She felt so nervous that she was almost out of breath.

Meng Yaodong said that there are not many reporters outside, but listening to the voice, she feels like there are many reporters.

"Don't be nervous, take a deep breath..." Meng Yaodong road.

Lan Lan immediately took a deep breath after hearing the speech

"Come on, let's go to the front desk..." With that, Meng Yaodong stood up and stretched out his hand to LAN LAN.

Seeing this, Lan Lan caresses her heart and holds Meng Yaodong's hand.

Then she took Meng Yaodong's arm tremblingly.

"Lan Lan Come on, don't be afraid. I'll always be with you, huh? " Meng Yaodong said again.

Lan Lan nods and takes a deep breath again.

After three deep breaths over and over again, Lan Lan felt her heart beat a little slower.

"All right?" Asked Meng Yaodong.

Lan Lan nodded.

Then, with great anxiety and nervousness, she followed Meng Yaodong's steps, pushed open the small backstage door, and went directly to the front desk, the smoky stage surrounded by flowers in the banquet hall

LAN LAN, with refined temperament and perfect appearance, is just like a fairy walking down the earth standing in the smoke.

As soon as LAN LAN appeared on the scene, she was amazed by the eyes of all the reporters present.

As soon as she stepped onto the stage, Lan Lan was immediately overwhelmed by the scene of the front desk

At this time, the stage is full of reporters

The huge banquet hall has been filled with reporters

It seems that there should be four or five hundred journalists.

From the perspective of LAN LAN, it's all human.

When she followed Meng Yaodong's steps and stood on the stage, the cameras in the reporters' hands were all aimed at them, and they had been taking pictures and taking pictures towards them.

The flashing magnesium lamp and the sound of the shutter almost drowned the entire banquet hall.

This is the first time that Lan Lan has seen such a picture.

In the past, she has seen the spokesperson's press conference of Meng's jewelry, but the reporters over the years are not as many as this year's!

In the past, there were at most two or three hundred journalists. This year, it seems that there are four or five hundred.

Only then did she know that Meng Yaodong had just told her that there were few reporters outside, but she was afraid that she would be too nervous and comforted her.

Following Meng Yaodong's steps, Lan Lan walked all the way to the front of the long speech table covered by white silk tablecloth under the camera of reporter no.4-500.

The layout of this table is very simple. There are only three black seated microphones on it, and three beautiful clusters of red roses

In front of the speech table, there was only one woman standing, an elegant woman in a long white dress with wavy black curly hair.

Lan Lan knows that she must be Liu Ruo.

See Liu if at this time is toward her friendly smile, she immediately smile.

LAN LAN and Meng Yaodong went to Liu Ruo and sat down directly.

After they sat down, Liu Ruo sat down immediately.

As soon as he sat down, Liu Ruo immediately held the microphone in front of him with one hand and said to the reporters, "first of all, I'd like to solemnly introduce to you. This one beside me is Meng Yaodong, the president of Mengshi Jewelry Group..."

As soon as Liu Ruo's voice fell, the audience immediately burst into thunderous applause.

Meng Yaodong then got up calmly, bowed to the audience and said, "Hello everyone, I'm Meng Yaodong, President of Meng's Jewelry Group Thank you very much for coming to the spokesperson's press conference of Mengshi Jewelry Group in your busy schedule.... "

When Meng Yaodong finished speaking, he immediately applauded

After smiling at the reporters, Meng Yaodong sat down.

"Next, I'd like to introduce Meng's jewelry group, the new spokesperson of this year. The oxygen beauty beside our president is Miss Lan Lan, the latest spokesperson selected by Meng's jewelry group this year."

After hearing the speech, Lan Lan immediately got up, then politely bowed to the reporter, pretended to be calm and smiling, and said, "Hello everyone, I'm Lan Lan, the new spokesman of Mengshi Jewelry Group."

As soon as Lan Lan's words came out, the audience immediately applauded.

At this time of LAN LAN, looking at calm and comfortable, smiling, actually already nervous about to stand, the palms of both hands, is constantly sweating.

After that, Lan Lan sat down with a smile on her face.

"Well, here's the reporter's question time..." Liu Ruo said again.

"Miss Lan Lan, you look as if you are not very old. You look like a high school student. Can you tell us your age? What's more, you look very familiar. Can you tell us something about your previous films and TV works? " A male reporter in the front row, holding a big microphone with a TV station logo, said to LAN LAN.Lan Lan immediately held the microphone in front of her with one hand, then turned on the microphone switch and said to the reporter, "I'm 19 years old. I'm a sophomore in senior high school. I'm not a star in the entertainment industry. I haven't been in any movies or TV series before."

Lan Lan's words caused an uproar.

An ordinary high school sophomore, a girl who has not participated in any film and television works, can actually get such an international endorsement as Meng's jewelry?!

Over the years, the female stars in the entertainment industry are scrambling for positions, and they will fall on an ordinary female high school student?!

This is really explosive news!

"Mr. Meng, as far as we know, over the years, the spokesperson of Mengshi group has always been a popular actress in the entertainment industry. This year, why do you choose an ordinary girl who has never participated in any film and television works and has no fame and popularity?" A female reporter holding the logo of a large website, also said.

"Because, this year, I don't want to go the ordinary way, and I want to use a spokesman who is not the same as before..." Meng Yaodong road.

"Well, Mr. Meng, how did you choose Miss Lan Lan? How did miss Lan Lan attract you? " Another reporter asked.

"I met Miss LAN LAN by chance. As for how she attracted me, you should be very clear, right? Just when Lan Lan came on stage, I clearly saw the amazing color of everyone's eyes You are all amazed by her appearance and temperament, aren't you? When I first saw Lan Lan, I felt the same as you Meng Yaodong said again.

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