in a low voice, "cousin, what's the matter? Didn't you say that you put the painting in the lower layer of her wardrobe? Why not? "

"How do I know? Is it Jing bao'er who saw through our plot? " Duan clenched her teeth and clenched her hands tightly.

"How can it be? I don't believe her brain works so well!" Cold leisurely way.

"What else? Can that painting still fly away with wings? " Duan qianrong said.

At this time, Jing bao'er went to the bedside, looked at Duan qianrong and Leng Youran, then said to Jing Aotian, "grandfather, since I can't find my room, let's search their room. Maybe we can find anything."

On hearing Jing bao'er say this, Duan qianrong and Leng leiran have an ominous premonition in their hearts!

If Jing bao'er had seen through their plot, he would have treated them in his own way!

Looking at what Jing bao'er said now, they were sure that the painting must have been hidden in one of their rooms by Jing bao'er.

The feeling of uneasiness wandered out of their eyes.

Duan qianrong and Leng Youran immediately return to the room and go to Jing Aotian.

"Grandfather, you and I can't steal your painting! Not only are we not short of money, but we have no interest in the authentic works of Tang Bohu. " Duan qianrong said.

"steal, steal, you say, no, we have to see the evidence has the final say, Grandpa, fair enough, are you supposed to take us to search for their rooms?" Asked Jing bao'er.

"Grandfather, we can't be thieves!" Duan qianrong said again.

As soon as Duan qianrong and Leng Youran say these words, Jing Aotian immediately sees through everything. However, he just keeps silent.

"Since you can't be thieves, why do you look so nervous now? Are you guilty? " Asked Jing bao'er.

"What are you talking about! What is a thief's guilty heart! Even if we have that painting in our room, you must have stolen it, put it in and planted it against us! " Duan qianrong said.

"Let's go to qianrong's room first." Jing Aotian takes a deep look at Duan qianrong, Leng leiran and jingbao'er, then turns around and leaves jingbao'er's room and goes straight to Duan qianrong's door.

When they arrived at Duan qianrong's door, they followed Jing Aotian into the door.

As soon as she enters the door, Jing bao'er begins to learn from Duan qianrong and Leng Youran. In her room, she pretends to search for calligraphy and paintings. First, she looks around.

At this moment, Duan qianrong and Leng leiran are afraid. They are calm on the surface, but in fact, they are just like ants on the hot pot!

After pretending to search for a circle, Jing bao'er goes directly to Duan qianrong's wardrobe. First, she opens the upper layer of the wardrobe and looks for it casually. Then, she opens the door of the lower layer of the wardrobe!

As soon as the door was opened by Jing bao'er, the painting in front of him immediately appeared.The moment Jing bao'er takes out the painting, Jing Aotian's face turns black.

While standing on the left and right sides of jingaotian, Duan qianrong and Leng leisurely turn green.

Only song Limei, who knows everything, has been standing on the side like a bystander, keeping her dignity and composure.

Holding the painting, Jing bao'er goes directly to Jing Aotian, and then hands it to Jing Aotian. "Grandfather, you have found such a painting. Do you have a look at it? Is it your authentic work of Tang Bohu?"

Jing Ao Tian Jian frowns and looks at Jing bao'er. And then the calligraphy and painting

After confirming that it was Tang Bohu's real work, Jing Aotian carefully collected the calligraphy and paintings, then looked at Duan qianrong and yelled, "what's the matter! Give me a reasonable explanation! "

"Grandfather, it's really not me. I didn't steal it. You have to believe me!" Duan qianrong said.

"Since you didn't steal it, why did this painting appear in your closet? Duan qianrong, you are really good at shouting and catching thieves. " Jingbao'er sneered.

"What do you mean, jingbao'er? It must be you who stole my grandfather's painting and deliberately put it in my cousin's room to frame my cousin!" Cold leisurely way.

"Yes? If you want to know whether I framed Duan qianrong or whether Duan qianrong is really a thief, let's go to the police station and check her fingerprints. If Duan qianrong is a thief, besides me and my grandfather, there should be Duan qianrong's fingerprints on this painting! "

"Before, when my grandfather took this painting back, my cousin and I went to his study to see it, and we all came into contact with it. It's not surprising that there is a fingerprint on it, is it?" Cold leisurely guilty said, eyes also began to become flashing.

"I believe in your sophistry. If I don't agree with the wall, I will obey you! " Jingbaoer road.

"I believe that now the wise grandfather must have the answer in his heart. Who is the thief and who is wronged? His heart is like a mirror..." Jing bao'er deliberately puts a high hat on Jing Aotian.

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